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  • Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
    I think a Resident Evil 2 remake would be one of those rare exceptions for a successful selling old school game, but not many could get away with it, not many at all.
    This, actually, I agree with. Leon is one of the (if not THE) most popular characters in the series. A RE2 remake is actually quite viable. My only fear would be that it became infused with way too many action elements, and lost a lot of the appeal of the original game. I am imagining it in a style of REmake, and it would look beautiful.

    On that topic, one of the problems I have with the series, is the way in which Raccoon City was handled. In the original game, it was ambiguous as to whether there was an outbreak. The streets had zombies, but there was a feeling of it being a ghost town, or almost completely deserted, at least of life. It carried into the Police Station, where there weren't many noises coming from outside. In fact, one of the only outside areas had ghostly zombie howls in the distance. You didn't hear people yelling/screaming/running for their lives, or fire trucks, ambulances and so on. The feeling was that people bucked tail and ran the hell out of there.

    RE3 saw the incident as the beginning of the outbreak; and there was naturally a lot of chaos. There was A LOT going on, and it made sense, it was the beginning of the chaos. Here we saw the introduction of various factions, the dropping of even MORE biological weapons into the city. A gas station blows, hospital and clock tower blow up. The park is more or less entirely destroyed. Jill single handedly derails a tram, crashing it into a building. It gets more than a little ridiculous after awhile.

    Now Operation Raccoon City though ... I know this game isn't exactly on people's top ten lists. But it contradicted almost everything with regards to Raccoon City. There is just TOO much going on now, too many factions. It intercedes with the time frame of RE2, when the city should have already been largely "dead". But again, just too many factions/things going on here.

    So where am I going with this? I imagine in a RE2 remake, they'll probably go the route of the city being in utter chaos, things blowing up, people running and screaming ... it would just kill the original atmosphere of the game. And for that reason, I would no longer really care for a remake if that was the case.
    Last edited by doriantoki; 07-05-2012, 05:52 PM.


    • No remakes please. None of the reasons that made the BH1 remake great are around anymore.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • Honestly, I would love a remake of RE2 with 4/5's camera and some bees, as long as they don't throw at you a plethora of enemies to fight along the way while giving you a ton ammunitions (it wouldn't make sense, considering what Irons did with his terrorism countermeasures, plus the fact that zombies shouldn't drop ammos or pesetas).

        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


        • just completed playing re3 (again). I'd say the chaos is great. re2 + re3 = the true raccoon city. yeah.

          anyway. Me and few other of my friends who are working as programmers too like me. we had an idea yesterday that we should bring this re1/2/3 style back. But how?

          Well one of my friend is very good at 3D stuff. I am quite good in general C/C++ programming. We could create a gaming platform that looks like same. It would NOT be called resident evil of course. But it would be open source project and like SDK. So with an little effor the final product could be put in use for easy scenario creating. Users can include players from resident evil series and stuff like that.

          This is very raw idea. I know we have the man power to pull it off. I am just thinking would it go well? Will there be a fanbase who creates levels (pre rendered backgrounds) and stuff like that.
          ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


          • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
            just completed playing re3 (again). I'd say the chaos is great. re2 + re3 = the true raccoon city. yeah.

            anyway. Me and few other of my friends who are working as programmers too like me. we had an idea yesterday that we should bring this re1/2/3 style back. But how?

            Well one of my friend is very good at 3D stuff. I am quite good in general C/C++ programming. We could create a gaming platform that looks like same. It would NOT be called resident evil of course. But it would be open source project and like SDK. So with an little effor the final product could be put in use for easy scenario creating. Users can include players from resident evil series and stuff like that.

            This is very raw idea. I know we have the man power to pull it off. I am just thinking would it go well? Will there be a fanbase who creates levels (pre rendered backgrounds) and stuff like that.
            Would pre rendered backgrounds need to be completely replaced?. I have no idea how this stuff works. Does a full hi res re render of a background have to be done from a higher resolution source image at Capcom, or can it be done using the existing backgrounds we can rip from the games.

            Considering most of us can run REmake perfectly in Dolphin (GC/WII Emu) higher res backgrounds is all that game really needs. No matter what the settings, Emulators just always seem to make any pre rendered stuff look a lot worse
            Last edited by braders1986; 07-06-2012, 04:34 AM.


            • How complete will this build be 40% or 65%?
              Last edited by GamerTak3r; 07-06-2012, 10:32 AM.


              • Originally posted by GamerTak3r View Post
                How complete will this build is 40 % or 65? I know it is not 80% cause final build is 80 %
                Alzaire said is 40% complete.


                • Complete compared to what? Final inflames source build?
                  ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                  • And hopefully even more than 40%. If they can get parts that were not readily playable at to work then even better. I would think there was even more stuff on the disk that they just hadn't got round to compiling at the time the disk was made.
                    Last edited by braders1986; 07-06-2012, 07:22 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                      Complete compared to what? Final inflames source build?


                      • Originally posted by braders1986 View Post
                        Would pre rendered backgrounds need to be completely replaced?. I have no idea how this stuff works. Does a full hi res re render of a background have to be done from a higher resolution source image at Capcom, or can it be done using the existing backgrounds we can rip from the games.

                        Considering most of us can run REmake perfectly in Dolphin (GC/WII Emu) higher res backgrounds is all that game really needs. No matter what the settings, Emulators just always seem to make any pre rendered stuff look a lot worse
                        You'd have to rerender, otherwise it would just be a low resolution image stretched and probably thrown through some filters. So unless you rerendered at a naturally higher resolution, it would look like ass, more or less. Ever seen any of the older RE games running on an emulator with filters applied? Generally, the 3D models and textures come out looking much better, but the backgrounds end up looking pretty craptacular. I am not sure what software Capcom developers were using for RE1-3, and at what resolution the original 3D backgrounds were before they were rendered, but my guess is probably pretty high. They would've downgraded the quality, or perhaps that occurred naturally when it was imported to the Playstation.
                        Last edited by doriantoki; 07-06-2012, 09:19 AM.


                        • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                          I am not sure what software Capcom developers were using for RE1-3, and at what resolution the original 3D backgrounds were before they were rendered, but my guess is probably pretty high.
                          I remember in some interview Mikami mentioned that for Resident Evil 2 they used a program O2. It is mentioned in wiki as well. Never found any info about that software though.


                          • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                            You'd have to rerender, otherwise it would just be a low resolution image stretched and probably thrown through some filters. So unless you rerendered at a naturally higher resolution, it would look like ass, more or less. Ever seen any of the older RE games running on an emulator with filters applied? Generally, the 3D models and textures come out looking much better, but the backgrounds end up looking pretty craptacular. I am not sure what software Capcom developers were using for RE1-3, and at what resolution the original 3D backgrounds were before they were rendered, but my guess is probably pretty high. They would've downgraded the quality, or perhaps that occurred naturally when it was imported to the Playstation.
                            A 3D object is resolution independent, you can scale it 200% and it will look the same, also a 2m^3 cube uses the same resources of a 10m^3 one, the poly/triangle and vertex count is the same on both.

                            The problem of rendering the old models at higher resolution depend on the texture resolution, if they were 256x256 px they will not look bad, but awful. For some stuff it looks like they used procedural textures, like different kind of noises, that maybe will work if you change the scale, but then they will look unnatural as they where made with 1996 standards.
                            Last edited by SonicBlue; 07-06-2012, 01:23 PM.


                            • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                              You'd have to rerender, otherwise it would just be a low resolution image stretched and probably thrown through some filters. So unless you rerendered at a naturally higher resolution, it would look like ass, more or less. Ever seen any of the older RE games running on an emulator with filters applied? Generally, the 3D models and textures come out looking much better, but the backgrounds end up looking pretty craptacular. I am not sure what software Capcom developers were using for RE1-3, and at what resolution the original 3D backgrounds were before they were rendered, but my guess is probably pretty high. They would've downgraded the quality, or perhaps that occurred naturally when it was imported to the Playstation.
                              Yeah I know they look pretty terrible on emulators, I just didn't know if you can re render a low quality render (I'll read up on rendering lol I think I need to). Shame we don't have access to them Hopefully Capcom still have the original high quality renders for when they smash out the REmake port for us in the near future ...I'm confidently hopeful this will happen, as long as the damn Nintendo agreement doesn't still have a hold over them :/

                              'I have a little video on my youtube that makes RE2 look a little better (IMO that is). It's the best I could get from it using crappy filters. Doesn't look half bad
                              Check it out if you like
                              Last edited by braders1986; 07-06-2012, 10:09 AM.


                              • Originally posted by MiLØ View Post
                                I remember in some interview Mikami mentioned that for Resident Evil 2 they used a program O2. It is mentioned in wiki as well. Never found any info about that software though.
                                That was the workstation they used when they were working on the 3d art, the program was Microsoft Softimage before it was bought out by autodesk. Apparently 02 workstations were designed at the time for high quality rendering of assets and in this case scenes and also apparently each render would take 2 weeks to render whether that was an entire room or just one camera angle I don't know but we are talking about 90's tech compared to modern tech nowadays specs are more than over what the had to work with back then meaning things can be rendered in minutes.


                                That's the info about 02 I could find.
                                Last edited by DXP; 07-06-2012, 10:09 AM.

