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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
    Really? I don't have the exact interview on hand, but I coulda swore that straight from the horse's mouth, that the development team intended the game to be a type of closure to that storyline (not necessarily the entire series, mind you). However, the developers have contradicted themselves in interviews before, so ... it's hard to say, really.
    Destroying Umbrella wouldn't necessarily have killed the series. Tricell or something like it could have been the antagonistic corporation of 1.5's sequel, for example. Or rogue Umbrella scientists. The story would have been easy to continue.


    • I also remember something along the lines of 1.5 being the end of umbrella. I'm gonna search for that interview.


      • It's a known fact that 1.5's timeline had the RPD and Irons believing the surviving STARS members and attempting to shut Umbrella down. It's not clear whether they were a worldwide corporation in 1.5 like we see in Final; I believe they may have been solely based in Raccoon in this version so they could have been properly suspended from business. By the time the game begins, a month has passed and the infection has spread down through the mountains from the Spencer estate and has infected the city.


        • Are you sure? It wasn't related to Birkin?


          • He G's himself in the midst of it all, but the infection wasn't because of him. I'm pretty sure several interviews state that 1.5's infection was from the Spencer incident and not a lab leak like in Final.


            • Umbrella wasn't entirely based in Raccoon City at the time. RE1 mentioned a Chicago branch, so it was most likely at least a US corporation at the time.

              There is a bit of misunderstanding of how 1.5 would have "ended" the series. It was not -intended- to do so. After it was scrapped, they believed the story and details of 1.5 would not have been met with a huge desire for a sequel. In 1.5's universe, Umbrella had already been outed to the public and was in the process of being shut down with evidence recovered from the mansion wreckage and STARS testimonials. Leon and Elza were two just random people with no real connection to anything which gave the story a bit of a stand-alone feel. They certainly -could- have made a sequel to 1.5, no doubt. But there wouldn't be the psychology push of giving the gamer the influence of desire to see Umbrella destroyed (because it was pretty much already going under) nor the sequel hook that retail gave with Claire's "I gotta find my brother" crap.


              • And unfortunately that canon storyline gave us the astronomical turd that was Code Veronica. No offence to anyone who is a fan, but that game was just awful. At least 3 was somewhat fun and interesting.


                • Yeah it was then that Resident Evil turned into Santa Barbara with zombies.


                  • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
                    What is with the "?" on the GUI menu? The only plausible explanation for it is that it's an official Capcom tool written partially in Japanese thus the "?".
                    Or it's just the about menu? Visual Studio default GUI projects have that by default as well as many other projects created with other IDEs.

                    Because I highly doubt the guys who possess 1.5 would write a program specifically for 1.5 so quickly when people like Markgrass have spent years of hard work trying to reverse engineer these file formats.
                    You really think highly skilled people would take so long to figure out a format that is probably not that far from RE1 and RE2? Also, it's not like Markgrass its the god of all that concerns Resident Evil. I've seen other people perform way more complicated stuff in no time compared to the 6 years you mentioned. I'm not saying Markgrass is a complete retarded for taking his time, but I've seen people pulling together "complicated" stuff in a matter of a few days. You get the picture.

                    The fact people are saying things like "it will definitely be released" without any solid confirmation is what annoys me, not so much the screenshots and supposed evidence we have.
                    Given how the original discussion didn't have a release date pointed out anywhere from what I can recall, your statement is definitively agreeable.
                    Last edited by Gemini; 06-21-2012, 08:33 PM.

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                    • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                      I don't see how 1.5 would have ended the story line compared to what happens in RE2. The events are very similar, and whatever happens you can always create sequels with new characters/events. Just look at the retcon they did with Wesker, the prequel/sequel aspect of 3, etc.

                      Actually I could see the other episodes unfolding nearly the same way by just replacing Claire with Elza and establishing some kind of lame retcon family connection between Chris and her.
                      In the original Biohazard Wesker dies at the hands of the Tyrant, in Biohazard 1.5 Umbrella were found guilty of and charged with their crimes in the Spencer Estate. That's pretty much writin the main Biohazard villains out of the story completely. As Alziare said, in the 1.5 universe Umbrella were already in the process of being shut down, and Leon and Elza were just two randoms caught up in the aftermath as the virus spread to Raccoon City. My guess is that in 1.5 both the vaccine for the T-Virus and the G-Virus were recovered, the G virus to cure anyone who was infected because of Birkin, possibly Sherry, and the T-Virus to facilitate the cure of anyone else infected with the original virus. If the story does go anything like that it makes it pretty difficult to write an easy sequel, you've got rid of the pawn, you've got rid of the pharmesutical company and you've also got rid of the virus (my baby knowledge on RE virus' might not suffice here!), that makes it pretty hard to make a sequel, as opposed to the pharmesutical company surviving, the pawn being resurrected and the virus continuing to spread and develop.

                      Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
                      I would personally feel more comfortable if this guy would anonymously give us an estimate release or atleast confirm it himself, not that he couldn't run into problems or change his mind, mind you. The fact people are saying things like "it will definitely be released" without any solid confirmation is what annoys me, not so much the screenshots and supposed evidence we have.
                      I would personally feel more comfortable if people stopped asking for release dates and stopped trying to hunt this guy/group down on the Internet for more information. There was a page open where information was being released, and it was closed for a very good reason. Before this we had nothing and now we have hope, that's a good thing! The trick is to not get too excited and to not expect things to come quickly. The thing I find is that whenever information surfaces people go into "omg omg when is it going to get released?" mode and then get angry when things don't go as they want it to, with statements like "they should have done this" and "they should have done that." Patience is a virtue; I can understand getting frustrated at a slow trickle of information, but this is someting that was never going to happen over night. The more you get your self involved with it and the more you work your self up about it the harder it is going to be. Just appreciate every bit of information we get and then enjoy the bonus at the end when this game eventually does get released, wherever and whenever that might be.


                      • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                        I would personally feel more comfortable if people stopped asking for release dates and stopped trying to hunt this guy/group down on the Internet for more information. There was a page open where information was being released, and it was closed for a very good reason. Before this we had nothing and now we have hope, that's a good thing! The trick is to not get too excited and to not expect things to come quickly. The thing I find is that whenever information surfaces people go into "omg omg when is it going to get released?" mode and then get angry when things don't go as they want it to, with statements like "they should have done this" and "they should have done that." Patience is a virtue; I can understand getting frustrated at a slow trickle of information, but this is someting that was never going to happen over night. The more you get your self involved with it and the more you work your self up about it the harder it is going to be. Just appreciate every bit of information we get and then enjoy the bonus at the end when this game eventually does get released, wherever and whenever that might be.
                        Couldn't agree with you more.
                        Although few people do understand the delicacy of the situation, I can be happy that we aren't paying a dime for this special prototype when people have tried to make a fortune. I can also appreciate the fact that whoever is trying to get this beta to us in some shape or form without revealing himself in a dumb manner, meaning at this point im tired of people pretending they have it and they sound like there the gatekeeper to all of our lives. So far in this situation it seems to be the least hostile so i'm pretty sure we are learning from the mistakes. I haven't said to much about this situation although i've been a heavy spectator, and I like the devotion and the amount of effort is going for this special prototype, in conclusion we waited 15 years right? What's a few more months or possibly a year going to hurt.
                        Last edited by belmont1997; 06-21-2012, 11:03 PM.


                        • Originally posted by belmont1997 View Post
                          Couldn't agree with you more.
                          Although few people do understand the delicacy of the situation, I can be happy that we aren't paying a dime for this special prototype when people have tried to make a fortune.
                          Personally, I'd be more than happy to put money down if it turns out to be real for the time, effort and the amount of money it may have cost to get it OR to fix it up because considering the amount of money the donation drive years ago had towards it, I think that should it be real, released and maybe even fixed up then it wouldn't really hurt to at least give some money towards it to show thanks and to try and compensate at the very least OR if a donation drive was done like the RE1 GB one.

                          That's just me though.
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                          • Of course putting money down will be put glady towards 1.5 but that fact that there has been no demands this time around. It seems like we are being compensated just for going through the hassle and dealing with you'd expect Capcom to captlitize on something like this because im sure they would have made more money than any of the hidden dlc they put on there game discs. And quite frankly putting down 60 bucks for so of these new games that have no originality or just flatout isnt worth it id gladly put 60 for a game that I still can play to this day. I hate when people complain about tank controls if I can play Resident evil since i was like 6 you'd figure more people can adjust to the controls but people knowadays like to pick up and play and be beast already. Ohhh wait I mean people like simplisity like COD, anywho before I get into a rant. Even at 80 percent of the games completion I glady would still pay full retail price for 1.5. I've beaten RE2 like 4 dozen times on the PC,DC,PSX,N64, and Gamecube so I have been craving for another game that plays similiar to the classic Resident Evil games.


                            • Personally I'd gladly donate a couple hundred bucks towards a release of this 1.5 version. + hopefully untouched/clean/unfinished version.


                              • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                                I would personally feel more comfortable if people stopped asking for release dates and stopped trying to hunt this guy/group down on the Internet for more information. There was a page open where information was being released, and it was closed for a very good reason. Before this we had nothing and now we have hope, that's a good thing! The trick is to not get too excited and to not expect things to come quickly. The thing I find is that whenever information surfaces people go into "omg omg when is it going to get released?" mode and then get angry when things don't go as they want it to, with statements like "they should have done this" and "they should have done that." Patience is a virtue; I can understand getting frustrated at a slow trickle of information, but this is someting that was never going to happen over night. The more you get your self involved with it and the more you work your self up about it the harder it is going to be. Just appreciate every bit of information we get and then enjoy the bonus at the end when this game eventually does get released, wherever and whenever that might be.
                                Amen to that.

                                Although to be honest, I don't doubt these people aren't around. They're ALWAYS around. I think in this situation, where we can't even get a hold of the people responsible for this project, that's a good thing! I give you subject A:

                                the Italian said the exact release date? With him someone contacted? With him at all you can somehow contacted? I want to believe in the output of a prototype but I can't! I CAN NOT GO!!!!! I'm beginning to think that this is all just empty promises!!!! Why did he not lay out new screenshots or video??? I don't understand that Italian!!! He wants his people believed or not? Or he's just teasing us??? Without evidence I find it difficult to believe in all of this. If it continues so will keep silent, it's the same wicked story as with the curator.
                                Imagine if this dude was constantly messaging or harrassing the team that have the beta, and are patching it up. And I don't know why, but calling him "that Italian" seems a little rude to me.
                                Last edited by doriantoki; 06-22-2012, 02:52 AM.

