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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • New 1.5 info? Excellent. I'm preparing for another disappointment.

    That factory screenshot is both new, old and hot though. Totally stoking my game boner. Totally BOSS.
    Last edited by randomwab; 06-16-2012, 11:10 AM. Reason: needs more BOSS


    • Is it me, or did 1.5 (at least, Cruator's version) have auto aim in the game? Watching the footage from the Museum he released back in 07, and it seems it does lock onto enemies during the Shutter Hallway inside the RPD.

      Zombies...zombies everywhere...


      • Click image for larger version

Views:	1
Size:	209.1 KB
ID:	401381
        Quite the difference with the trailers in the background, looks like it was in a different angle or something.
        Last edited by Darkside05; 06-17-2012, 01:22 AM.
        Zombies...zombies everywhere...


        • Just why do I always miss out on the big events in this community?
          Well, it's nice to see this game alive and well after all, I just hope it won't go right back into hiding this time.

          Regarding the poll attached to this thread, could someone fill me in on the details?
          Why did we "screw up" again?

          Don't tell me that people have been sending death threats to the guy who shares the pictures again, this is getting old...

          Is this already over, or is there still a chance that we might get to see more pics from this new source?
          I'm not asking for a public release of the game, but more footage would be a nice thing to have.
          Last edited by Upaluppa; 06-17-2012, 03:49 AM.


          • Originally posted by Darkside05 View Post
            Quite the difference with the trailers in the background, looks like it was in a different angle or something.
            I don't see any difference. If you want to go in there, you have to rise the shutter. Only then can you probably see the truck in the background.

            Maybe the difference between this version and the next builds (except the door added on one side, since from the interior it already exists) might be that from this point of view the shutter always seems closed. But it's just an assumption, maybe it does stay open in this build too.

            edit: Just to make sure... it is indeed a shutter, right?
            Last edited by Rick Hunter; 06-17-2012, 04:13 AM.


            • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
              I don't see any difference. If you want to go in there, you have to rise the shutter. Only then can you probably see the truck in the background.

              Maybe the difference between this version and the next builds (except the door added on one side, since from the interior it already exists) might be that from this point of view the shutter always seems closed. But it's just an assumption, maybe it does stay open in this build too.

              edit: Just to make sure... it is indeed a shutter, right?
              It looks like a shutter to me, but thing is as the two photos to the right of the new shot, from the PSM video, and obviously as we know, are indeed two trucks.

              But looking at the new screenshot, it doesn't seem that way. Either the truck is parked facing the gate, or, it's complete different in this build.
              Zombies...zombies everywhere...


              • Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
                Just why do I always miss out on the big events in this community?
                Well, it's nice to see this game alive and well after all, I just hope it won't go right back into hiding this time.

                Regarding the poll attached to this thread, could someone fill me in on the details?
                Why did we "screw up" again?

                Don't tell me that people have been sending death threats to the guy who shares the pictures again, this is getting old...

                Is this already over, or is there still a chance that we might get to see more pics from this new source?
                I'm not asking for a public release of the game, but more footage would be a nice thing to have.
                No one sent death threats, it was jut speculation because one of the guys who showed the photos on the Facebook post got two messages and an unknown friend request which got him thinking.

                It was NOT the guy apart of the team that's working on it, so it's not been jeopardized or anything. It's still in good standing as I've been told.

                There has been a release date confirmed, but it's not known when that date exactly is. Assuming it's probably soon.
                Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                • The truck is still there. The shutter in the background is the warehouse one. It's still an outside area, the metal roof only covers part of the warehouse truck yard.


                  • Looks so deceiving though from that view, maybe it's cause it's late and half my mind isn't corresponding with the other.

                    Like to know how Leon enters that area though, seeing the door isn't there. A large door sequence perhaps?
                    Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                    • As I said, the door is already there, check the pictures from the PSM showing the inside of the warehouse. The door on the exterior was added later (the white placeholder).
                      Last edited by Rick Hunter; 06-17-2012, 05:00 AM.


                      • Yeah, makes sense.

                        Would love to see more shots eventually.
                        Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                        • Nevermind, the trucks aren't rendered in the background and the alignment of the warehouse shutter is off. That's probably why the area is black and missing in the newer backgrounds from the trial disc as they were going to update it properly.


                          • Yeah, I've just realized the same thing. From the interior of the warehouse there's just no place left for a shutter, since the trailer is very close to the portal.


                            • Hopefully this is useful for people who are confused.


                              As for the trucks, call me crazy, but you can still, just barely, make out the backend of the truck in the screens from the older version. Maybe they decided to move them closer in the new version, and like Alzaire said, that's the reason the background suddenly became black? Who knows.

                              EDIT: On further inspection ... no you guys are right. If you look at the centre screenshot, you can see a red beam at the edge of the building, where the shutter ends. It's visible in the bottom screenshot too. But this would be an impossible angle with the trucks being in place. Definitely added at a later time. That must have been one empty area originally. I guess it goes without saying that the entrance (exit?) to the umbrella offices were moved farther down, too.
                              Last edited by doriantoki; 06-17-2012, 06:33 AM.


                              • So it would be the shutter in the background? I thought it was another shutter, leading to the warehouse. That's really confusing. And we don't really know what the final version looks like. I wonder if the final build is more advanced than the backgrounds we have in the RE2 trial edition.

