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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • You have to wonder if the project files for the game even still exist, but I'm totally for the idea of Capcom release remastered versions of the pre-rendered Resident Evil games.

    Because especially for RE1 on PSone. I too would like for them to go back to the original assets for the game, re-render them in higher resolution, and display in widescreen. In real widescreen, not cropped. I want to see more of a camera angle in a wider view. I made a mock a while ago to see how this idea would go.

    Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
    Resident Evil 2, though not my favorite Resident Evil - is by far probably the quintessential Resident Evil. Shame on ALL of you that want a remake, the game is absolutely - note - perfect.
    No. Its not.

    It doesn't have the 180 quick turn~~

    EDIT: Come to think of it. Did Capcom actually went through the original pre-rendered background files to create new camera angles for Deadly Silence?
    Last edited by OKeijiDragon; 07-06-2012, 07:53 PM.
    If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P


    • Have capcom include 3 uncut FMVs for the Remastered Original Resident Evil....


      • Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
        Resident Evil, the game that started it all.

        Got a Remake and was better then the original in many fans eyes.

        Why would we not want RE2 to have that chance?
        Because of Darkside Chronicles, that's why.


        • DSC version of RE2 was great but wan't perfect, neither was RE2 itself. I think a remake would be cool but I'm afraid CAPCOM will f*ck it all up.

          Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
          Because of Darkside Chronicles, that's why.
          My Head-Fi Page


          • Originally posted by Biohazard 1995 View Post
            Old Concept Art (Leon):

            Chief Irons' Office
            I never seen that Old Concept Art! O_O'

            Where did you find it?
            I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info =


            • @SonicBlue
              Is the DC version the only one that used 640x480 backgrounds then?
              I always thought the PC and DC versions both used that res and all other versions used lower


              • Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
                Resident Evil, the game that started it all.

                Got a Remake and was better then the original in many fans eyes.

                Why would we not want RE2 to have that chance?
                Right ! People saying no need for a remake , sometimes push me to call the game something im not supposed to .... i mean yeah we want a REmake but one that's faithful to the name and i dont think capcom would ever ruin the canon or RE2 itself while remaking it , cause it's a remake afterall , better graphics , extra stuff , costumes and modes ....
                as mentioned by okeiji no 180 quick turn , i'd like RE2 in a new engine and more comfortable aiming , Both new and classic camera style , and an optional "Non-Canon" CO-OP Mode , Mercenaries and Extreme Battle , More tense boss fights and harder "Mr.X + Birkin"
                All in High Defintion off course , i love RE2 but it's out dated and we must get a remake for it as good as the original and better , Yes it can be better !
                Last edited by Mrox2; 07-07-2012, 05:47 AM.
                Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                ^ Lol ...


                • Why would we not want RE2 to have that chance?
                  Because what made the BH1 remake good was that the original team was still there and knew exactly what they wanted to do, as they had already had the vision for it since 1996. They didn't want to change much yet knew that if they didn't do enough changes, people would complain that it was the same. So they implemented great changes, while only slightly altering the storyline with a superior script and small alterations to connect to the rest of the series.

                  A BH2 remake would not be of the same quality at all. The opportunity to remake BH2 has long passed, there is no point now. It is 100% unnecessary and the new team simply cannot do it justice.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • Don't visit the forum for a few weeks and this shyte-storm hits. I stopped reading the thread 'bout half-way through before I realised it was a tad pointless, but there were a few good 1.5 discussions going on in between all the crap, so thanks for that guys; you know who you are!

                    Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                    Right ! People saying no need for a remake , sometimes push me to call the game something im not supposed to .... i mean yeah we want a REmake but one that's faithful to the name and i dont think capcom would ever ruin the canon or RE2 itself while remaking it , cause it's a remake afterall , better graphics , extra stuff , costumes and modes ....
                    as mentioned by okeiji no 180 quick turn , i'd like RE2 in a new engine and more comfortable aiming , Both new and classic camera style , and an optional "Non-Canon" CO-OP Mode , Mercenaries and Extreme Battle , More tense boss fights and harder "Mr.X + Birkin"
                    All in High Defintion off course , i love RE2 but it's out dated and we must get a remake for it as good as the original and better , Yes it can be better !
                    When it comes to a remake of Resident Evil 2 (can be dubbed; RE2make), I feel that nobody cared until REmake happened. When everyone played and mostly everyone loved that game, it was no surprise that a remake of RE2 would be expected and be of the same, if not better, quality.

                    It was at one point Capcom said they were actually going to remake RE2&3 for the Gamecube, but because all their time and efforts went into RE4, in the end they just ported over the PSX versions with next to no upgrades. To be honest, I don't actually know how true that statement is, it could be that Capcom had planned to just port over the games originally like they did with the Dreamcast, just the press took it the wrong way and assumed full remakes a la REmake style.

                    At the end of it all though, I personally would not want an RE2make today. I don't think there is anything left of the original Resident Evil developing style to make it great like REmake was/is.


                    • This forces me to say , I want a RE2make in RE5 or Even better RE6 Style !
                      Yup ... better than nothing .... as long as its faithful to the name and the original one.
                      Just My Opinion Though.
                      Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                      ^ Lol ...


                      • Originally posted by braders1986 View Post
                        Is the DC version the only one that used 640x480 backgrounds then?
                        I always thought the PC and DC versions both used that res and all other versions used lower
                        The Dreamcast version is a port of the PC version, it's based on Windows CE, inside one of the various .bin files you can read "This program cannot be run in DOS mode." so it's like a PC game.

                        They are like the Resident Evil 3 RPD bakgrounds, 320x240 resized to 640x480.


                        • This thread is so long! I couldn't read every page, but I want to get this straight, someone is actually going to release Resident Evil 1.5? I thought I read that it is supposed to be a build to fix areas that are not complete in the original, is this right? And who is behind the project? If the game build is released as a PC version will the untouched Playstation version be released to play too?

                          Also, I looked at the image of the RDT editor with Elza on it, and I knew she had a different face then Claire. I have seen SOME people make their own textures of Elza Walker and put in on the Claire Redfield RE 2 model, and the model didn't look like Elza. I would like to see side by side comparisons of all the RE 1.5 and RE 2 models if that is possible. Anyway, hope to play this game.
                          Last edited by Black~Crow; 07-07-2012, 03:58 PM.
                          I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                          • Originally posted by killer7ITA View Post
                            I never seen that Old Concept Art! O_O'

                            Where did you find it?
                            Resident Evil Archives / BioHazard Archives


                            • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                              This forces me to say , I want a RE2make in RE5 or Even better RE6 Style !
                              Yup ... better than nothing .... as long as its faithful to the name and the original one.
                              Just My Opinion Though.
                              You....don't....say it!!!


                              • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                                This thread is so long! I couldn't read every page, but I want to get this straight, someone is actually going to release Resident Evil 1.5?
                                According to the original discussion, it seems to be so. Still, there's no release data and it's not even sure if it's gonna happen for real. Only time will tell for sure.

                                I thought I read that it is supposed to be a build to fix areas that are not complete in the original, is this right?
                                IIRC, there's more than just completing temp rooms. The 40% build could just contain generic assets, models, and still lack most of the rest of the game to make it feel like a RE adventure.

                                And who is behind the project?
                                There's no answer to this question. Again, time will tell.

                                If the game build is released as a PC version will the untouched Playstation version be released to play too?
                                Why would they release the prototype as a PC version? If they are hacking the data on disk, then they are not porting it to the PC. It would make very little sense as it'd turn out into yet another replica mod.

                                Also, I looked at the image of the RDT editor with Elza on it, and I knew she had a different face then Claire. I have seen SOME people make their own textures of Elza Walker and put in on the Claire Redfield RE 2 model, and the model didn't look like Elza.
                                That's basically what most modding projects do, which is basically their main weak spot. Only a model created from scratch would probably lead to a more authentic Elza replica.
                                Last edited by Gemini; 07-07-2012, 08:30 PM.

                                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.

