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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I love this fantastic hate going on.
    "Fuck IGAS, breaking the law!
    "Praise them leakers for breakin' the law for us, FUCK YEAAAAAAAAAAH!"

    Anyway, I guess the haters of this project must also hate documentary productions and such where they for the first time reveal new stuff and such too, for not having put up their findings for the public the moment they were discovered. Or is that different 'cause it's edutainment? (Even though the very nature of wanting to get 1.5 is to scratch some sort of itch)

    (In case anyone's wondering what the two sides of the coin is when it comes to such things as documentaries; One side is money, of course, and the other is ... exposure. Make a "big" reveal and actually achieve something in terms of reaching a wider audience, rather than just stimulate a tiny group of ... well, seemingly entitled people.)
    Last edited by Carnivol; 06-06-2013, 08:52 AM. Reason: All about the composition.


    • Originally posted by Treeman View Post
      or he couldve made a copy so if the re1.5 disc gets damaged, it wouldn't be impossible for him to replace and he is chosing to sell the copy. I guess expecting u to come to that conclusion wasn't gonna happen since all u do is talk crap, like you were against 123 before. You know whats funny, I monitor both sites for 1.5 info and the "drama" that was going on there was caused by (surprise surprise) Newsbot cause he refused to acknowledge that IGAS does not legally own 1.5 and what they are doing is technically illegal. He was even quoted LAWS and instead of admitting that he was full of shit, he continued causing drama (even admitting that he was doing it to amuse himself.) So please, shut your mouth, nothing of use is coming out of it.

      And no, I don't believe for a second that the english dvdr auction was legit, but your reasoning for it being fake is just stupid, incredibly stupid.
      *Yawn* Don't you have something better to do? Like putting on your RE 1.5 robes and holding your Elza deity statue, sticking needles in a Claire voodoo doll, while sacrificing RE 2 Retail discs on your RE 1.5 altar while the RE 1.5 song "Sound of Prototype" plays in the background, in holy anticipation for a Vanilla Build leak? Sing a few more 1.5 hymns ...

      Ommm, ommm, ommm, more glitches and unstable crash bugs, more broken features, placeholder icons, missing rooms, no check or file options, leon placeholders for chief irons and others, ommm, ommm, ommm.

      Originally posted by Treeman View Post
      It's amazing, everyone wanted 1.5, but now that we are (supposedly) getting a fan hack that actually removes 1.5 assests and you ALL forget that you cared about CAPCOM's 1.5, you know the REAL 1.5 with all the glitches and jumping rooms and crashes. Capcom's 1.5 is the only TRUE 1.5 and none of you care that we don't have that while a minimum of 2 members in these forums have it and HAVE NOT released it. Back in the day they would have been yelled at for not sharing, yet Colvin, who is single-handly responsible for IGAS releasing their early hack, is hated for giving us what IGAS shouldve given us nearly a year ago, 1.5 (although still hacked, not the original.) Seriously, why the hell hasn't IGAS released the vanilla build yet? It doesn't make sense (and no its not about pissing off the people who sold it to them, it feels more like a power trip on their end, or just making sure we don't see things in there that they don't want us to see.) You guys are so caught up in kissing ass to IGAS that you have forgotten what you once were, 1.5 fans.
      * In the voice of Preacher Witting from Bioshock Infinite: "If the great 1.5 prophet Colvin, had only simply attained MZD for us from the IGAS heretics, it would have been enough! If the great 1.5 prophet DXP had only simply called out the IGAS heretics for their Claire references and Kamiya dolls, it would have been enough! If the 1.5 chosen one ReonZCannada had only released Vanilla 1.5 to us, RE 1.5's holy chosen people, it-would-have-been-enouuuggghhh!!!"


      • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
        Ommm, ommm, ommm, more glitches and unstable crash bugs, more broken features, placeholder icons, missing rooms, no check or file options, leon placeholders for chief irons and others, ommm, ommm, ommm.
        For some reason I thought of Unicron with the voice of Orson Welles when I read that...


        • ^those 3 posts contain the most nothing i have read in a long time. wow.

          @B.Zork: thanks for explaining my question about the amount of zombies in a room. i really appreciate the time it took to write the response.


          • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
            @B.Zork: thanks for explaining my question about the amount of zombies in a room. i really appreciate the time it took to write the response.
            I'm losing something??? I don't remember any response of Bzork about that.
            Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


            • Originally posted by Treeman View Post
              or he couldve made a copy so if the re1.5 disc gets damaged, it wouldn't be impossible for him to replace and he is chosing to sell the copy. I guess expecting u to come to that conclusion wasn't gonna happen since all u do is talk crap
              Maybe, or it could always just be the MZD build since, you know, the in game text is in English and not Japanese.
              Last edited by Guest; 06-06-2013, 10:13 AM.


              • storm is coming....
                ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                • Originally posted by Marvin View Post

                  storm is coming....
                  That's a whole lot of 1.5 waitin' to happen!


                  • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                    That's a whole lot of 1.5 waitin' to happen!
                    I like that ebay has quantity option.

                    And in summertime a lot of people take vacation:

                    ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                    • Originally posted by Treeman View Post
                      You know whats funny, I monitor both sites for 1.5 info and the "drama" that was going on there was caused by (surprise surprise) Newsbot cause he refused to acknowledge that IGAS does not legally own 1.5 and what they are doing is technically illegal. He was even quoted LAWS and instead of admitting that he was full of shit, he continued causing drama (even admitting that he was doing it to amuse himself.)
                      You can't "monitor" for shit. I never once said IGAS legally owned 1.5. In reality, which you seem to be divorced from, I was the first person to state quite the opposite. Reading comprehension seems to be running thin these days.
                      Last edited by News Bot; 06-06-2013, 10:56 AM.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                        I like that ebay has quantity option.

                        And in summertime a lot of people take vacation:



                        • Originally posted by Marvin View Post

                          storm is coming....
                          brb posting 'Warehouse Full of pressed Bio 1.5 discs for sale" on Ebay
                          Last edited by Guest; 06-06-2013, 11:37 AM.


                          • Originally posted by curse420 View Post
                            brb posting 'Warehouse Full of pressed Bio 1.5 discs for sale" on Ebay
                            I'll take 1.5 million!


                            • After seeing that there are many auctions on ebay lately,i guess its better if Team IGAS dont´t realease any demo cuz this will make a complete chaos out there and problably capcom will find out and try to stop this restoration effort, for me its better if the the demo its played and recorded as video to let us see the progress thay made, i know that many will disagree with me but its better to play safe about this projects, there was a chrono trigger remake that was cancelled cuz its got a lot of attention.


                              • I'm inclined to agree with you, though I'm in no rush to play anything.

