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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
    Imagine if this dude was constantly messaging or harassing the team that have the beta, and are patching it up.
    It's these kinds of people who have been responsible for many of the failures we've experienced in the past.
    These pests lack any kind of common sense when it comes to handling a serious situation such as a possible prototype leak.

    That's the big fault with the Internet, there's no control over which kind of people are allowed to use it.
    I begin to think that we need an IQ test which determines whether someone has the competence to use the net in a productive way...
    Last edited by Upaluppa; 06-22-2012, 03:23 AM.


    • Originally posted by geluda View Post
      that makes it pretty hard to make a sequel, as opposed to the pharmesutical company surviving, the pawn being resurrected and the virus continuing to spread and develop.
      Really? In which episode do you fight against Umbrella then? Resident Evil 3? It's half a prequel and the second half of the game could happen at the same time as RE 1.5. Code Veronica? It's not directly related to the Umbrella events. Resident Evil 4? Umbrella is already dead.

      It wouldn't have changed anything, as I said, the continuity could have been nearly the same with Elza instead of Claire.


      • So who's controlling the virus now then? I'll admit I don't really play modern RE games!


        • Originally posted by MiLØ View Post
          Personally I'd gladly donate a couple hundred bucks towards a release of this 1.5 version. + hopefully untouched/clean/unfinished version.
          A lot of us is like you. u.u
          I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info =


          • Originally posted by geluda View Post
            So who's controlling the virus now then?
            What do you mean by controlling the virus? It's a financial asset... Wesker, Ada, Tricell, terrorists, etc...


            • Originally posted by geluda View Post
              I would personally feel more comfortable if people stopped asking for release dates and stopped trying to hunt this guy/group down on the Internet for more information. There was a page open where information was being released, and it was closed for a very good reason. Before this we had nothing and now we have hope, that's a good thing! The trick is to not get too excited and to not expect things to come quickly. The thing I find is that whenever information surfaces people go into "omg omg when is it going to get released?" mode and then get angry when things don't go as they want it to, with statements like "they should have done this" and "they should have done that." Patience is a virtue; I can understand getting frustrated at a slow trickle of information, but this is someting that was never going to happen over night. The more you get your self involved with it and the more you work your self up about it the harder it is going to be. Just appreciate every bit of information we get and then enjoy the bonus at the end when this game eventually does get released, wherever and whenever that might be.
              I'm totally agree with you.
              Unfortunately taken by emotion i've shared those screenshots without thinking of the consequences that would bring people mad about Bio 1.5...
              Fortunately, the leak of these screnshots did not lead to disastrous consequences...
              Now we've to wait ;)


              • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                What do you mean by controlling the virus? It's a financial asset... Wesker, Ada, Tricell, terrorists, etc...
                I haven't played any RE post RE4 and even then I didn't endulge in its story line. But that's for another thread.


                • so am I right in thinking someone has the game and it's an early version of it but now they are modding it to make it more complete ? I did not know you could edit a ps1 game I only thought you could mod the pc version of resident evil 2.


                  • PC hacking is easy pie for pussies! No, just kidding, but you can really mod anything, as long as you don't break the limits a machine bounds you to and if you know where to put your hands.

                    Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                    , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                    • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                      so am I right in thinking someone has the game and it's an early version of it but now they are modding it to make it more complete ? I did not know you could edit a ps1 game I only thought you could mod the pc version of resident evil 2.
                      Yep, apparently this version omits a lot of "filler" rooms due to it being a press copy meant to show off gameplay features. This is demonstrated in the goromacida video where Leon enters a door in the 1st floor RPD shutter hallway and ends up in the basement shutter hallway. I would assume making the game more "complete" means hacking in the omitted rooms, which is definitely a nice bonus if they do decide to release this.
                      Seibu teh geimu?


                      • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post

                        If Sonic == 2D to you, time to crawl out from underneath that rock you've been hiding. Sonic went 3D ages ago, and the furries love it.

                        My reply pointed out that I don't know what the range of the hoax about Sonic protos are; I documented myself, and I couldn't find the 3D ones, but that's not the point, since I'm not really interested in Sonic protos, I take your point, and I know that stuff can be faked, but I was talking about the precision of the alleged BioHazard 1.5 picture, and yes, I know that there are 3D games of Sonic, but I'm not a big fan of SEGA nor Sonic.

                        I'm sceptic too... that's because I've done a simple test, I could have done a more complex one, but I don't want to spent too much time in something useless.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Test_001.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	66.6 KB
ID:	401393

                        The challenge is to match the lights falloff, which I've only approximate, but yeah, you can do very precise reproductions with "modern technology" too, there's no need of Softimage|3D, that is something out of this world, the keyboard shortcuts are insane.

                        This doesn't means that I'm saying that the background with Elza and John is fake,


                        • If the backgrounds are faked, these guys deserve an award. Absolutely no offence to the sceptical, because the 1.5 fandom especially, has been jerked around plenty, but I find it incredibly obvious that these backgrounds are legit.


                          • Given how c2keo was able to replicate RE1.5 backgrounds for years now and he definitively didn't use SoftImage3D, we can say all you need is talent, not specific software.

                            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                            • Originally posted by Ketsui View Post
                              I'm totally agree with you.
                              Unfortunately taken by emotion i've shared those screenshots without thinking of the consequences that would bring people mad about Bio 1.5...
                              Fortunately, the leak of these screnshots did not lead to disastrous consequences...
                              Now we've to wait ;)
                              Don't Care about them nah don't be sad for what you've done , it's already gone now so no reason to get upset by those ....
                              Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                              ^ Lol ...


                              • Nobody is trying to "hunt this guy down". What's wrong with providing an estimate release and then keeping quiet about it afterwards? What would hurt if the guy showed us at least 2 more screenshots to prove even further that this is legitimate? Would it hurt him in any way to perhaps show us the grenades in action? No it wouldn't.

