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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    I mean if it is released.
    Darn! And here I thought we were about to see some action


    • From a graphic point of view the bottom one looks like it's rendered without Anti Aliasing and Sharpen filter, but, as Alzaire said, it's older.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	fqvlz.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	32.0 KB
ID:	401377

      From this picture you can see the door (flipped) that they added lately in the development, maybe the white "door" it's only a place holder to show where the door is meant to be while testing the game.


      • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
        From a graphic point of view the bottom one looks like it's rendered without Anti Aliasing and Sharpen filter, but, as Alzaire said, it's older.


        From this picture you can see the door (flipped) that they added lately in the development, maybe the white "door" it's only a place holder to show where the door is meant to be while testing the game.
        Well spotted!


        • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
          Why English? The new lingo of the free is Brazillian-Portuguese! So that's where my money would go, bro!

          Brrrr... br br br br... it's freethin' in here!
          Why Brazilian-Portuguese?


          • 8 People Have Faith ! God Bless !
            8 People Have No Faith ....

            Glad i'm one of those who do have faith ;D

            I don't wanna sleep , what happened now ? I hope a release is coming very soon , they wanna surprise us i bet !
            Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
            ^ Lol ...


            • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
              Why English? The new lingo of the free is Brazillian-Portuguese! So that's where my money would go, bro!

              Brrrr... br br br br... it's freethin' in here!
              Hail the heros of the revolution!


              • Originally posted by Bianca View Post
                "OUCH!" - Haha, I love these scans.

                They are fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing these, Enetirnel!
                Not a problem, glad you liked them. ^^

                Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                Judging from the footage on PSM, I'd say probably part of the factory/area where Birkin shows up? You can see wooden pallets around the area before Curator cut the footage to Birkin showing up and Elza running away.
                Non-blurry Signature Version
                Youtube | Steam | Website (Under Construction)


                • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                  Check the backgrounds of the trial edition of BH2, you'll find all your answers in there.


                  • Highly doubt anyone has sent death threats to this guy. Messages? Quite possibly though.

                    Anyone think this will be released sooner than later?
                    Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                    • Well, I don't know why but it seems likely. This is part of a project, and that's good for us. The guy doesn't seem to selfishly consider it as a pure collector material. So let's wait and see. If this gets released all other similar versions won't be worth anything anymore, and we will probably obtain a "raw" version afterwards.

                      But nothing's done yet...


                      • Is there any chance we might get the game any time soon?


                        • Tomorrow at 3:57am if you can successfully moonwalk 10 miles blindfolded until then.


                          • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                            I don't even ...?

                            I'm in dire need of expertise to explain to me what on earth is going on in this shot!
                            This is just speculation, but I believe the shot with the jumbled up writing is how it was originally and the shot with the proper Japanese writing is how it is post hacking. Of course I can't speak Italian so I didn't get the opportunity to understand the discussions, but looking at the pictures and knowing the general idea behind what was going on, this is how I would interpret it.

                            Edit: Actually that doesn't make sense seeing as Kendo actually has a face in the messed up shot. I'm equally as baffled as you are. :/
                            Last edited by Guest; 06-15-2012, 06:11 PM.


                            • The font file probably corrupted when he fixed the face texture or something, aren't PS1 games hard to 'hack'? Good he should have backups on him, should be easily remedied if I've got the right idea.
                              I accidentally got rid of the font file in RE2 once when I was ripping the Videos so I could easily fit it on my small PSP ms, the result was disastrous as no text would appear or it wold be all jumbled up.
                              However, I have faith in this. A release date he says? This topic hit me hard, I am reluctantly looking forward to this, but I do hope that something more comes out of this tidbit.


                              • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post


                                The way I see it, the bottom one is probably supposed to be a quick render made for testing out the new room boundaries with the police cars and the gate door added in. This is probably why they removed a big chunk of the 3D background and rendered it at a noticeably lower quality than the other backgrounds on the Trial disk. It's worth noting that the Umbrella office lobby renders are also low-quality since they were also probably re-rendered to reflect the changes made to the parking lot outside (since you can see the parking lot through the lobby's glass facade).
                                Last edited by biohazard_star; 06-15-2012, 09:52 PM.
                                Seibu teh geimu?

