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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by blackpower View Post
    It is possible to introduce the "emergency dodging" which allows the player to avoid enemy attacks is 180 degrees rotation on resident evil 1.5?
    I can't tell if you're talking about the RE3 dodge feature or if you're asking about quick turn? If you're asking about the quick turn (180 degree turn via Down + Run) then yes, Birkin mentioned that he will add it to a control type setup. If you're asking about the RE3 dodge mechanic then no, it is highly unlikely to appear.
    "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


    • Hey D.Birkin, any chance we could see some new examples of background art? You seem to be very busy and making a lot of progress fixing the games bugs and system features, it would be interesting to see what the artists are up to and how that side of things is developing as well!


      • Originally posted by geluda View Post
        Have you ever tried contacting him on Twitter or something? I'm sure one day you'll get the opportunity to interview him, like you said a lot of actors and directors get out to conventions, have public panels and are generally open to the idea of allowing the public to ask them questions.
        I believe he isn't on twitter sadly. He had '@OfficialRomero' account but it was only used in promo for his last film from what I saw. Last time I did get in contact he had an official website but that too is also long gone.


        • Me neither. We want it to be a horror game not another crappy action sequel


          • There are people in this world who actually thought RE5 was a good game.

            There are people in this world who are also severely mentally retarded. (in some cases, brain damage)

            Coincidence? I think not.
            Last edited by MioAmakurasButt; 06-10-2013, 12:27 AM.
            "This isn't a joke, you idiot! I was just attacked by a big-ass lizard!" - Rei Kurosawa from Haunting Ground for the Xbox 360, released in 1998. sigpic


            • Originally posted by BrionIrons View Post
              Me neither. We want it to be a horror game not another crappy action sequel
              Revelations is prolly the closest thing we will get....


              • If Capcom makes another action RE remember this: At least it's not Silent Hill with Book Of Memories being a goddamn DUNGEON CRAWLER
                "This isn't a joke, you idiot! I was just attacked by a big-ass lizard!" - Rei Kurosawa from Haunting Ground for the Xbox 360, released in 1998. sigpic


                • Originally posted by MioAmakurasButt View Post
                  If Capcom makes another action RE remember this: At least it's not Silent Hill with Book Of Memories being a goddamn DUNGEON CRAWLER
                  HAHA!!! That game is legit comedy gold!


                  • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
                    HAHA!!! That game is legit comedy gold!
                    I bet you never actually played it. You probably only hate it because it's cool too, you trendy bish. IF YOU ACTUALLY PLAYED IT, YOU'D GET SO FURIOUS AT YOUR VITA THAT YOU'D WANNA THROW IT ACROSS THE ROOM.
                    "This isn't a joke, you idiot! I was just attacked by a big-ass lizard!" - Rei Kurosawa from Haunting Ground for the Xbox 360, released in 1998. sigpic


                    • In resident evil 2 (after playing re3) i missed a lot of that quick 180 degree turn. So yes, it should be. Even silent hill 1 has it. if some think of that being too much action; then what to you really want? survival game should be action to some sense. you dont have to move 180 degree. in fact you can just stay there and wait til zombies eat you alive. I do, however, hate the magical super dodge possibility in re3. but 180 degrees is a nice option. Very often in resident evil 2 : extreme battle - after collecting an item or stumbling infront of zombie (they are all random) i need to make a quick turn. trick here is to move backward, turn, and then turn other side and run as hell. so Dr. Birkin, yes, please, if its not already in your backlog, implement 180 degree turn

                      saying something YES I WANT or NO I DONT WANT is kindergarden. make an argument. defend your wish. why something YES or NO? I am sure if argumented feature is proposed IGAS take it under consideration or atleast provide against arguments or generic response to request.

                      besides, having a supernatural people working on this is a chance of a life time, we are given a chance to influcence game development to re-live our past. i am not praysing IGAGS up to sky. no. i am sure behind them are normal persons with very good techincal skills in development. but I am just remarking that they are the ones who where able to pull off so many things the modding people couldnt do over a decade. so, not making a request to feature that we cry out later is our own fault. we dont need cacke with super extra olives and cherrys on top of it to ruin the cake, but having just few very nice cherrys and powder of chocolate (see below) make 1.5 sweet as honey!

                      There is a pile of chocolate powder. Take it?

                      p.s. , MioAmakurasButt, if you look at THIS post than amount of caps-lock is more tolerable than your last post. just hinting politely.
                      Last edited by Marvin; 06-10-2013, 01:50 AM.
                      ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                      • 180 degree turn should be implemented, re 1.5 has more action than re 2


                        • What's this all about action LOL
                          Is it coz of the 180 turn thing? Personally I'd like to see it optional. While it would be a nice feature - kinda like RE: DS - it wasn't intended officially until RE3.
                          If anything it made the games easier IMO. But having it as an option is a great idea, and why not - pleases everybody then I guess
                          Though I always used to back up and do a 3 point turn (like a car hehe)
                          "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                          • Hi everyone i just registered myself here but been reading this forum for awhile...would just like to briefly thank the team working on the game because without them 1.5 wouldn't be available to play at all and i also notice a lot of controversy on this forum regarding jealous/greedy people wanting to leak unfinished things which is stupid because not only are they ruining it for everyone but also themselves from playing a complete finished game...maybe they don't wanna see the team succeed in the project who knows.

                            i just hope this doesn't effect the teams work on the project because its looking really amazing considering this is all fan made free stuff and im really looking forward to the finished build...and as for people begging for stuff here...personally i could have done without an early beta and a demo i hear their working on and rather see the complete game faster but maybe that's because i have patience unlike some people here.

                            i also think the team shouldn't show too much stuff to everyone and make it more surprising because when they are offcially done with the game it will be very much more rewarding and just let them work in peace as they should. i understand some people are curious to see how its going as well as i but the team working on the game posting stuff here does take away time actually working on the game. An update once in awhile is cool but try not to bug them too developers who work on actual licensed games aren't allowed to show the public so we are all lucky we even get to see anything they are working on.

                            sorry for long post just had to get that off my mind lol

                            anyways good luck again to the team looking forward to more great stuff to come.


                            • ^ Welcome V Venom80 and I actually agree with what your saying.
                              So many games and movies show so much in their trailers/screenshots that in the end, you've seen most of it and nothing is a surprise.

                              I would rather play the game not knowing everything that's gonna be in it - while others would rather watch videos of 'unlocked' cutscenes and spoil the story for themselves.

                              Part of me wants to just not see anymore till I get to play it - although I do find the behind the scenes technical side VERY interesting
                              "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                              • I still think that there should be an option for those of us who would like to see the development every step of the way. I've been waiting and investigating for nearly a decade, so not much more can surprise me at this point. Maybe IGAS should move their big reveals to the designated "spoilers" thread, then we all win.

