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  • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    Because what made the BH1 remake good was that the original team was still there and knew exactly what they wanted to do, as they had already had the vision for it since 1996. They didn't want to change much yet knew that if they didn't do enough changes, people would complain that it was the same. So they implemented great changes, while only slightly altering the storyline with a superior script and small alterations to connect to the rest of the series.

    A BH2 remake would not be of the same quality at all. The opportunity to remake BH2 has long passed, there is no point now. It is 100% unnecessary and the new team simply cannot do it justice.
    I totally agree that without the original game's director Hideki Kamiya -- or at the very least, a serious contribution from him -- the soul and spirit of the original game would already be lost.

    It should be said that he explicitly said that he wants nothing to do with actually remaking the game, and I understand.

    I mean, let's be practical here. Look at Resident Evil 1.5. Now look at Resident Evil 2 as we know today. Kamiya-san worked on RE2. Twice.
    Last edited by OKeijiDragon; 07-08-2012, 02:36 AM.
    If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P


    • The only hope for an REmake2 at this point is for some mod, or someone's own creation. It will eventually happen, but it won't be because of Capcom.


      • Originally posted by OKeijiDragon View Post
        I totally agree that without the original game's director Hideki Kamiya -- or at the very least, a serious contribution from him -- the soul and spirit of the original game would already be lost.

        It should be said that he explicitly said that he wants nothing to do with actually remaking the game, and I understand.

        I mean, let's be practical here. Look at Resident Evil 1.5. Now look at Resident Evil 2 as we know today. Kamiya-san worked on RE2. Twice.
        It's not even just Kamiya (though he is mainly responsible for BH2's great direction). Barely any of the original BH2 team is there anymore. We've already been given two examples of how the new team views BH2, and neither are good or even begin to touch the quality of the original. A remake of BH2 on par with the remake of BH1 will simply never, ever happen. And if it does get made and people inevitably bitch about it, I'm going to laugh at every single one of them for being short-sighted as hell.
        Last edited by News Bot; 07-08-2012, 11:16 AM.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
          It's not even just Kamiya (though he is mainly responsible for BH2's great direction). Barely any of the original BH2 team is there anymore. We've already been given two examples of how the new team views BH2, and neither are good or even begin to touch the quality of the original. A remake of BH2 on par with the remake of BH1 will simply never, ever happen. And if it does get made and people inevitably bitch about it, I'm going to laugh at every single one of them for being short-sighted as hell.

          I do see were you are coming from, but lets not forget that there is fresh talent out there, look at it this way.

          Resident Evil: Distant Memories is a mod made by fans and generally people who know their shit and most importantly they know their Resident Evil. I think it would be harsh to not give the chance to the new talent at Capcom, after all they themselves most likely have been fans since 1996.

          And of course not to blow my own horn but I think me and my team are doing some interesting things with our RPD map project for No More Room in Hell.
          Last edited by shanemurphy; 07-08-2012, 03:54 PM.


          • Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
            I do see were you are coming from, but lets not forget that there is fresh talent out there, look at it this way.

            Resident Evil: Distant Memories is a mod made by fans and generally people who know their shit and most importantly they know their Resident Evil. I think it would be harsh to not give the chance to the new talent at Capcom, after all they themselves most likely have been fans since 1996.

            And of course not to blow my own horn but I think me and my team are doing some interesting things with our RPD map project for No More Room in Hell.
            The new talent at CAPCOM who thought Operation Raccoon City was a decent representation of the events of BH2 and BH3? Or UC and DC? That sounds like a great idea. New talent means nothing. What people are expecting is a faithful remake similar to the BH1 remake. Such a thing will never happen, and anything less will only shake up everyone who wants a remake in the first place, and they'll change their tune faster than CAPCOM can announce some disc locked content for it.
            Last edited by News Bot; 07-08-2012, 04:01 PM.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • There is a very fine difference between the goals of a game like ORC and a remake of a survival horror you do know that right? Revelation's goal was to create a game with horror as the main focus and it succeeded.

              It's about the goal of the project News Bot, using ORC as a example is just dumb.


              • Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
                There is a very fine difference between the goals of a game like ORC and a remake of a survival horror you do know that right? Revelation's goal was to create a game with horror as the main focus and it succeeded.

                It's about the goal of the project News Bot, using ORC as a example is just dumb.
                You do realize that the new team has admitted that action is what they intend for the series though, right? To put it simply, a faithful remake of BH2 will not happen. A remake? Possibly. But don't expect anything even remotely approaching the quality of the BH1 remake.
                Last edited by News Bot; 07-08-2012, 04:12 PM.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • You do realize that they have to keep horror in the series right? Capcom simply CANNOT ignore the fans that prefare their more Horror in Resident Evil.

                  I mean look around, look at what Resident Evil has become on the internet, a playground for bitching.

                  Heres an example of a Halo fan conversation:

                  This looks awesome!
                  I'm gonna buy this Day 1
                  I will own you with my plasma rifle

                  Now here is your typical Resident Evil fan conversation:

                  Looks good
                  Resident Evil is Dead!!
                  Were is the survival horror!!???
                  Stop complaining people, a game series changes over the years.
                  Were is the survival horror!!!??

                  Rinse and repeat, If Capcom took out horror the backlash would ruin them, RE5 already has caused much hate and that is one game.

                  My point is, WE make Resident Evil, the consumers make a successful series, they are trying to sell their product to US.

                  We pull the strings, it's just a shame when I say WE it also means we have to put up with action fans in the slice of pie.
                  Last edited by shanemurphy; 07-08-2012, 04:38 PM.


                  • Aside from REV and possibly BH6, the new games don't have much horror. The fans spoke when they didn't buy REV and bought the shit out of ORC. Now it's unlikely horror will be the main focus anymore.

                    Like I said, a faithful BH2 remake will never happen. No wishy washy argument will change that. You will get something drastically different from both the original and the example of a faithful remake (BH1 remake), which is what people want. Misplaced trust in a team that has not even remotely proven themselves capable of the task also won't change it. It's also too late in the series to go back and do it, and the original still stands as one of the best games in history, with a solid foothold in the series. A remake would give the new team too much temptation to begin laying down retcons left and right, in the end contradicting every game in the series post-BH2 itself. It's simply nonsense. Just like that "Jill, Carlos, Leon, Claire team-up" idea that got thrown around a while ago, or completely changing the level design just to fit with the BH4 camera. If that's what some people expect from a remake, my point is proven. Nothing faithful, no "REmake" quality.

                    Then there comes the point of simply when will it god damn end? We've already got people pandering for remakes of BH3 and CODE:Veronica. Again, games which do not need them at all and will not be faithful remakes.

                    Anyway, this topic is about 1.5. Not the possibility of a handicapped remake.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • Your right, let me just add I am shocked when people ask for a Code Veronica Remake but anyway.

                      Any updates? news about this 1.5 possibility?


                      • Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
                        You do realize that they have to keep horror in the series right? Capcom simply CANNOT ignore the fans that prefare their more Horror in Resident Evil.
                        Yes they can, and they did.


                        • If Capcom took out horror the backlash would ruin them, RE5 already has caused much hate and that is one game.
                          No disrespect, because I know how heated old school RE fans can get, but this is just non sense. This statement is just outright delusional.

                          E3 2009: Publisher confirms latest survival horror shooter passes Resident Evil 2 as new franchise sales leader after quintuple-platinum milestone.

                          Please read that, and repeat again what you said in good conscious. If you do, you truly are delusional. I should note, too, that that article was from 2009. Since then, there's no doubt that RE5 has gone on to FAR surpass the sales of any games of the series.
                          Last edited by doriantoki; 07-08-2012, 11:57 PM.


                          • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
                            Yes they can, and they did.
                            You have right. Devil May Cry is gone, Resident Evil is gone... Capcom for me IS GONE.

                            But they did not only screwed us, they also screwed Kamiya and Mikami.
                            Last edited by killer7ITA; 07-09-2012, 04:54 AM.
                            I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info =


                            • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                              No disrespect, because I know how heated old school RE fans can get, but this is just non sense. This statement is just outright delusional.

                              E3 2009: Publisher confirms latest survival horror shooter passes Resident Evil 2 as new franchise sales leader after quintuple-platinum milestone.

                              Please read that, and repeat again what you said in good conscious. If you do, you truly are delusional. I should note, too, that that article was from 2009. Since then, there's no doubt that RE5 has gone on to FAR surpass the sales of any games of the series.
                              According to the terrible source wikipedia, the best selling game of that generation was Super Mario 64 selling 11.62 million copies. Currently the best selling video game of this generation is Wii Sports selling 79.6 million copies. What that tells us is that there is a far FAR greater number of potential customers in the gaming market now than there was back then. If you compare markets RE5 actually under performed compared to RE2, because a fewer number of the total applicable customers actually bought the game. Does that reflect a games quality and success over its predecessors? Not necessarily, it just means there was more people around to buy the game, which is a natural result of the growth in the video game market, not the Resident Evil franchise. Of course that doesn't make much change on this guys statement, but the point is an important one to be made I think.

                              Undoubtably Resident Evil is still a successful franchise, and a large portion of its sales must have came from its dedicated fan base, but another large portion must also have came because of influences of other games of this current and past generation. Out with the old, in with the new, as people say, in this case that is literal. By changing the game you might make new customers, but by removing what people love about the game you will eventually lose old customers. And let's not forget that initial sales are all based on hype, not quality of the game or success of the franchise. Street Fighter X Tekken might have sold more than 1.4 million copies, but Street Fighter X Tekken is undoubtably one of the worst fighting games Capcom have ever made. Sales mean very little to nobody but the company, a lot of us are stupid because we buy games based on hype and false promises. Eventually people will learn their lesson, and if the day comes where Resident Evil turns into Gears of War with parasites, many of the dedicated fan base might very well give up on the franchise.
                              Last edited by Guest; 07-09-2012, 06:56 AM.


                              • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                                According to the terrible source wikipedia, the best selling game of that generation was Super Mario 64 selling 11.62 million copies. Currently the best selling video game of this generation is Wii Sports selling 79.6 million copies. What that tells us is that there is a far FAR greater number of potential customers in the gaming market now than there was back then. If you compare markets RE5 actually under performed compared to RE2, because a fewer number of the total applicable customers actually bought the game. Does that reflect a games quality and success over its predecessors? Not necessarily, it just means there was more people around to buy the game, which is a natural result of the growth in the video game market, not the Resident Evil franchise. Of course that doesn't make much change on this guys statement, but the point is an important one to be made I think.

                                Undoubtably Resident Evil is still a successful franchise, and a large portion of its sales must have came from its dedicated fan base, but another large portion must also have came because of influences of other games of this current and past generation. Out with the old, in with the new, as people say, in this case that is literal. By changing the game you might make new customers, but by removing what people love about the game you will eventually lose old customers. And let's not forget that initial sales are all based on hype, not quality of the game or success of the franchise. Street Fighter X Tekken might have sold more than 1.4 million copies, but Street Fighter X Tekken is undoubtably one of the worst fighting games Capcom have ever made. Sales mean very little to nobody but the company, a lot of us are stupid because we buy games based on hype and false promises. Eventually people will learn their lesson, and if the day comes where Resident Evil turns into Gears of War with parasites, many of the dedicated fan base might very well give up on the franchise.
                                RE5 is not a bad action game... as a RE game it sucks ass.

