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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
    Lots of stuff in Dino Crisis is lifted directly out of the resource folders for the RE projects. Pretty much deliberately done so too.

    (Also; Grats to everyone above for completely missing my popint)
    No offence but the way you post is condescending, pessimistic, and out-right rude. There's no need for you to play devil's advocate in every single page. You've done nothing but look down on the people clamoring for 1.5, and done it in such a way that is very negative and cynical. We do not need that kind of attitude in this thread. Your point has been noted, you can move on now.


    There's actually some very good discussion in this thread, if you actually bothered to read it. We've only had a few instances of freak outs, and it was from a few isolated members. There's really no need to focus on that aspect of it, since these kinds of freak outs occur any time new 1.5 information is found or posted. If you want to add to the discussion, in a meaningful way, then why not do so? Instead of focusing and condemning those few people who over reacted? At least, that's what I've been trying to do.
    Last edited by doriantoki; 08-28-2012, 05:13 PM.


    • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
      so, leaking 1.5 would kill someone?
      That'd be one way of putting it. I was hoping people would get the general idea, but, sadly, it seems like I always expect too much from people.

      Basically, (this has been stressed before) one thing people almost always seem to fail to grasp when it comes to these types of things, it's the very fact that a "leak" of unreleased content or material not intended for public eyes must originate from somewhere. You'd be amazed by how easy it is to track certain things back to its very point of origin.

      While releasing prototypes for titles from developers or publishers who don't exist anymore is one thing, doing it for larger corporations that are not only very much active today, but also still utilizing the affected IP as one of its corner stones is something completely different. Not only do you always run the risk of pissing off someone's legal team and have an IP lawyer knocking on your door. It happens. Reason you don't hear about it is because it's neither funny nor something you want to openly advertise, as it usually comes with a piece of paper both parties signs where the short-end part (you) sit around with a dust collector and a signed contract that basically says that you agree to shut up about it and should you break that wov, they're welcome to take what they want/need from your valuables, home theater and furniture. Of course, this very rarely happens, as you don't exactly see a whole lot of major AAA leaks occur within a timeframe where somebody's still around to care or legally blame someone in a way where it's economically worth to trouble of going on a manhunt.

      Another factor is the one where you pretty much sit on something, thinking you'll be the e-hero of the month by uploading it, but what you're really being is just an inconsiderate little dipshit who's about to get someone into trouble, potentially fired, and have their career options limited - thanks to what might've just been a misplaced piece of media and not even a black market deal - all thanks to "you" wanting to "Robin Hood" the day and treating an already well documented piece of unreleased gaming history as worth more than the potential career and life of another human being.

      It shouldn't take a genious to see how getting labeled as a security threat to your employer (or a former employer) is something that easily could fuck up your life in one way or another (or several).

      Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
      No offence but the way you post is condescending, pessimistic, and out-right rude. There's no need for you to play devil's advocate in every single page. You've done nothing but look down on the people clamoring for 1.5, and done it in such a way that is very negative and cynical. We do not need that kind of attitude in this thread. Your point has been noted, you can move on now.
      I'm sorry, you must be new. Who are you again?


      • Uhh....Maybe if this game wasn't 15 years old and utterly unrelated to what they do now I'd agree...


        • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
          I'm sorry, you must be new. Who are you again?
          Rude? Don't be so exaggerated...
          Hail the heros of the revolution!


          • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
            I'm sorry, you must be new. Who are you again?
            Typical elitist attitude. I've been on the boards since the original bioflames. I have an account there as well. Just because I don't post that often, doesn't mean I am not knowledgeable or intelligent. Oh wow you have 3700 post count, your e-dick is definitely bigger than mine! Well, whatever. I can't stop you from posting how you'd like. Nor should I. But it seems past a point, in this thread, you just started raining on people's parade for no particular reason. Like you were just being a dick on purpose. Could be wrong. I just don't think there's any reason to be that way. Most of the people in this thread, at the moment, are pretty level headed. We had some ZOMG GIMME GMAE I DESRVE IT freak out moments from a few members, but they were stomped out pretty quickly. My stance, and we have confirmation from a member, is to just wait it out. Maybe it won't come. But there's really no need to downright mean and condescending to members who quietly believe it will, eventually.
            Last edited by doriantoki; 08-28-2012, 08:20 PM.


            • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
              Typical elitist attitude. I've been on the boards since the original bioflames. I have an account there as well. Just because I don't post that often, doesn't mean I am not knowledgeable or intelligent. Oh wow you have 3700 post count, your e-dick is definitely bigger than mine! Well, whatever. I can't stop you from posting how you'd like. Nor should I. But it seems past a point, in this thread, you just started raining on people's parade for no particular reason. Like you were just being a dick on purpose. Could be wrong. I just don't think there's any reason to be that way. Most of the people in this thread, at the moment, are pretty level headed. We had some ZOMG GIMME GMAE I DESRVE IT freak out moments from a few members, but they were stomped out pretty quickly. My stance, and we have confirmation from a member, is to just wait it out. Maybe it won't come. But there's really no need to downright mean and condescending to members who quietly believe it will, eventually.
              You urged me to write something meaningful, yet you judge others and make points not connnected to thread. you remind me of me when I was young. this very reply by yourself is absolutely e-dicky in own way..., you must be agree with me. anyway. now lets eturn to the wonderful land of 1.5.

              I was looking at the menu image. i wonder how much items exist in this build... and how usable are these?
              ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


              • That wasn't meant as an attack in anyway. I was in the thick of the discussion in many points of this thread. 1.5 discussion, that is. I don't consider myself to be very young, but I don't think age has anything to do with maturity, or even this conversation. The size of someone's e-peen is the absolute last thing I care about. At the end of the day, people can say what they want on message boards, and whether someone else gets through to them or not, there's not really much you can do about that. So it doesn't bother me on a personal, or any level, really.
                Last edited by doriantoki; 08-28-2012, 11:26 PM.


                • but tel me then please, if you dont care about e-[enter some male organ here] sizes at the end of day, why you started to mention this first place anyway
                  ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                  • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                    Uhh....Maybe if this game wasn't 15 years old and utterly unrelated to what they do now I'd agree...
                    Problem is that it's still an active cornerstone IP, and even to this date we still see concepts and features previously mentioned/seen in 1.5 getting tapped into and put into use in more recent titles, which effectively makes it part of current day development and arguably equal to stealing work documents for an upcoming title. It's also developed with a Sony SDK - and with Capcom's record; who knows how well that disc is cleaned up during each compile/build for internal use? We all know there were raw various source code leftovers on the BH2 proto that's been around for a while - and there's always been the ghost stories of what happened to whoever was the original leak of that one, and there's almost always a few drops of truth to those - especially when you consider how it's eerily similar to what some of us know was very much the case many years later with a completely different prototype (this being a situation that occured during the previous console generation) - where some pretty much got to see a situation like that unfold right in front of their own eyes.

                    Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                    I was looking at the menu image. i wonder how much items exist in this build... and how usable are these?
                    That's an interesting question. Never really thought of that. We've never seen any item interaction other than weapons. Was item combination, keys, etc. even up and running yet? Who knows...

                    Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                    Rude? Don't be so exaggerated...
                    It's a bit like dancing! (One leads, the other follows)


                    • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                      It's a bit like dancing! (One leads, the other follows)
                      No it wasn't bandwagoning, you just seemed too harsh in your answer, at least for me.
                      Hail the heros of the revolution!


                      • Carn - Aside from the structure, there wasn't any specific scraps of anything else though? I guess I wouldn't expect much seeing as Dino Crisis came out almost two years after 1.5 was scrapped.


                        • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                          Carn - Aside from the structure, there wasn't any specific scraps of anything else though? I guess I wouldn't expect much seeing as Dino Crisis came out almost two years after 1.5 was scrapped.
                          Audio assets, basic concepts, weapon loadouts, recycled textures, etc.. Nothing major, basically the lowest form for "Did you know?"-trivia.


                          • Ha ha, okay, I do care for a good joke. If nothing, at least you have a sense of humour.


                            • @ Carnivol - I get you now, by pressing the button you have an impact on another persons life. Not exactly the best analogy but your point is deffinately true.


                              • Major over-exaggeration. lol

