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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I understand the teams mindset. From what I understand these 2nd floor prescient rooms have no screen time in any media. Now they CAN go crazy and make up these rooms from scratch however they are probably more satisfied using what very so limited references provided and are playing off the idea that these rooms were slightly edited and recycled to retail and should be 1.5-fitted accordingly. For the record, based on known knowledge of what this old prescient consists of, it's blowing the museum-converted prescient out of the water in terms of layout and accessibility. Give me the modern station any day.

    Unrelated note: What if Claire's Sparkshot weapon is actually a recycled concept of a battery-dependent, handheld taser or "air taser" as its called in the trial edition, that you would find somewhere and use it as a standard arm weapon? The fact that it seems that the knife and pipe were the only two selectible standard arm weapons feeds into this theory.
    ADD: Who knows? Maybe it was already planned to be implimented by this build? Are there any unused handgun fire animations too?
    Click image for larger version

Name:	taser.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	33.8 KB
ID:	403240
    Holding the fire button to continue tasing a zombie, I would have enjoyed that.
    Last edited by NEOMEGA; 09-03-2013, 02:42 AM.


    • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
      Sure. Did you want me to just post em up and enlarge them?

      B.Zork, I know they look bad blown up, but I did it so the image can bee seen better.
      Attached Files


      • Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
        Holding the fire button to continue tasing a zombie, I would have enjoyed that.
        Dat Syphon Filter.

        "Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police


        • Please IGAS upload the latest Birkin's avatars in native resolution. It's sad reescaling little images full of pixels like the poor people!!!
          Last edited by The_Wes; 09-03-2013, 05:49 PM.
          Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


          • They don't have to do anything they don't want, and I am fine with that.


            • I just hope they release the demo sooner than later. I'm having difficulty being patient.
              "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


              • We've got a few eager beavers over here.

                (Is that expression still used nowaday? English isn't my native language...)


                • Originally posted by Renard View Post
                  We've got a few eager beavers over here.

                  (Is that expression still used nowaday? English isn't my native language...)
                  Don't worry bro I am a native english speaker and I use this phrase


                  • The smell of Trial Edition is in the air... hopefully it will arrive soon. I wonder how much will be present in the Trial Edition. Too anxious!

                    Thanks for smoothing out the image Mikhail. Here's the same image smoothed out a bit but larger.

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	avatar1.png
Views:	1
Size:	279.0 KB
ID:	403242
                    Last edited by Zombie_X; 09-03-2013, 08:30 PM.
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
                      Please IGAS upload the latest Birkin's avatars in native resolution. It's sad reescaling little images full of pixels like the poor people!!!

                      ^ all I can post from 1.5 without spoilers because injected only in Debug and Test builds. Small uploads are just for quick previews and there is nothing hidden for the public to find like in Portal 2 and Rattman. Public will appreciate native resolution and demo content when it is time. September is not the time. Do not ask when because we ourselves do not know.
                      Last edited by D.Birkin; 09-03-2013, 08:36 PM.
                      “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                      • Well, whenever the game is ready, we'll be waiting! You guys get this a lot I'm sure, but we all really appreciate this. Thanks a lot, and keep up the great work!


                        • Originally posted by ParasiteAdam View Post
                          Don't worry bro I am a native english speaker and I use this phrase
                          Haha thanks, I hear it sometimes in old movies.

                          Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                          September is not the time. Do not ask when because we ourselves do not know.
                          It's nice to know you and the team aren't sticking to any dates or deadlines and rushing things and such. Please take your time, I'm sure we will all appreciate a quality final product.
                          Last edited by Renard; 09-03-2013, 09:14 PM.


                          • Well scratch September off the possible demo release month. It's all good IGAS, we may be eager beavers here however I along with many others are waiting patiently for the time when it's right for you guys to release a demo. That small update makes up my day after having a wisdom tooth pulled. Damn it's painful.
                            Last edited by Ultimacloud123; 09-03-2013, 09:58 PM.


                            • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post

                              ^ all I can post from 1.5 without spoilers because injected only in Debug and Test builds. Small uploads are just for quick previews and there is nothing hidden for the public to find like in Portal 2 and Rattman. Public will appreciate native resolution and demo content when it is time. September is not the time. Do not ask when because we ourselves do not know.
                              If you don't mind me asking, what is that screencap of? Possible fatal error screen that allows you to reset the game?
                              My Head-Fi Page


                              • D. Birkin is mah hero! He doesn't care about alleged petty silly release dates as requested by the weaker RE 1.5 fans, he cares about the quality of what is being released! No matter how long it takes! Take your time my friend. Blow them all away! :3

