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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
    I think if the guy own a copy of the pure build, he can do whatever he wants with it. It's not like it's one of Teams builds and is doing it to screw 'em. I honestly think he might be a collector that is pissed and just wants to release it early.

    So it's all up to him and I think it's fine that he releases it. Technically it's his choice..
    Unless someone pulled a Bioshock Infinite, there's like a zip-zero chance that someone else is actually sitting on a legit copy of that build those guys have used as their foundation. There are some very good reasons for that (we're not talking guesses or estimation here), as with quite a lot of other profiled prototypes and oddities, some people in the know how got a pretty good overview of who has what - when something physically changed hands and what's an offshoot/branch of what and such.

    While it's a "nice" thought that the surfacing of 1.5 material should somehow "lure out" other any unaccounted for people or collectors with new content, the chances of it being "some guy" who'd show up on a random and relatively small off-shoot forum, with exact knowledge of what to show, etc., is like ... quite slim ;p


    • Well we won't know until we either see the files, or don't hear back from him. I remain skeptical at best.

      But from what I know, many people out there have this build.
      My Head-Fi Page


      • Yeah it's highly unlikely someone would just appear with the same specific build and tease on forums. Again, if all of that had stayed confidential, it could have been good material to obtain more interesting things. But well, what happened happened...

        Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
        But from what I know, many people out there have this build.
        Now maybe, before, very unlikely.
        Last edited by Rick Hunter; 05-30-2013, 06:28 PM.


        • All we can do is wait. Wait and see if the fabled build surfaces.
          My Head-Fi Page


          • D. Birkin,

            What's a rough estimate of resources that would require later builds of the game not at your disposal? And do you know for certain that those builds would have what you're lookig for?
            "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


            • no reply.

              Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
              But from what I know, many people out there have this build.
              like carni say about legit builds...there is significant bit that you either just missing or not aware of when it come to this. because of certain circumstances, some may have this build. but i can assure you that, our team aside, none of those actually have the disc which it came from, and they have in no way taken part in what was the actual acquisition of said disc. and that is what make much difference in situations like this.


              • The only leaking that is going on is people and their BS. IGAS is the ONLY true team who is actually getting to down and dirty work while everyone else is taking shotcuts with their patches and failed attempts to bring this masterpiece to its glory. A wise man adressed these individuals as "cunts". Here is some word of advice to those people "Silence is golden, Duct tape is silver".


                • Hey Zork,

                  I may not know the details nor fully understand them all, but I get what you mean. I know no one has the original disc, but I know of a few people who may have it in ISO form. Who they are, how I know, well it's not for me to say. I just know it's in many more hands than people know. Whether or not they purchased the build or got it via a leak, is unknown to me. Outside of IGAS and the one who helped acquire the build, no one else has a physical disc.

                  You guys hold the original disc, which is something to be proud of. To have the absolute original is something even I have dreamed of.

                  As for the cunt bit, yes this community is full of them. But not a majority of the community is them. And I don't like how you mentioned the patches bit. I think Martin is doing something cool and adding some replayability to the build. Sure it's altering the initial IGAS build, but I say, why not? Let him do what he wants and don't bash him.
                  Last edited by Zombie_X; 05-30-2013, 07:31 PM.
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • From one situation to another, there's never a dull moment here, that's for sure.

                    I doubt the person will leak it, they'll probably tease it a little bit then disappear.

                    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                    This is a cunt community. Full of cunts. Lying cunts. Stupid cunts. Thieving cunts. Ungrateful cunts. Jealous cunts. Talentless cunts.

                    No community is complete without a group of cunts that do what they do to ruin the fun!

                    It's who you've described in your post, who have scared off those with builds in the past.


                    • It's really a shame that people in the community end up fucking us over, but it's only because of greed and the need for instant gratification. All this "now! now! now!" stuff that people with the build end up saying "fuck ya'll".
                      My Head-Fi Page


                      • People feel that they're entitled to it, they deserve it and will have it, like a spoilt brat. Then complain, cry and blame everybody else when the build disappears.


                        • you all are so pissed off while d.birkin smiles.

                          don't just gloss over that.


                          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            This is a cunt community. Full of cunts. Lying cunts. Stupid cunts. Thieving cunts. Ungrateful cunts. Jealous cunts. Talentless cunts.

                            I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say exactly. Maybe something less subtle will be more obvious to everyone. ;)

                            TBH the way I used to deal with this shit a decade or more ago was simply just to tell people to ignore the people who want to constantly famous over something like this, and in all but one case that worked fine. The one time it didn't was one specific webmaster who never shut up. But it takes a lot of power away.

                            Simple thing is even with people making these statement or trying to make use of something they own but didn't make is once the team here just releases what they do it takes a lot of that power away. Whatever looks and plays best is the one the general masses will see the most and no one but the hardcore fan base will care much about anything else.


                            • How in the world does leaking a massively incomplete and almost junk build slow the release of a more complete and playable build? That makes absolutely no sense at all. Thats like saying i took a pee in the toilet and my shit was constipated because of it.

                              You people technically all sound like you became feral. Bashing anyone who says they will leak 1.5.
                              Just remember that before IGAS showed up, you guys were all DYING to have 1.5 leak. Now that IGAS is here, you think they are the god and thunder of 1.5 and nobody else can have it.

                              Go to betaarchive and say this crock of shit, see how much You get bashed.
                              Last edited by ccrogers15; 05-30-2013, 09:53 PM.


                              • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                                How in the world does leaking a massively incomplete and almost junk build slow the release of a more complete and playable build? That makes absolutely no sense at all.

                                Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                                let me say something about missing pieces and filling of gaps. if no one knew what we had and everyone one potential source side knew all resources gathered would be presented in one, with certain things wants and wishes being respected, there is little less fear of being able to follow something to source in situation like this when anonymity is requested. with people sharing knowledge of what we have, without thing having been cleared first with clients and others, then there is problem of knowing which pieces is gone, in need of filling and also knowing who few could fill them for someone. suddenly you have eyes over your shoulder.

                                could have been better if people did not start leak of project info and resources.
                                It might slow the release because they may end up with less content to work with and consequently have to spend more time making up for the loss caused by impatient and fame hungry people. And ultimately that effects the quality of the game and the overal 1.5 content we could have been experiencing, something which has happened once already.
                                Last edited by Guest; 05-30-2013, 10:04 PM.

