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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Thanks for the pictures.

    I'd like a classic RESIDENT EVIL (PSX), only, and nothing more.


    • Thanks for sharing the pictures without revealing their source, that was the best thing you could do!
      This looks quite promising, I have to admit!

      I doubt they'd go through all this trouble of upgrading the game if they'd intend to keep it to themselves, which in return gives me some hope that they actually intend to make it public once they're done with it!
      (I no longer doubt the authenticity of this build, it has to be legit)

      Either way, we have to thank them for what they do, I guess!
      Maybe we'll get to see some footage of never before seen areas/features someday, that would be awesome!

      Personally, I'd love to see a high quality screenshot of the item menu, or any of the debug menu functions.

      Speaking of which, did anybody notice that the item menu in this build has English text for it's categories?
      At some point during the development they replaced the English text with Japanese, judging from the pics of Inflames' source.

      The Goromacida video shows the menu in action:

      That makes four text strings less for them to translate, haha...

      I really love how the item menu in 1.5 was completely revamped compared to the one from BH1 whereas BH2 went back to the original design, by the way!
      Last edited by Upaluppa; 06-26-2012, 11:10 AM. Reason: Answered my own question, I guess...


      • The Japanese text is supposed to be the "Use, Examine, Combine" options that pop up when you select an item. I suppose they didn't bother translating "Item, Map and File" since they are staple videogame terms.
        Seibu teh geimu?


        • Originally posted by Darkside05 View Post

          Happened to find these shots this morning on Facebook. Not going to mention the name who it was posted by or where, but it's from the same team working on the build. (This is to avoid any BACKLASH from some members of the community here and anywhere else who take matters too far into their own hands.)

          - Biohazard 2 Title screen has obviously been changed to the Resident Evil 2 screen in conjunction with the translating to English, away from the Jap feel.

          - Leon shooting zombies in the basement of the RPD is obviously legit and new as:
          a. Crisp clear shot of this angle and a clear photo hasn't been seen before (can zoom in and tell it's not some Low Res Mag scan)
          b. It's not a screenshot from a video as I've compared to any footage we have of this area and the zombie movements differ from it. So it's obviously an in game shot.

          So it proves that more or more than what we knew has been done. Take this as just a grain of salt now though.
          I'm happy. Thanks man.
          Last edited by killer7ITA; 06-26-2012, 11:22 AM.
          I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info =


          • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
            The Japanese text is supposed to be the "Use, Examine, Combine" options that pop up when you select an item. I suppose they didn't bother translating "Item, Map and File" since they are staple videogame terms.
            Makes sense...
            I wasn't paying much attention to Goromacida's video, I guess...

            Alright then, just forget what I wrote there! ;)
            Last edited by Upaluppa; 06-26-2012, 11:18 AM.


            • Cool pictures, tnx man. Awsomeness.
              ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


              • Just to make sure, this time it has be released by the team, or still the same third party guy? If it's been released by the team itself, it would officialize the project.


                • Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
                  Personally, I'd love to see a high quality screenshot of the item menu, or any of the debug menu functions.

                  Speaking of which, did anybody notice that the item menu in this build has English text for it's categories?
                  At some point during the development they replaced the English text with Japanese, judging from the pics of Inflames' source.

                  I really love how the item menu in 1.5 was completely revamped compared to the one from BH1 whereas BH2 went back to the original design, by the way!
                  (Both are in the same build): The English text and the Japanese are in the same Menu Items.

                  Last edited by Biohazard 1995; 06-26-2012, 12:56 PM.


                  • Great pictures.... There will be more. The english and Japanese text together is kind of bizarre......


                    • Pretty sure RE1-2-3 had the very same approach about the ITEM/FILE/MAP/EXIT menu being in English while the rest remains in Japanese.

                      Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                      , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                      • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                        Pretty sure RE1-2-3 had the very same approach about the ITEM/FILE/MAP/EXIT menu being in English while the rest remains in Japanese.
                        Yeah, they did!
                        The language mix is nothing unusual at all, the NEW GAME, LOAD GAME etc. text on the title screen is also in English whereas the typewriter menu is kept in Japanese. Looks like it's almost a tradition in Japanese video games to use bits of English here and there for common descriptions.

                        The reason why I got confused with it is because 1.5's menu looks so different from what I am used to from the released Biohazard games.
                        How silly of me, I should have watched the item menu in action during the video before I brought this up.

                        Guess I was just too eager to share what I thought to be a new discovery...
                        Last edited by Upaluppa; 06-26-2012, 01:54 PM.


                        • Interesting, fingers crossed!


                          • Anyone noticed that the knife doesn't occupy an item slot, like RE4 or REmake?


                            • In REGC the Combat Knife occupies a slot like all the rest of the other items. You're probably mistaking that with the Lighter/Lockpick in RE1 and the Lighter/G-Virus/Lockpick/Picture in RE2. Still, it makes sense given how the knife is visible on Leon's model. Also, what you're referring to are definitively the daggers and grenades/taser batteries, which indeed don't take any room in your inventory.
                              Last edited by Gemini; 06-26-2012, 03:49 PM.

                              Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                              , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                              • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                                In REGC the Combat Knife occupies a slot like all the rest of the other items. You're probably mistaking that with the Lighter/Lockpick in RE1 and the Lighter/G-Virus/Lockpick/Picture in RE2. Still, it makes sense given how the knife is visible on Leon's model. Also, what you're referring to are definitively the daggers and grenades/taser batteries, which indeed don't take any room in your inventory.
                                Exactly, I think they are like Dino Crisis 2, they can be called with a different button, maybe with R2 he/she uses the second weapon equipped.

                                In none of the videos there is an automatic defence move when a zombie picks you, like in ReBirth, so is nothing automatic, maybe, lol.

