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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Read like 3 posts above for the answer.

    Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
    , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


    • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
      Just to make it clear: what you named are translation groups, which are never involved with this kind of hacking as their only task is to change messages while patching text routines whenever necessary.
      I feel like you're really underselling (some people in) the translation community now ;D

      I mean, you know all this already, but for those who're not in the technical know how of stuff; "some" games require you to completely break down the game's event script system in order to force feed it new text, thanks to some games having their dialog pretty much being hardcoded as part of the event script itself, rather than having it fetched from an external database of sorts. Console Resident Evil "partly," at least, would require you to understand some of the RDT's structure to force in translated event text, some way of feeding the game new data without it blocking it for having the wrong CRC, some way of editing whatever format the RE game of choice stores its "FILES"-text in, and a general bit of sorcery to make all your menu text fit into whatever space is available within the game's PSX.EXE (or whatever name it's decided to take upon itself in the title of choice).

      While I'm not sure how much trouble ATLUS' coding monkeys gave you with those PS1 Shin Megami Tensei games (assuming a lot) ... surely there's a lot of know-how being applied to solve those kinds of "issues" there that could easily be applied to other things too... if you wanted to do specific things (such as either fixing a broken game ... or ... well ... trolling the shit out a community with some epic fake material ).

      Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
      One thing is faking a 2D sprite, and another is to recreate a 3D rendered environment.
      If Sonic == 2D to you, time to crawl out from underneath that rock you've been hiding. Sonic went 3D ages ago, and the furries love it.


      • Originally posted by MiLØ View Post
        maybe the guy who posted the pics on Facebook is someone who doesn't have the build, but he knows someone who does and is going to release it.


        • and what if he says so just because he fears that someone at capcom could try to recover his beta ?

          it seems to me that everyone that releases new re 1.5 screenshots claims that he doesn't have the game...


          • Who knows. But Capcom doesn't, and will never, care.


            • do we have any real proof that capcom really doesn't care ? how do we know that someone at capcom never contacted anyone who publicly stated that he does have the beta ?

              and even if that's so, it is possible that who does have the beta thinks that capcom cares about it...
              Last edited by warren; 06-21-2012, 12:38 PM.


              • Just common sense and logic.


                • Even if Capcom does contact a person who releases 1.5 on the web, does sue and send him to jail - that person will always be remembered as a shining icon in the Resident Evil community... so yeah, it's totally worth the trouble


                  • I can see that THUPER happening.

                    Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                    , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                    • Originally posted by warren View Post
                      do we have any real proof that capcom really doesn't care ? how do we know that someone at capcom never contacted anyone who publicly stated that he does have the beta ?

                      and even if that's so, it is possible that who does have the beta thinks that capcom cares about it...
                      Well, anyone who's ever somehow had it, or had access to it, have quickly become awfully quiet about it shortly after media from it has gone public... they've also been known to dodge a lot of questions and also been people who're adults with a little bit more between their ears than "LOL INTERNT! TEH POLICE CAN'T TOUCH ME! TO THE LEAK MACHINE, DR. STRUDELPUFF!!!"

                      Originally posted by MiLØ View Post
                      Even if Capcom does contact a person who releases 1.5 on the web, does sue and send him to jail - that person will always be remembered as a shining icon in the Resident Evil community... so yeah, it's totally worth the trouble
                      Totally... not. If there's one thing I can promise you right now; I would at least never go to jail over some game "just for you guys" ;D
                      I've seen people been promised the most insane shit in exchange for fame and glory, and, well ... most of those incidents reminds me of The Flying Car.


                      • maybe the current owner knows that if it he ever confirms that he has the game he will be harassed forever by the resident evil community

                        anyway, let's hope for the better.


                        • There aren't really any universally applicable copy right laws, especially governing a unique scenario like this. For example, if you had a copy of the 1.5 beta, lived in America, and were the target of cease and desist from Capcom employees in Japan, well ... they couldn't really DO anything, legally. It's a huge legal grey area. If the person lived in Japan that had a copy of 1.5, yeah, that's different, they're a citizen of Japan and bound under their copy right laws.

                          I just find it funny how some people cower in fear over these kinds of copy right issues, when legally, there's no precedent, and it's a huge grey area as to what kinds of "trouble" you could get in.


                          • ^Pretty much regardless of which area of the world you live in, you'll be potentially ticking off some arm, branch, extension or partner of Capcom who owns the (potentially exclusive) distribution rights to Biohazard/Resident Evil 2 and/or could put up fight for infrigment on its overall design/scenario. ;D

                            Please do take note of how you rarely see unreleased games that everyone involved said had flaws of some sort (and thusly got cancelled), while you often get to see stuff from games either the dev or publisher claim to've been really happy with, but for reason X or Y ended up being cancelled. Companies tend to like to protect their IPs and a certain type of quality tied to their franchise (PS: pointing towards OCR or Survivor 2 isn't much of a defense in court)
                            Last edited by Carnivol; 06-21-2012, 01:23 PM.


                            • that's right.

                              anyway, let's hope that at least capcom isn't against us!


                              • Capcom doesn't care about us, they care about their money.
                                Last edited by Gemini; 06-21-2012, 01:33 PM.

                                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.

