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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • #31
    The entire game is not on the disc. Very early build. Only about 40% of the game's rooms are there and playable, a few from each area.


    • #32
      OMG, is this really happening?


      • #33
        C'mon! There has to be at least ONE person in here going all "This isn't 3.5 ... "


        • #34
          Check the forums everyday, nothing big, don't check after a week, and my eyes fall out of my head seeing all this.
          Zombies...zombies everywhere...


          • #35
            Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
            The entire game is not on the disc. Very early build. Only about 40% of the game's rooms are there and playable, a few from each area.
            Wait Alzaire, does that mean the game is not playable from start to finish? I always thought the curator build was missing polish, but that the whole game was more or less finished at that point.

            The link on the first post is dead, but if I understand correctly, some guys are trying to finalize the models (and sounds?) from that version to make it look as complete as possible?


            • #36
              It's difficult to be certain just what's missing from the Curator version, but we do know that it wasn't as finished as we'd like. It seems to have been a press version, sent out to show how cool and shiny the game was.

              We do know some of the rooms appear to be missing. If you watch the Curator video he jumps around when going through doors a lot. It appears that the game was jumping from one room to another, and not always in the correct order. This might be a case of 'look at the shiny rooms' and not showing dull ones, like corridors and stairwells (something we're noticeably lacking in most images and scans of this version) to save time. We know parts of each area are present, however. The RPD, the Umbrella Office, the Sewers and the Lab are all there, but none are complete.

              There is also no sign of any voice acting, FMV or files. It's possible that there's something on the disc, but don't hold your breath. There's some ingame dialogue, though, so we might get some of the story, but think about how many important scenes in RE2 were told in FMV and by file.


              • #37
                OP on that Facebook post has deleted his posts with the pictures, think due to someone/some people sending him messages/friend requests.
                Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                • #38
                  Thanks for the reply Dark. So the quest is far from over. It being some kind of press version would explain why it is "common", and why it would be a challenge to find the final build itself. There's always hope though.


                  • #39
                    Will OP show more Biohazard 1.5 on other sites rather than Facebook?


                    • #40
                      Highly doubt it unless it's already been done on an Italian forum I'm guessing? (As the post is in Italian)

                      Interesting if found though, more information would be shown there than Facebook seeing it's like a cesspool of stuff waiting to be caught/fined/banned.
                      Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                      • #41
                        Does anyone know what was written exactly on the page?
                        Last edited by Rick Hunter; 06-15-2012, 06:12 AM.


                        • #42
                          Not too sure, but now they are saying in the post that:

                          A. One guy is telling the one with the photos not to show anymore, as it's no point and we will see for ourselves when it's out.
                          B. The guy who shows the photos is showing it on behalf of a friend, and thus, he's getting friend requests/messages already.
                          C. Highly doubt anything will be shown in that post again.

                          Surely has to be a RE forum that specifically has discussion in RE betas in Italian.
                          Last edited by Darkside05; 06-15-2012, 07:04 AM.
                          Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                          • #43
                            This is getting interesting...
                            I hope it's released (the original of course).


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                              It's difficult to be certain just what's missing from the Curator version, but we do know that it wasn't as finished as we'd like. It seems to have been a press version, sent out to show how cool and shiny the game was.

                              We do know some of the rooms appear to be missing. If you watch the Curator video he jumps around when going through doors a lot. It appears that the game was jumping from one room to another, and not always in the correct order. This might be a case of 'look at the shiny rooms' and not showing dull ones, like corridors and stairwells (something we're noticeably lacking in most images and scans of this version) to save time. We know parts of each area are present, however. The RPD, the Umbrella Office, the Sewers and the Lab are all there, but none are complete.

                              There is also no sign of any voice acting, FMV or files. It's possible that there's something on the disc, but don't hold your breath. There's some ingame dialogue, though, so we might get some of the story, but think about how many important scenes in RE2 were told in FMV and by file.
                              There's some corridor ones and some gun range screenshots from the other side of this one in some old Famitsu issues I have. Including a special issue of Famitsu in late 1997 going over the scrapped 2 build look.

                              I know these weren't scanned in or posted onto BioFlames or anywhere else I've checked because I have already gone through all of BioFlames and ran my scans past Alzaire to see if he had ever seen them and from what I recall, he hadn't and he felt they were from the same one that Curator had posted footage of. Probably because of the model change on the dogs having previously been German Shepherds to Doberman in footage and photos of the later versions.

                              I can also say that the German Shepherds were still in the press screenshots of late 1996, as I have another Famitsu magazine showing them across four pages and that by late January 1997, Capcom still hadn't announced this version was scrapped as it was still in Famitsu's top lists of coming soon games from what I recall in another issue I have. May have also been a reference in another issue that had this thing called "Bible of Biohazard" (walkthrough of 1, 2, interview + photos of the Biohazard haunted house and stuff).

                              There's that and the one Kim got footage of had the female zombies in the R.P.D. which aren't in the majority of the screenshots so the ones Famitsu were using weren't the last build either.

                              Scans are too large to post as images so here you all go -

                              Famitsu Late 1996 Scoop - 1.5 Article Page 1
                              Famitsu Late 1996 Scoop - 1.5 Article Page 2
                              Famitsu Late 1996 Scoop - 1.5 Article Page 3
                              Famitsu Late 1996 Scoop - 1.5 Article Page 4

                              1997 Famitsu Special Edition 1.5 Article Page 1
                              1997 Famitsu Special Edition 1.5 Article Page 2

                              I'm also inclined to think that the wireframe model shown in the first article I've uploaded is from the halfway point of all of the builds.

                              I probably have more articles floating around, I still have a couple of piles of old Famitsu magazines to dig through to see if there's anything of use to me (Clock Tower related) in them.

                              And having done interviews of staff involved in other Capcom games, I'd be more inclined to say it looks like their process is - early versions of FMVs are made, voice over is recorded using early FMVs, final FMVs are done at a later time frame when the game is nearly ready to be shown. Just judging from the time-frame I was told of regarding Demento/Haunting Ground with the VAs having seen work-in-progress cutscenes (they had placeholder models as Moira Quirk mentioned that she is extremely squeamish - even the placeholders being thrown in the car nearly made her ill) to then record to and external teams that were brought in had their work timeframe near TGS 2004 which was a few months before the game came out.

                              So, that would make it - in-engine cutscenes and scripting had been done, but having no rendered art or more than a couple of particular in-engine cutscenes being shown in press releases OR early footage would have me believe that the process on Demento is mostly the same as Capcom's older games including early stages of RE2.

                              That and all art/concept art shown is all drawn, not rendered.

                              Of course, that's just what I think.

                              Anyway, I would say that there isn't likely to be any other stuff and I would leave it alone because the community as a whole behaves like a little spoiled shit whenever there may be a chance for anything to surface and it isn't just on THIA. I go onto Assembler, RE Beta/Beta Games and other sites and see the same crap which is why I can understand that if anyone has anything they wouldn't be likely to show or share anything to avoid being pestered/harassed/threatened and so-on because of past and still current behavior on the subject.

                              So, even if anything were to surface like the GB RE1 builds did, I wouldn't be surprised to see either public or private donation drives going - which I'm happy to try and donate money to whenever possible and I'm fine with that because I'm not going to demand anything or expect anything to be released for free considering the amount of money, effort or particular arrangements that have been made in order to obtain the item either making it a loss to release without donations to make up for it OR that there could be strings attached to particular items which has led to them not being released even years on.

                              I know, probably ranted and I'm very tempted to quote Borman on the topic of betas and entitlement issues.
                              Last edited by Enetirnel; 06-15-2012, 07:18 AM.
                              Non-blurry Signature Version
                              Youtube | Steam | Website (Under Construction)


                              • #45
                                My God .... Where .... when .... How DID THIS HAPPEN ? WHERE WAS I ? x_x
                                Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                                ^ Lol ...

