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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
    I'm gonna repeat myself. Last Resident Evil with zombies: Outbreak episode 2 in 2004. 8 years ago.

    Last REAL Resident Evil with zombies: Resident Evil 0. TEN years ago.
    If you are including Outbreak file2...

    2007 Umbrella Chronicles
    2009 Darkside Chronicles
    2012 Operation Raccoon City


    • A rather ugly thought just found it's way into my head...
      What if this is all part of a new prank, coming from the PSM curator?

      Sorry to be such a pessimist...
      I just find myself unable to believe that someone would just come out of the dark and share such a controversial piece of software without any personal gain, it just seems too unlikely to be true.

      Of course I am wishing for this to be the end of our long waiting, but well, it can't be that easy, can it?
      Will it just fall into our hands without any effort at all, after all these years of failures and spoiled dreams?

      On the other hand, though, those new screenshots proved to us that someone actually had the knowledge and took the effort to modify the game, insert new character models and there's this picture of Elza wearing Umbrella armour which we only knew from concept art, in that "RDT Editor" tool, I highly doubt that the curator would be able to pull this off for another foul prank...

      I guess this kind of restores my faith into this new source, for now...

      I just imagined how awesome it would be if you could actually use the protective gear in the game, even if it would be just a graphical change.
      I really hope we'll get more information from this source!

      I pray that this is more than just a prank...

      Damn, my fellow geeks at school would drop dead if I'd walk up to them and show them Resident Evil 1.5 running on my PSP one day, haha.
      How I'd love to be able to do this...
      Last edited by Upaluppa; 06-20-2012, 10:25 AM.


      • The fact that they have the editor isn't really all that crazy or unbelievable. That texture with Elza wearing the USB armor though, it looks updated, at least, the face is more detailed than I've seen in the game, but I could be wrong. We've never see a really clear close-up of her in-game textures. I doubt that it's connected to Curator. I mean, they speak Italian, went through the trouble of hacking the game, AND made new textures for the models. That would be some SERIOUS prank dedication just to piss off a fanbase.


        • Originally posted by Hcloud13 View Post
          If you are including Outbreak file2...

          2007 Umbrella Chronicles
          2009 Darkside Chronicles
          2012 Operation Raccoon City
          he also forgot REmake.


          • While I never under estimate people's desire to troll (or the fake to bring the real one out theory someone mentioned...or even an attempt to make a fake to sell) it doesn't look faked. I'd say it was, indeed, real.

            It does create a problem, though, in that any shots we get will be difficult to authenticate - is it a real 1.5 shot, or a faked shot, or a shot from the upgrade the folks are making? Hopefully the folks behind this will either release more shots 'officially' or keep quiet until release.


            • My question is are these all the screenshots that were uploaded ... or are more incoming from a nice member who had the hindsight to save them all ... ? And was a release date listed, or did they just say "soon"?


              • All the pictures uploaded on the facebook page have already been posted here.
                Last edited by biohazard_star; 06-19-2012, 10:04 AM.
                Seibu teh geimu?


                • Originally posted by Hcloud13 View Post
                  If you are including Outbreak file2...

                  2007 Umbrella Chronicles
                  2009 Darkside Chronicles
                  2012 Operation Raccoon City
                  I don't consider that to be normal resident evil games. We could as well include the movies then. The last real Resident Evil game was zero, and it was 10 years ago.
                  Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                  he also forgot REmake.
                  I guess in the special world you live in Rebirth was made after Zero.
                  Last edited by Rick Hunter; 06-19-2012, 11:11 AM.


                  • "I'm gonna repeat myself." i said over half the games made in the past ten years have zombies. zombies have always been there. your opinion of what constitutes a "real" RE game is irrelevant. especially when you cannot distinguish movies from games.
                    Last edited by J0shuaKane; 06-19-2012, 11:24 AM.


                    • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                      All the pictures uploaded on the facebook page have already been posted here.
                      Ah, thanks for the notice I am sure some other people were wondering this too. Now I guess we wait.


                      • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                        "I'm gonna repeat myself." i said over half the games made in the past ten years have zombies. zombies have always been there. your opinion of what constitutes a "real" RE game is irrelevant. especially when you cannot distinguish movies from games.
                        Great, whatever then. Enjoy your zombies in railshooters and phone games.


                        • I can confirm it's not a prank, from what I've been told, the guy is a trusted name and it's more real than any other near release in the past.

                          Apparently the guy is fixing errors and translating the game from what he can do, then will be releasing it. Only so much he can do.
                          Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                          • Originally posted by Darkside05 View Post
                            I can confirm it's not a prank, from what I've been told, the guy is a trusted name and it's more real than any other near release in the past.

                            Apparently the guy is fixing errors and translating the game from what he can do, then will be releasing it. Only so much he can do.



                            • It's nice of him to do it, but I'm sure there will be fans who would like their hands on the beta he has right now.

                              Maybe a double release?


                              • Oh great, a translation worse than CAPCOM's.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

