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  • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
    Capcom should've brought new voice actors for RE:CV HD re-release, just like what konami did with SH2 HD !
    This post I rate bananas out of 10. (Although I'm very much positive to the idea of Capcom doing new voices for CV w/current cast)


    • Both sides have voiced their arguments, it's time for a higher power like Carnivol to make his final judgement regarding "Capcom's Resident Evil Code Veronica vs. Capcom's Resident Evil 3"... Only THIA admins can decide the fate of such life-defining issues. We all reluctantly accept your forthcoming judgement..


      • Originally posted by Scream View Post
        ...Only THIA admins can decide the fate of such life-defining issues.
        Admins or just staff? Staff that disappear for years on end.

        I was really, really not a fan of Code Veronica...


        • Nah just admins.. I think Staff was just some honorary title given out in 2006/7 lol. It doesn't mean much unless your admin as well like Carnivol (I think he is an admin, or super mod at least).


          • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
            No way, jose!
            The voice acting in this game was laughable especially steve's voice, i don't see the point of refusing such a move ! konami had also redone the script and recorded new voice acting for castlevania SOFN psp port.


            • Pros and cons of re3 and CV ( for me )

              PROS re3 :
              faster easy movement
              Walk up stairs without pressing a button to do it
              mixing ammo powder ( was fun for me )
              mercs mode fun mini game to keep going back for more and unlock stuff.
              nemesis chasing introduced more fear factor ( when I was a kid ) ( though I still feel uneasy when I here his approaching music now )
              loads of outfits for jill
              Jill is the star
              Carlos was a cool new character to play as even though it was short
              good voice acting ( to me)
              choices to make though out the game making slightly different branching paths.

              CONS RE3:
              Dodging does not work all the time ( not good when your trying to kill nemesis with a knife or handgun.
              zombies seemed a tad more stiff
              Exploring the R.P.D with Jill is so tempting yet it's all blocked off for the most part ( very disappointing )
              Epilogue is missing Rebbecca Chambers story very silly to leave her out.

              Code Veronica Pros :
              Claire is the star and has always had a great voice actress.
              full 3d for the first time looks very good for the first try.
              vast range of settings
              Chris is playable as well.
              Steve die's

              CV CONS:
              Stiff models some move like plasticine models
              zombies don't react to any weapons - there heads don't exploded even though it makes the sound effect , the torsos don't break in half
              Arms don't fall off , they fall over very strangely sometimes.
              Steve's voice actor
              Steve's storyline
              movement is not as good as re3/re2
              poor voice acting apart from Claire


              • I thought CV was ok, it just didn't seem to grab me like the previous REs did. It's hard to put into words, but for some reason the bosses and enemies just didn't seem that scary / intimidating, which doesn't really make sense considering there are hunters and a tyrant.

                I suppose hunters are just worn out, they where great in the first RE, good design, good balance they just worked. By the time CV was out we'd seen 2 different hunters in 2 different games, their attack patterns, speed and so on has become 2nd nature, if you hear a hunter screech you know to duck, dodge or shoot upwards.
                The tyrant just seemed unimaginatively recycled, tyrants are kind of the main bosses of RE, so I guess they have to put in at least 1. The first 3 RE tyrants were good, but CV tyrant almost looked like it was just a copy of RE 1s tyrant, done up into PS2 graphics.

                Dogs as far as I can remember weren't changed at all and were just as easy as they always were. Spiders.... I didn't like them in CV at all, all spiders ever had from the virus was they are giant, so to take a giant spider and turn it into a "quite big" spider didn't do it for me. Bandersnatchs are just annoying, pretty bad looking (not in a good way) and just all around not very good. The grave digger only just got a color change and 4 extra mouth / tentacle things.

                As for super Wesker, no, just no. If that's the case, why not bring back Billy as a super-cyborg alien warlord?


                • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                  The voice acting in this game was laughable especially steve's voice, i don't see the point of refusing such a move ! konami had also redone the script and recorded new voice acting for castlevania SOFN psp port.
                  Having laughable voice acting is a staple in the series. And CV is just that special that I dont want it changed. EVER. I cant imagine any other voice actor for Alfred going "AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAA"
                  PSN Gamercards


                  • My 5 favorite RE dialogs: (I use the term dialog loosely)

                    1) Wesker "Stop! Don't open, that door!"
                    2) Jill "But Chris is....."
                    3) Leon "ADAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
                    4) Barry "You were almost a Jill sandwich."
                    5) Alfred "AHHHHHH HA HA HA HAHAHAAA!"

                    I laugh like Alfred sometimes, I try not to though haha.


                    • They both suck, neither of them lived up to the standards RE2 set from a game play perspective imo. One thing that I do enjoy is new artwork, I always appreciate pre rendered backgrounds and the new inventory and icons added in CV were a refreshing improvement. But game play wise both of them have flaws, neither of them are as fun to play and leave much to be desired in comparison.


                      • BH3 is funner than BH2.

                        That is not saying much though as both are fantastic. BH3 is just functionally and mechanically better, but that doesn't detract from BH2, and each has their own style.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                          They both suck, neither of them lived up to the standards RE2 set from a game play perspective imo.
                          Saying that about a game that improved RE2's gameplay in every way is a bit weird.


                          • RE3 and Code Veronica are both great games in their own way, I can't really compare them. Code Veronica does feel more like a the sequel to RE2, but that doesn't stop RE3 from being an amazing game (and my favorite).

                            RE2 is a great game, but it's still inferior to RE3.


                            • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                              Saying that about a game that improved RE2's gameplay in every way is a bit weird.
                              Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              BH3 is funner than BH2.

                              That is not saying much though as both are fantastic. BH3 is just functionally and mechanically better, but that doesn't detract from BH2, and each has their own style.
                              Each to their own. For me I really appreciate stage progression, I appreciate the build up of tension while at the same time having the simplicity and freedom to have fun and enjoy every aspect of the game. RE3 doesn't do that for me; the first Nemesis fight is a boss battle probably more difficult than any boss battle throughout the entire game of RE2 and that's all within the first twenty minutes. You can either choose to fight, spend hours learning his AI patterns and waste 50 handgun rounds tediously chipping his life away, or you can run and just ignore him. That's a terrible balance in difficulty and completely detracts from the experience. I'm not immersed in the environment or part of any build up in story, I'm constantly going in and out of the game being separated from the experience just trying to figure out the patterns of a boss because I want the good stuff. Sure I can go on gfaqs or get a strategy guide but why should I have to? The way to beat the boss should be obvious from the get go and at that point of the game easy enough to keep me immersed in the experience having fun, as opposed to getting on my nerves, forcing me to analyse attack patterns in detail and learn intricate techniques right at the start of the game.

                              RE2 doesn't have any of that, the game has a nice steady progression and there is enough room for experimentation without any heavy consequences. It's not some forced boss battle that makes the game scary, it's the atmosphere and constant immersion with no breaks that keeps it going. With Nemesis you either get it right first time or you die, this happens all the way throughout the game and it only gets more tedious from there. It's not Nemesis you're afraid of, it's the god damn memory card screen and knowing you're going to be in and out of the game throwing your controller off the wall wondering why you have to choose run just to have fun and stay part of the experience. The idea is good but the design and implementation is god damn awful especially for a first time player. The game has an interesting dodge mechanic so why isn't it more useful and actually the most efficient way to beat Nemesis? Shoot, shoot, run, shoot, shoot, run, mash mash mash mash mash mash mash mash mash. That is not fun, it's tedious and all just for some gun parts, it's more effort than it's worth. The other option is to run so what's the point? I either keep the immersion going and ignore a key feature of the game, or I partake in the tedious game play and be rewarded for some BS.

                              Progression, that's the key. You should be taught how to fight Nemesis, taught how to evade his attack patterns and rewarded further on in the game, instead of thrown straight in the deep end right from the start with no consistent way to learn. I don't know; if I'm left with the feeling that I could have done it better then I can't give it props. Technically RE3 is better than RE2, but design wise RE2 blows it out of the water, I don't think I could fault it in any way besides perhaps it not ageing quite as well as its successor.
                              Last edited by Guest; 07-18-2013, 07:08 PM.


                              • Most people who played BH3 had already played the previous two. There was less need for a learning curve, so they could afford to throw you in the deep end. Complaining about a mechanic doing precisely what it was intended to is pretty weak. You're meant to be eclipsed by Nemesis. You're meant to have a fight or flight decision in its wake. You're meant to learn its attack patterns on your own.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

