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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Okay, so I was just playing as Elza and went into the interrogation room...

    Last edited by Guest; 06-04-2013, 08:52 PM.


    • Are we there yet?

      (sorry for abandoning the thread )
      Hail the heros of the revolution!


      • Originally posted by geluda View Post
        Okay, so I was just playing as Elza and went into the interrogation room...

        I'm willing to bet its translated.


        • Dark Biohazard said it's a fan made script. The room was not even on the build, nor was Roy's dialog.
          My Head-Fi Page


          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
            Dark Biohazard said it's a fan made script. The room was not even on the build, nor was Roy's dialog.
            wow! you sure proved me wrong. Still, its easy to believe roy being the 1.5 marvin-esque guy whose fate was sealed, would have very similiar dialog.


            • Speaking of Roy, could anyone with the skill (SonicBlue, perhaps) cook up an RE2-compatible model of Roy without his glasses and armor vest? PLD preferred, but I'd settle for an EMD+TIM at this point. Sort of a generic RPD SWAT officer but in the short-sleeve uniform of RE15 and the two Outbreak games, as opposed to Leon's long sleeve outfit. You could probably use the skin from Leon's model to patch "Roy's" chest after you remove the armor. Thanks.
              Last edited by RMandel; 06-05-2013, 03:52 AM.


              • This guys wearing uniform jill is a female uniform of the Rpd, you could create a female version of zombie COP using this uniform is coloring his image with the same color of zombie COP of resident evil 1.5,

                instead of taking the female model of zombie COP in resident evil 3 that is not suitable for the atmosphere 1.5

                I'm also a fan of old-school resident evil.

                Elza Walker style Remake

                Here is a gift from the whole community of resident evil
                Last edited by blackpower; 06-05-2013, 05:55 AM.


                • Originally posted by blackpower View Post
                  This guys wearing uniform jill is a female uniform of the Rpd, you could create a female version of zombie COP using this uniform is coloring his image with the same color of zombie COP of resident evil 1.5,

                  instead of taking the female model of zombie COP in resident evil 3 that is not suitable for the atmosphere 1.5
                  Okay, that's indeed a really good idea.
                  Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                  • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                    Are we there yet?
                    We've been taking an extended pit stop it seems. Hopefully D.Birkin and B.Zork are still racing along though.


                    • ... and since YouTube recently removed my fifteen-minute video length limiter, here's something to help us get back on track. It's all of my Stage 1 "walkthrough" videos - aka the RPD - of Leon's game in one, big, fat, hour-and-twenty-minute video. Perfect for capturing to your hard drive with your favorite YouTube recording software.

                      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                      Remember, this is based off my old "walkthrough" and doesn't necessarily represent what the Team will be doing in their next build. I also left off all the commentaries at the end of each separate part that explained some of the things you saw, how I did it, why I did what I did, etc. Just the straight (and reconstructed) gameplay video from the first cutscene up on the helipad all the way to the departure for the Sewers. It's meant as something to help new folks wrap their heads around how Leon's game might have played in the RPD -- as well as being a handy video reference for the rest of us off of which we bounce our ideas, see what I got right/wrong IYHO, etc. Enjoy!

                      ERRATA - I accidentally left out the clip that shows you how Leon gets into the 2F Archive Hallway. You can see it at the link below, running for about the first two minutes after the main titles do their thing.

                      Last edited by RMandel; 06-05-2013, 02:15 PM.


                      • Originally posted by blackpower View Post
                        This guys wearing uniform jill is a female uniform of the Rpd, you could create a female version of zombie COP using this uniform is coloring his image with the same color of zombie COP of resident evil 1.5,

                        instead of taking the female model of zombie COP in resident evil 3 that is not suitable for the atmosphere 1.5

                        I'm also a fan of old-school resident evil.

                        Elza Walker style Remake

                        Here is a gift from the whole community of resident evil
                        Hard to believe that this is the required uniform for the female Japanese police officer. We don't have that here in the states. I wonder why that is?


                        • ^ It's called dignity on behalf of women hehe - They should at least have the choice to wear either or.
                          Although I couldn't see people being able to chase suspects in a skirt and flats.. lol
                          "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                          • That uniform looks more like a meter-maid than a police uniform.


                            • But still looks good!!! God bless the depravity!!!
                              Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


                              • What I was getting at is that it's based in the Mid-Western United States however I never seen any female officer with a skirt.

