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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • You don't say.

    Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
    , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


    • Originally posted by Morellus View Post
      I really need to play RE 1.5
      i always wanted to know the original history , and how it would change the whole RE series

      Please if anyone knows anything post it here
      It's not that far off the retail. The biggest differences seem to have been;

      1) More side characters. That don't instantly die two scenes after meeting them. It appears as though Leon, Elza, Sherry, Marvin, Kendo, Ada and Annette could all make it out of the city alive, or at least alive during the end train scene.

      2) Umbrella is already collapsing. Apparently S.T.A.R.S in 1.5 were smart enough to keep that incrimination evidence they found. It wasn't totally gone, though. There seems to have been an RPD raid on the Umbrella Office in Raccoon City which ended badly, given all the blood.

      3) The infection seems to have come from the Mansion, rather than Birkin's lab. How or why Birkin was infected with the G-Virus isn't clear, though. He still seems intent on finding Sherry.
      Last edited by Darkmoon; 07-04-2012, 09:31 AM.


      • Well... the history on RE 1.5 is more interesting in my opinion.
        Thanks for the info Darkmoon


        • I hope we soon will experience this game. I think this game is going to be much better than RE 6 and RE ORC together!


          • It depends for whom, younger players chose RE6/ORC, the elders will return to its roots.

            I'd like a classic RESIDENT EVIL (PSX), only, and nothing more.


            • Originally posted by DZIAD View Post
              It depends for whom, younger players chose RE6/ORC, the elders will return to its roots.
              Exactly!. Younger gamers will most likely prefer the newer titles since they have the same kind of controls and gameplay that they are accustomed to. Most of us are accustomed to today's games too, but we can go back and appreciate the games we used to play a lot easier than the younger gamers who never played them games back in the day. It will be the same situation for them in 15 years, when they go back and play RE4/5/6 just like we do with old Resi.
              Last edited by braders1986; 07-05-2012, 09:18 AM.


              • Elders play elders scroll. lol. rhimed, huh, i chimed trough a byss...

                well, capcom could make a lot of money if they would switch back to prerendered backgrounds.
                and it doesnt need to be graphics that few of us (me example) can't handle with our video card equipment or new fancy console.

                just re1/2/3 style gameplay, but new scenarios .... online play perhaps. and thats it. there would be A MASSSSSIVE players.

                oh, Capcom, why you don't see the truth and money in our pockets waiting to be given -- for right things!
                ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                • ^ Not really. We ain't getting any new old-style RE games simply because they wouldn't sell well, or rather, a vast majority of the gaming population prefer the gameplay of the newer games. To Capcom, we're just a small niche market that isn't really worth chasing after. Sure, they might throw in a horror segment or two in their newer games, but we're not getting pre-rendered + clunky controls back. Ever.
                  Seibu teh geimu?


                  • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                    Elders play elders scroll. lol. rhimed, huh, i chimed trough a byss...

                    well, capcom could make a lot of money if they would switch back to prerendered backgrounds.
                    and it doesnt need to be graphics that few of us (me example) can't handle with our video card equipment or new fancy console.

                    just re1/2/3 style gameplay, but new scenarios .... online play perhaps. and thats it. there would be A MASSSSSIVE players.

                    oh, Capcom, why you don't see the truth and money in our pockets waiting to be given -- for right things!

                    If they went back to pre-rendered backgrounds their sales would take a huge nose dive, old RE just would not sell the amount that is needed for a company in this day.


                    • The vast majority of their sales are from gamers who started with RE4 and up. If they went back to the oldschool style, guaranteed that they would alienate that fanbase. So it's just not happening, and financially, it doesn't make any sense. We should just be happy with the oldschool games that we have. And REmake and 0 still have the best atmosphere in any game I've seen, we should at least be thankful for those.


                      • I am very thankful for REmake and RE0, but I think Capcom could make another pre-rendered game if they wanted to.

                        PS Vita would be a perfect platform for that. While 3D graphics can be impressive even on that handled console the controls are just not as tight as on main consoles, so why not go with prerendered backgrounds and old school gameplay?

                        All the 'modern gamers' who wouldn't appreciate that move can take a hike, but oh my gosh Capcom aren't you Japanese? Have some honour!


                        • Actually, funny you should mention that, but Japanese companies are increasingly adopting western models when it comes to business and video games. They looked at the slumping Japanese market, and the booming American market, put two and two together, and probably said screw honour. There's no such thing as honour in the business model. Much in the same way that ethical business is an oxymoron. But that's a whole nother can of worms.


                          • Yep business is business even the most hardcore samurais.

                            But actually going aside from that I don't think making another old school title is a lose-lose situation for them; what about Sega's newer Sonic 4 Episode 1&2 or Nintendo's portable Mario games? Those are 2D platformers just like back in a day when it all began. And people are still playing n loving it today. Of course the games are visually updated for today's standards, but the same could be done with an old school RE horror title.


                            • I think a Resident Evil 2 remake would be one of those rare exceptions for a successful selling old school game, but not many could get away with it, not many at all.


                              • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                                The vast majority of their sales are from gamers who started with RE4 and up. If they went back to the oldschool style, guaranteed that they would alienate that fanbase. So it's just not happening, and financially, it doesn't make any sense. We should just be happy with the oldschool games that we have. And REmake and 0 still have the best atmosphere in any game I've seen, we should at least be thankful for those.
                                I agree. Games have to move forward and change if they want to stand a chance in the business. Technology advances, the games must too. It's not always for the best and we lose stuff we like but it's just how it works. They didn't exactly do a bad change, look how RE4 turned out, that game speaks for itself and it's one of the best games ever made (in a lot of ways). The games have to be made to what new and existing gamers are getting used to at the present.

                                We are bound to see more HD editions/Ports of the old games on PSN/XBLA, that market area is perfect for those games and Capcom know it. They also know how much people love the old games and I'm sure REmake/Zero ect.. will make an appearance a few more times in the future.

                                We should be happy we can still have that.
                                Last edited by braders1986; 07-05-2012, 04:11 PM.

