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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • #91
    Anything that is a potentially "Rare" or "Uncommon" are troll, problem, and stress magnets in the Resident Evil community.
    "I have 1.5 and/or 3.5!" = Death Threats, sexual violation threats, etc
    "I have an uncensored version of 1, 2, 3, 4, etc" = Potential bans, numerous requests for even the most trivial of proof, etc

    There is no winning for those who may potentially have said items. They are better off keeping said item close to them like that creature in Lords of the Rings than try to share it with their fellow fans.


    • #92
      Mother fuckers, how the blue hell do you people think this is even remotely a sensible way to act? One third of you are freaking out over the game, another third are trolling the hell out of the first third because apparently acting like a rampant dick is a good plan and the final third are sitting sadly in the corner trying to work out why the fuck they need to suffer because of the other two thirds!

      It's rare I get so irritable at so many people at once. Normally my tone is exaggerated because I find it funny, but this is really annoying me.

      No posts yelling how you need/deserve/have a God given right to a video game.

      Mo more posts trying to wind up other members by pretending you have it.

      No insulting other members.

      I will be back after I do some shopping to see which of you have earned some of the happy infraction points.


      And now, on topic.

      If this gets released, and I'd bet cash it will be, it won't be the end. There's still the final version out there, somewhere, to get. This likely has a lot missing. It's more of a stepping stone than a final destination, I suspect.


      • #93
        Let's just stop this "troll magnet" discussion and let's start a meaningful discussion here in this thread. The whole 5th page is just ranting how the community reacts on this situation, let's stop already, the trolls are long gone if you didn't notice it yet.
        Hail the heros of the revolution!


        • #94
          Hope this one has files.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • #95
            I wonder how they will complete the enemy AI if they do seek to give it some sort of ending. Not to mention, they might have to implement enemies from 2, so that it isn't "Kill Zombies, gorillas, and the occasional Proto-G thing". This will certainly be an interesting this to see.


            • #96
              Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              Hope this one has files.
              I'm sure we can expect at least 50% of the files in there. I hope so.
              Hail the heros of the revolution!


              • #97
                Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                If this gets released, and I'd bet cash it will be, it won't be the end. There's still the final version out there, somewhere, to get. This likely has a lot missing. It's more of a stepping stone than a final destination, I suspect.
                I believe, like many others on this forum, that the place to look for such a copy is Japan. There has to be AT LEAST a few copies of RE1.5 beta discs/Beta material floating around. Of course, searching the depths of Japan is pretty damn daunting.

                Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                Hope this one has files.
                Would a beta version even have a significant amount of files? Even if there are a few in such a build, I'd be willing to bet that they aren't that horribly different from the ones we got in RE2.


                • #98
                  I'm not hopeful on files. Again, it might be the Curator being a dick, but there's no apparent evidence of any in his materials or mentions of them in communications. Of course, he might not have seen/found them, and they might be there but not implemented. But I'm not holding my breath for anything beyond in game scenes.


                  • #99

                    what is in the background? next door? I do not remember this

                    I'd like a classic RESIDENT EVIL (PSX), only, and nothing more.


                    • Originally posted by AsteroidBlues View Post
                      I believe, like many others on this forum, that the place to look for such a copy is Japan. There has to be AT LEAST a few copies of RE1.5 beta discs/Beta material floating around. Of course, searching the depths of Japan is pretty damn daunting.
                      For the members who want to have an idea of the difficulty involved, you can search for the "Korean Gaming History" on Hardcore Gaming 101. Searching crap on eastern countries is no easy task, specially when they use cyrillic/kanji/hindi/korean/georgian alphabets...
                      Hail the heros of the revolution!


                      • The beta version of BH2 still has files, one of them being very different from the final version. Don't see why there wouldn't be any in this version of 1.5 unless it is very incomplete.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • Originally posted by DZIAD View Post

                          what is in the background? next door? I do not remember this
                          It's probably a shutter door to the factory's garage and entrance.
                          Hail the heros of the revolution!


                          • Originally posted by Aleff View Post

                            Where this scene takes place? Does anyone knows the translation to the subtitle?
                            Hail the heros of the revolution!


                            • Originally posted by DZIAD View Post
                              Wasn't this area in the set of background renders on the BH2 trial?


                              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                The beta version of BH2 still has files, one of them being very different from the final version. Don't see why there wouldn't be any in this version of 1.5 unless it is very incomplete.
                                Given the fact that one of the photos showed Kendo without a face, that might be a very real possibility.

