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  • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
    I know it's copyright infringement and all...
    But given that the PSMuseum owner got 5 years hanging out with the disc and CAPCOM never did anything (at least publicly) to him. Or even did anything publicly on the facebook page of the guys who were posting pictures.

    It's really hard to believe CAPCOM would even do anything now.
    Besides, let's not forget the main point:

    3 weeks is not enough for giving up hopes.
    Yeah, but Curator didn't released his build (is not clear if he really owns it) , nor announce to release it to the public, it's very different form what this team is trying to do, a part from trolling with Brazilian random text.

    From what I read in the thread in Assembler, is that bad that talking about the N64 devkit along with RE0 beta code "inside" is considered taboo.

    Three weeks are not much, but counting the previous pictures they did not shown much, imho. Don't want to drag people hopes down, but from what we have seen so far, did you think that they are really going to release it or just trolling the community? Who knows if the pictures were not released by the same guy who did the goromacida bad joke?

    Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
    Secret projet? I guess that's why they included footage in biohazard director's cut dual shock. What a big secret.

    Thinking Capcom would engage in some legal actions against people who'd release the prototype of a 15 years old unreleased game they never cared about is pretty naive.
    I was talking about the team that is supposed to be working on the BioHazard 1.5 build, anyway, you are supposed to "hack" the game and watch inside the files, or they just uses their own algorithms to protect their works even from industrial espionage. Is not only in films, this stuff happens every day.

    Capcom, along with other game developers (see Nintendo) don't want that reserved materials leaks to the public, if they didn't really care, why the beta build was never released?


    • If this does get released, I can't wait to see how underwhelming it'll be.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
        Yeah, but Curator didn't released his build (is not clear if he really owns it) , nor announce to release it to the public, it's very different form what this team is trying to do, a part from trolling with Brazilian random text.

        From what I read in the thread in Assembler, is that bad that talking about the N64 devkit along with RE0 beta code "inside" is considered taboo.

        Three weeks are not much, but counting the previous pictures they did not shown much, imho. Don't want to drag people hopes down, but from what we have seen so far, did you think that they are really going to release it or just trolling the community? Who knows if the pictures were not released by the same guy who did the goromacida bad joke?
        Man, if a guy was asked his copy back just for releasing footage, do you really think that Curator with all the footage he released is a threat to CAPCOM? He never got anything from CAPCOM.

        CAPCOM does not care, they will not stop us if the release is announced.
        Better saying, they already announced they will release a hacked and the original version.
        And yeah, the pictures are much for us, because we will play it, no matter if it is a part of the game we already saw 1 thousand times.

        And yes, I believe they will release, because I don't believe they are hacking stuff for themselves.
        Last edited by Guest; 08-23-2012, 02:15 PM.


        • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
          Better saying, they already announced they will release a hacked and the original version.
          Hail the heros of the revolution!


          • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
            This topic?
            I'm gonna search, and say the page soon.


            God! I swear I've seen someone talking that he would release the original.
            Well, I must have got confused about this page:

            But one thing is right, the guy did announce he was going to release a hacked version.
            Last edited by Guest; 08-23-2012, 03:27 PM.


            • The person who released the first set of pictures was an associate of someone who is involved in the project, he never said that he was going to do anything him self. What he said was that he knows somebody who is working on the project and that a release date has been set. I can't remember if any conversations were logged over the second set of pictures but from what I remember in regards to the first set this is the only release information we got.

              Ketsui would better answer these questions.
              Last edited by Guest; 08-23-2012, 03:39 PM.


              • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                Ketsui would better answer these questions.
                You've explained well
                About the game:
                IMHO they will be released both versions, hacked and clean dump since it doesn't make sense releasing only the hacked one.
                Last edited by Ketsui; 08-23-2012, 04:38 PM.


                • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
                  if they didn't really care, why the beta build was never released?
                  That's not a clever question so I'm not going to reply that. You'd be right though it the team was some kind of company who would want to sell it and try to make a profit out of a game that still belongs to Capcom. It would be clearly illegal and Capcom would most certainly take some sort of legal action against them.

                  But from an anonymous team/individuals? Please. And if those guys really gave the slightest crap about that they would just have to google it or read these forums to know who's who and what the deals are. People should really stop with the whole "Capcom will be mad and engage some legal action". I said it multiple times, and I will say it again and again to people who have some troubles understanding basic things: Capcom does not fucking care one bit, especially if it comes from canned games they never even tried to make a profit from. Especially now that we're 15 years later.

                  And even if they really wanted to sue someone or something like that. Would it really prevent something that already leaked more than a decade ago to spread more? No. Would a leak hurt their business? No. A pointless lawsuit would, though. They couldn't care less as long as it's not a recent, and released game.
                  Last edited by Rick Hunter; 08-23-2012, 04:56 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Ketsui View Post
                    You've explained well
                    About the game:
                    IMHO they will be released both versions, hacked and clean dump since it doesn't make sense releasing only the hacked one.
                    Do you know the guy who spoke of the project? Can't you ask him how it's going?


                    • Originally posted by MrSoft View Post
                      Do you know the guy who spoke of the project? Can't you ask him how it's going?
                      We don't know, which is good IMO. No one can #$@#$ it up.


                      • It's been repeated a million times, but people still just do not listen. These guys want anonymity. They do not want to get hounded by constant questions, either directly from the community, or through someone speaking on their behalf. If there is truth to the release date, it's just a waiting game, unfortunately.
                        Last edited by doriantoki; 08-23-2012, 05:28 PM.


                        • I'm pretty sure I seen that someone on here knew who the guy was and that he wouldnt give up his name, which is a good thing. Just as it has been a while with no news at all, a quick question as to how it is going from that one person Im sure wouldnt hurt.


                          • That would mean they're receptive to questions. Which then would open the floodgates to other users pestering the in-between for more answers. Call an ass if you want, but I've seen how this community operates. I would like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but just take a look at what happened in this thread for a little while not too long ago.


                            • Originally posted by MrSoft View Post
                              I'm pretty sure I seen that someone on here knew who the guy was and that he wouldnt give up his name, which is a good thing. Just as it has been a while with no news at all, a quick question as to how it is going from that one person Im sure wouldnt hurt.
                              Waiting for a few months wouldn't hurt either. It's actually only been two and a half months since we first heard about this and only a month and two weeks since we last heard something. That's really not a lot of time. If you know even the slightest bit about hacking you'd know that not much happens over that sort of time frame. This is by all means a long term project, unfortunately faith and a lot of patience is required on our part, that's just the way it is.
                              Last edited by Guest; 08-23-2012, 07:03 PM.


                              • Your making an awful lot of assumptions in your post for the little that we actually do know geluda. This entire thing could be a farce, and I would rather know now if it is, rather than waiting 6 months to a year down the line to find it out. If there was a piece of solid proof, for example the group confirming that this was actually happening rather than some story of a guy that knows a guy, that would be enough for me and I would happily wait.

