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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    This, apart from the latter being rendered at a higher resolution through an emulator. If it's not legit, it's a pretty amazing reproduction. And none of it looks even slightly like c2keo's reproductions.


    • Wonder if it will be released (if happens, of course) before RE6.

      If it's meant to be, wow what a load of years spent on hoping for the day to come, if it's not, I'm sure another 15 year's won't hurt :p
      Zombies...zombies everywhere...


      • Originally posted by Darkside05 View Post
        Wonder if it will be released (if happens, of course) before RE6.

        If it's meant to be, wow what a load of years spent on hoping for the day to come, if it's not, I'm sure another 15 year's won't hurt :p
        I don't think it will be enough to satisfy most of the community since it is only about 40% complete. The goal has always been the last version they scrapped (70%). Will be fun though, and a great milestone. I'm sure there will be plenty of mods to get the most out of it, and it's possible someone will decide to complete it.
        Last edited by News Bot; 06-21-2012, 04:46 AM.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • Shots from second PSM Video

          Last edited by Ketsui; 06-21-2012, 04:50 AM.


          • Originally posted by Ketsui View Post
            Shots from second PSM Video

            My point exactly! Thanks for this

            @NewsBot: Yeah I guess it won't for the entire community, but it would for a large group of them including me. Better than nothing I guess.
            Zombies...zombies everywhere...


            • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
              Right , dont mind these point-less posts they have no idea what they are talking about , seriously DXP Just compared the two here

              Sorry guys , but try again in proving that those shots are fake , because they're not
              Great link. I especially liked this bit...

              Fuck Curator , he banned me from his stupid fucking FB+YT , Like i give a fuck , at least i made him go mad before he banned me , Lmao i could sense it , That happened long time ago anyway ....
              This, ladies and gentlemen, is why we can't have nice things.


              • If you're a private collector, and if this average retard is the public you could potentially release your game to, I understand why nothing ever leaks.


                • Originally posted by randomwab View Post
                  Great link. I especially liked this bit...

                  Fuck Curator , he banned me from his stupid fucking FB+YT , Like i give a fuck , at least i made him go mad before he banned me , Lmao i could sense it , That happened long time ago anyway ....

                  This, ladies and gentlemen, is why we can't have nice things.
                  Besides Cruator scenario what did he actually do to make you get him 'mad' and ban you? I'm intrigued to know.

                  Anyway, besides the point, there is quite a few places we haven't even seen yet properly in the game. Rooms in the RPD, Sewers, etc, that's what I'd love to see first hand.
                  Last edited by Darkside05; 06-21-2012, 06:37 AM.
                  Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                  • That was a quote that Randomwab pulled off of that link Darkside. Hmmm, so I see the tables have turned. The RDT editor doesn't make any sense but the fact that Johns model is exactly the same is a good eye-catcher. As said, we will have to wait and see, but I like the effort from both sides to prove its real and to prove its just a mod. Atleast we're doing it in a civil way.


                    • Originally posted by Gradon View Post
                      That was a quote that Randomwab pulled off of that link Darkside. Hmmm, so I see the tables have turned. The RDT editor doesn't make any sense but the fact that Johns model is exactly the same is a good eye-catcher. As said, we will have to wait and see, but I like the effort from both sides to prove its real and to prove its just a mod. Atleast we're doing it in a civil way.
                      Yeah I knew, think Mrox2 deleted the post, thus it appeared that way.

                      I still reckon there's no chance it's a mod. The background is too exact, and we've seen what others have done with backgrounds, and they don't match up. Same goes for John's model, in the photo I posted, it's a dead set giveaway it's both legit.

                      Just waiting for the day it comes...
                      Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                      • If I had to guess, I think that the logic of not releasing the raw beta before the fixed version is so another group doesn't take the beta and do a better fix themselves. I think they'd want credit for it, which is fair enough.

                        Looks very promising. I hope to hear more about the project, and that people can stay mature and not jeopardise their good efforts


                        • I will start banning anyone caught displaying any form for irrational and potentially harmful behavior. It's bad enough that THIA basically got the retard label and blame for how the previous deals fell through ... you know, despite how we (staff) were the only ones actually trying to work out a deal at the time with a confirmed source... (and financial backing to pull it off) which partly fell through due to random circumstances ... circumstances made worse by forum community behaviour...
                          Last edited by Carnivol; 06-21-2012, 07:26 AM. Reason: BOSS


                          • That's why the release and progress kept under cover without anyone being able to contact the person who supposedly has the game is good, and good for everyone in the long run. That's why I believe this more than any other potential 'leak'.
                            Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                            • Originally posted by Darkside05 View Post
                              That's why the release and progress kept under cover without anyone being able to contact the person who supposedly has the game is good, and good for everyone in the long run. That's why I believe this more than any other potential 'leak'.

                              I'd like a classic RESIDENT EVIL (PSX), only, and nothing more.


                              • Well , Sorry.
                                The reason is that i was kindly talking to him , then he goes and blocks me away without saying anything and just like that ....
                                Never mind anyway it's not of the important thing ....

                                Back on topic :
                                All i know is that these guys got a copy of the proto and they're pretty skilled in modding PS1 Games , Always wanted to do that myself.
                                Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                                ^ Lol ...

