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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by rewak View Post
    Because it's been a good few months since we saw progress on the actual game part of the game, so people get bored and just start tossing ideas around so there's something to discuss.
    I 2nd that.


    • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
      But D.Birkin, has the issue with the stairs been fixed or are you still looking for a way to do that?
      there is no issue with stairs as you speak of.

      Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
      wow. all those pixels look bad when scaled like that.


      • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
        there is no issue with stairs as you speak of.
        I believe he is referring to the awkward and stiff stair animations, and if they've been fine-tuned as of yet. Or I could be completely wrong.
        "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


        • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
          Archive room!! Alright!

          But D.Birkin, has the issue with the stairs been fixed or are you still looking for a way to do that?



          You can see where their influence came from. I don't know if they have any sources for these particular rooms but the more you look at it the more the BIO1.5 and BIO2 RPD's actually have in common. Perhaps just a design choice on their behalf in homage to the retail game.
          Last edited by Guest; 09-02-2013, 04:29 PM.


          • Originally posted by geluda View Post
            You can see where their influence came from. I don't know if they have any sources for these particular rooms but the more you look at it the more the BIO1.5 and BIO2 RPD's actually have in common. Perhaps just a design choice on their behalf in homage to the retail game.

            I thought this while replaying RE2 today actually. Most of the rooms are still there - but are either moved or redesigned.
            I don't have pictures but you should all know these areas anyway mostly.

            Lobby waiting room/form desks from 1.5 are used in RE2 in the east room off the Lobby with the Item Box (they're the same desks almost) and it also has the wanted style posters on the wall.
            Armory room from 1.5 is reused in RE2 .. not much changed although firing range is gone.
            1.5 helipad stairs area looks alot like it was reused in RE2 (stairs connecting 1F office to 2F crow hallway)
            Office B in 1.5 looks similar to the East Office in RE2 (minus the little office and small corridor with Heart Key door)

            There are obviously alot more, but I think it's cool alot of 1.5 was reused in RE2 .. if not at first glance.
            "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


            • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
              Please continue navigating! I should swing by here more often... I'm scrambling to save all of your wonderful avatars before they disappear, but it's so very worthwhile!

              Zombie_X, can I count on you to help me catch 'em all?
              Sure. Did you want me to just post em up and enlarge them?

              B.Zork, I know they look bad blown up, but I did it so the image can bee seen better.
              My Head-Fi Page


              • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                Sure. Did you want me to just post em up and enlarge them?

                B.Zork, I know they look bad blown up, but I did it so the image can bee seen better.
                I am particularly interested in the Team IGAS cover art. For some stupid reason I didn't save it.
                "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                • Ca be similar these rooms but they have to do it to make like a real police station.


                  • I have the cover art on my PC still and it's blown up. After that one member blew up at me about resizing images I kinda moved away from it. I don't know why he blew up at me. So what if the images are enlarged, it's not hurting anyone by me doing it.
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • Wanna know why that particular user told you so? As stated in the original post: because nobody requested for any "helpful" enlargements. Also, the magnified pictures look quite far from magnificent (they actually look like poop).
                      Last edited by Gemini; 09-02-2013, 06:30 PM.

                      Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                      , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                      • Originally posted by Accell View Post
                        It's funny that this was brought up as I recorded a let's play of BH2 a few months ago that had a running joke about Leon's incompetence as a cop. For all Leon knew poor 19 year-old Claire could have been killed during the long stretches in-between their radio chatter and in person encounters. Also, was he about to just leave Claire behind after starting the train in the laboratory

                        I like to think of Claire missing the train and Leon wondering why the hell he didn't wait and contact her before starting it.
                        On that note this is an extract from a little re 2 spoof that I wrote.

                        Claire: Hah once again the ultimate bio weapon defeated.... I have the skills!

                        *The Lift arrives and Claire descends down to the bottom of the shaft arriving at the bottom platform. She starts to run towards a train that starts moving....*

                        Claire: Oh no!

                        *Leon is seen waving at her with the door open*

                        Claire: Way to go Leon you've done it again!
                        Leon: Claire over here hurry!
                        Claire: How am I supposed to do that the train is moving!

                        *In the nick of time she jumps on to the back carriage coupling and walks in to the first car.*

                        Claire: Leon i've got two words for you!
                        Leon: Stay down!

                        *The train shakes from the explosion behind and everyone is thrown to the floor*

                        Claire: Sherry!

                        *Sherry is lying on the floor having fallen off the sea and looks dead*

                        Leon: Sherry is unconscious!
                        Claire: I have the antidote if I give it to her?
                        Leon: Claire you can't give her that it looks like fabric softener!
                        Claire: Shut up Leon I have to give her this antidote.
                        Leon: But Claire what if..
                        Claire: Not now!

                        * She pours the antidote down Sherrys throat*

                        Claire: Come on Sherry wake, don't leave me alone with Leon, please wake up!

                        *Sherry stirs and her eyes open*

                        Sherry: Claire, where am I?
                        Leon: It worked!
                        Claire: I told you it would! Fabric softener Leon, remember that?!
                        Leon: Uhh yeah...
                        Claire: Oh Sherry you're going to be ok, thank you for not leaving me alone.
                        Sherry: Thanks Claire.

                        Leon: It's over
                        Claire: No I still have to find my brother.
                        Leon: You're right this is just the beginning.

                        *Leon walks in to the driving cab and the door closes behind him*

                        Leon: Dear god, please take care of Ada for me, she did nothing to deserve this even if she was supposedly a spy. Amen. Goodbye Ada.

                        *Suddenly the train lurches violently and the familiar alarm starts to sound again*

                        Claire: Not again what has he gone and done now?!
                        Sherry: Claire?
                        Claire: Leon probably pressed a button in there.

                        *Leon comes running out*

                        Leon: What was that?
                        Claire: You mean you didn't press a button in there?
                        Leon: No, Claire i'm not that stupid!
                        Claire: Then?

                        Leon: I'll go and check the back of the train, stay here for a moment.

                        *Leon exits the first car and is about to enter the second when suddenly*

                        PA: Warning biohazardous outbreak detected the emergency system has been activated, this train will detonate repeat this train will detonate!

                        *The door back to car 1 suddenly locks*

                        Leon: Hey what's wrong?
                        Claire: I don't know the door won't open!
                        Claire: Leon are you sure you didn't press something?!
                        Leon: Claire leave it alone no I didn't touch anything!
                        Leon: I'll be right back i'm going to check the back of the train.

                        *So Leon runs to the back of the train, and just as he gets to the rear car.......
                        Suddenly a familiar tentacle drops down through the roof and within seconds this huge monstrous mouth is standing in front of him constantly pulling itself forward.*

                        Leon: Ok here we go again.

                        *After shooting it for 1 minute the monster deflates which Leon takes as a sign that it's over*

                        *He rushes back to the first car to tell Claire the good news, then suddenly.*

                        PA: Warning warning the self destruct sequence has been activated, each train compartment will detonate sequentially repeat each train compartment will detonate sequentially.

                        *Leon dashes back to the locked door*

                        Claire: Oh no now what has he done.
                        Leon: Claire for the last time I didn't do anything! Now stop the train.
                        Claire: I can't the door to the control room is locked!
                        Leon: What?!

                        *The monster now revived draws ever closer to them*

                        Leon to himself: Right i'm going up to the roof, Claire can take care of herself.

                        Sherry: Claire what is it?
                        Claire: Sherry get back!

                        *The Monster smashes it's way in to the first carriage*

                        Sherry: Screams

                        Claire: This is not good, Leon where are you?

                        *On top of the roof of the train Leon is crawling to the front of the train*

                        Leon to himself: It's windy up here!

                        *Back inside*

                        Claire: Sherry what are you doing?
                        Sherry: We have to stop the train right, I can do it!
                        *She crawls through the tiny vent of the cab door*
                        Claire: But.
                        *The monster draws closer*
                        Claire: Come and get me i'm right here!

                        *Inside the cab*

                        Sherry: Hmm which one is the right switch, maybe this one?
                        *The roof hatch opens and Leon shouts down in to the cab*
                        Leon: Sherry!
                        Sherry: Leon!
                        Leon: Press that switch over there.
                        Sherry: Got it.
                        *She presses a key on the keyboard and trains horn sounds*
                        Leon: No that one Sherry!
                        Sherry: Ok!
                        *She presses the big red button that says Emergency and the trains brakes snap in to action*

                        *Underneath the train Claire has climbed under the carriage and is holding on for dear life*
                        Claire to herself: Thanks Leon this has probably singed my hair now!

                        *The train grinds to a hault and Leon and Sherry climb down*

                        Leon: Are you ok Sherry?
                        Sherry: I'm ok.
                        Leon: Where is Claire?
                        Leon: Claire?
                        Claire: Right here, no thanks to you.
                        Leon: No time for that we gotta get out of here move it, go go go!

                        *They run out of the tunnel in to the open space and the train explodes, taking William with it*

                        Leon: That was a close one that was pretty good work there Sherry.
                        Sherry: It was nothing I saw someone do that on tv once, although he was actually diffusing a bomb.
                        Claire: Come on we have to go.
                        Leon: Go where?
                        Claire: I am going Leon.
                        Leon: Oh you can't mean..
                        Claire: Yes Leon after almost being killed by your battle, and reading my brother's private diary I want to get as far away from you as possible.
                        Leon: Claire wait.
                        Claire: Chris I have to find you.
                        *She walks off in to the distance*

                        Leon: Huh, right Sherry do you want ice cream?
                        Sherry: Yay ok Leon you're buying.

                        *Leon looks at the camera and shrugs his shoulders and him and Sherry walk off to get ice cream*

                        *Cue the rock music from scenario B*


                        • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                          Wanna know why that particular user told you so? As stated in the original post: because nobody requested for any "helpful" enlargements. Also, the magnified pictures look quite far from magnificent (they actually look like poop).
                          Easy, mate. The guy is just trying to be helpful.

                          Also, check your PMs at ASSEMBlers since you seem to have private messaging off here.

                          BioHazard YouTube Channel
                          BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                          • geez, so much whining, let the dude post whatever he wants to, it only must be (E)veryone rated.


                            • First that creepy 1.5 Sherry art and now a 1.5 fanfiction... I wonder what's next
                              Hail the heros of the revolution!


                              • Does anyone know if "data room" is one of the signs in 1.5 RPD, alongside "radio room" and others? I noticed a "data room" sign on one of the hospital doors in RE3 and it matches the font.

                                Also, B.Zork has an interesting new avatar.

