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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • People should calm down and take the banter ;)

    Like many, I haven't been able to check out the thread for a few days, but as always, another argument is in full swing. Although some of the images are brilliant.

    Not necessarily aimed at anybody, but if you don't like the Team or 1.5, don't view the thread, simple logic really.


    • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
      I picture this thread as a group of people trapped in somekind of hotel lobby. we can leave the place but we always get back here. its like somekind horrifying trap. we wait for solution. and during that wait of something to happen, that group of people joke... and just pass time. social habbits. social roles. always some one to get nose punch. elders who keep us controlled. the psychological trick here works as "shit someone post it something this thread. maybe new info. gotta check it out. naaah, its nothing. ouh I comment this instead... " over million views speak themselves.
      Totally agree. But I think this thread and all the things surrounding RE 1.5 (drama apart) brings back to us something lost. I'm talking about the inner child. When I played RE 2 in 1998 for first time, with just ten years old, was an unforgotten experience. When I heard about RE3, I was always reading videogames magazines for see more of that game. Now I feel like that child. It's something beatiful...
      Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


      • Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
        When I played RE 2 in 1998 for first time, with just ten years old, was an unforgotten experience.
        I remember being 17, waiting in line at the local mall, in January 1998 for my copy of RE 2 the very day it was released. I played the game to death.

        I also remember importing Biohazard 3 when it first came out in Japan, and amazed my brother's friends who came to visit, "RE 3?! That doesn't come out for a few months! How did you...?"


        • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
          I remember being 17, waiting in line at the local mall, in January 1998 for my copy of RE 2 the very day it was released. I played the game to death.

          I also remember importing Biohazard 3 when it first came out in Japan, and amazed my brother's friends who came to visit, "RE 3?! That doesn't come out for a few months! How did you...?"
          I remember being in my dads work van when I was around 12 or 13 and he bought me a video game magazine and it had screenshots of 1.5 And for some reason I just couldn't stop looking at the screenshots lol it also showed a preview of x-men vs street fighter , miss those kinda days.
          1.5 does make me think back to when I was a kid. no worries just fun times.
          Last edited by chrisliam2; 06-07-2013, 07:55 PM.


          • Originally posted by RMandel View Post
            My apologies for intruding, but I thought the rest of you might like to know that I finished my Leon's game "walkthrough" videos of the RE15 Sewers today. The last one is in the process of uploading as I type this, but it will be available for viewing later today. You can jump to all four videos by using either one of these THIA forum links:

            Pardon the interruption. And now ... back to the drama ....
            Finally something productive. Cheers for this. Nice use of the Drains model that biohazard_star and I made, by the way.


            • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
              stupid big picture with my avatar on it
              the hell? i don't even care about any build but the teams final. i haven't even touched the released version. i want a game that i can actually play, not some glitchey waste of time that even the creators threw in the garbage.

              GO TEAM GO!


              • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                the hell? i don't even care about any build but the teams final. i haven't even touched the released version. i want a game that i can actually play, not some glitchey waste of time that even the creators threw in the garbage.

                GO TEAM GO!
                Sorry, I thought you were one of DXP's purist posse. XD


                • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                  the hell? i don't even care about any build but the teams final. i haven't even touched the released version. i want a game that i can actually play, not some glitchey waste of time that even the creators threw in the garbage.

                  GO TEAM GO!
                  this dude is goin to the 1.5 heaven.


                  • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                    the hell? i don't even care about any build but the teams final. i haven't even touched the released version. i want a game that i can actually play, not some glitchey waste of time that even the creators threw in the garbage.

                    GO TEAM GO!
                    I feel the same way. And am a little shocked that people care so much about the vanilla build. It's glitchy and even more incomplete than the first IGAS release. I just don't see the appeal, at all.


                    • 1.5 heaven..... i wonder do they have there all the builds? I think in 1.5 heaven you can checkout any build version from code repository so that you can see all the different builds ever made! 1.5 heaven has CGI movies...
                      Last edited by Marvin; 06-07-2013, 11:47 PM.
                      ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                      • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                        1.5 heaven..... i wonder do they have there all the builds? I think in 1.5 heaven you can checkout any build version from code repository so that you can see all the different builds ever made! 1.5 heaven has CGI movies...
                        all you want, 100% 1.5 with CGs, "you sexy thing" playing around, and have a pizza with IGAS dudez.


                        • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                          I feel the same way. And am a little shocked that people care so much about the vanilla build. It's glitchy and even more incomplete than the first IGAS release. I just don't see the appeal, at all.
                          Indeed. And not only that, but they are convinced of a crazed conspiracy theory that when the vanilla build is released, it will somehow out I.G.A.S. as liars and deceivers, that the vanilla build was really more stable and had more stuff in it than I.G.A.S. was letting on. But conspiracy loons gonna conspiracy I guess.

                          Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                          1.5 heaven..... i wonder do they have there all the builds? I think in 1.5 heaven you can checkout any build version from code repository so that you can see all the different builds ever made! 1.5 heaven has CGI movies...
                          Probably has a 1990s Playstation and big screen TV in a golden palace room with each and every build of 1.5 in private hands all lined up in a row ready to play, and even lost builds like the Famitsu build, Jacket Leon, Alpha Build, 80%, Etc, all likewise lined up in a row ready to play, with their build dates and descriptions written out. With the 1.5 Soundtrack being trumpeted in the room by naked Elza angels 24/7.
                          Last edited by Eteponge; 06-08-2013, 02:21 AM.


                          • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                            Finally something productive. Cheers for this. Nice use of the Drains model that biohazard_star and I made, by the way.
                            You're welcome. All I did was take what you and bio had done, tweaked it a bit, then tried to visualize it with video. You guys deserve the credit for figuring it out in the first place.

                            Ahhhh ... the Sacred Church of the Immaculate Conception of The Most Holy and Pure Vanilla Build of Resident Evil 1.5. Now THAT's a religion. It even has patron saints - the Holy Naked Reverend Mother Mary Elza Angelica Walker and the Most High Cardinal Leon Sarducci Kennedy Bitman. Sounds like it has lots of bishoprics (old English term there for a bishop's diocese, deliberate joke) for its congregation, too. *sigh*
                            Last edited by RMandel; 06-08-2013, 03:35 AM.


                            • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post

                              Here's a little bit more information on the format (it's the same as retail Bio2):

                              Each TIM is 0x21A0 bytes; immediately following are the headerless 40x30 icons (0x4B0 bytes).

                              The *.itp archive is sector-allocated, so, the each TIM/icon begins at each 0x3000byte interval. For example, the first starts at 0x00, the next at 0x3000, and so on.

                              Also, I should mention that the 40x30 icons use a very specific CLUT which cannot be modified (through normal means).

                              ...and yeah, they're pretty fugly - lot's of placeholders and MS Paint work.

                              The PIX's in ITPS.ITP are 80x30 not 40x30 like MIXITEM.PIX & ITEMALL.PIX confirmed with no$psx vram viewer


                              • @Enigma, I saw your PM. Will get back to you tonight or something. Same with ... uhm, whoever else it was that PM'd me about moderator stuff.

                                Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                                I feel the same way. And am a little shocked that people care so much about the vanilla build. It's glitchy and even more incomplete than the first IGAS release. I just don't see the appeal, at all.
                                From doing a bit of reading up on things on other forums and such this morning, I'm quite ... surprised. I hate saying this, as it could stirr up some sort of hate fest, but I really do get the feeling that there's some sort of mixture of the following involved (excluding the usual "entitled" thing and the whole ZOMG PRESERVE!!! thing, where people for some reason fear that these guys possibly wont release the vanilla build "when it's time");

                                A) A misconception that this "vanilla" build is some sort of pure hacking heaven that'll hold the secrets to the universe, Vatican and all of life combined ... with, of course, the tiny bonus that it'll somehow enable others to make 1337 1.5 h4xx by just running 1point5me.exe on other assets. 40% is probably just a mistake, should've said 42%. Can safely assume that it wont be "all that". Will probably be more like the BH1 Trial Edition, but infinitely less playable and enjoyable. The BH2 prototype we've had for ages is quite curious, though, as it for some reason holds uncompiled assets for quite a lot of stuff + for some reason has had its protection system deactivated (probably by the HK bootleg manufacturer that put it into circulation, as that's pretty common for older bootlegs.)

                                B) A strange form for envy. People claimed the first leaked pics were fake (when they shortly after turned out not to be), people were pissed at the CG quality of the recreation rooms that leaked (when they still were amongst the finest/most authentic custom renders the community has seen to date, both in terms of style and rendering method), people who don't know jack about programming or reverse engineering suddenly became rocket scientists on the subject (making amazing claims/accusations as for why some things were the way they were), heck, here's a funny one; "people" (names in this very thread) claimed certain "things" in some of the recent stuff they've shown to be IGAS "raping" 1.5, when ... hilariously enough, can't speak for all of it, but some of those things are about as legit as they come. A lot of people seem to rely exclusively on what they visually know from either ancient media or the older footage of the same build, rather than entertaining the idea that someone might actually know more than them about the game and its content at this point. THIA even opened up the vault for them, when Robert asked.

                                I just don't understand where this childish and seemingly one-way hate comes from, especially considering how they've clearly got their own little projects and what not that I don't quite see Birkin or anything actively hate upon in public. Weren't they approached for the restoration effort (or were, but rejected?) - or maybe this type of behavior is why they weren't approached? Heck, have they even contacted anyone from the restoration project or spoken with any of them? I get the feeling that a lot of people's hating quite blindly here, for the sake of hating/drama
                                Last edited by Carnivol; 06-08-2013, 04:03 AM.

