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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by killer7ITA View Post
    Killer è meglio non chiedere per evitare richieste di massa da parte della community...

    @Biohazard 95
    Nice find dude


    • Originally posted by Ketsui View Post
      Killer è meglio non chiedere per evitare richieste di massa da parte della community...
      What did you mean?


      • I guess Ketsui dude saidSpoiler:
        is this new stuff???? there are many bioflames and THIA watermarks, when this become a RE puzzle?
        Last edited by yurieu; 07-20-2012, 04:36 AM.


        • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
          What did you mean?
          How many italian's are here? xD

          Last edited by Ketsui; 07-20-2012, 05:53 AM.


          • The equip/check/combine middle image of that is from a high quality rendering c2keo was working on of the inventory.


            • Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
              The equip/check/combine middle image of that is from a high quality rendering c2keo was working on of the inventory.
              So nothing new


              • Nope, it ends here. Shesh, i didn't call this one at all.


                • Originally posted by Ketsui View Post
                  So nothing new
                  I dont know why I was excited and had hopes for this. Guess I have to face reality and stop being dumb cause I doubt it will be released any time soon.


                  • Originally posted by GamerTak3r View Post
                    I dont know why I was excited and had hopes for this. Guess I have to face reality and stop being dumb cause I doubt it will be released any time soon.
                    Oh c'mon, nothing can hide forever. Someday, a human being in possession of the disc will have nothing left to do in his miserable life and finally release the damn thing.

                    We just need to hope we don't die till it happen. Maybe another 15 years or so.


                    • We all can live with that.

                      although i love 3.5, i know i will never play it.

                      but who knows, human beings change their mind and hearth every morning, someone can release it on future.


                      • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
                        Oh c'mon, nothing can hide forever. Someday, a human being in possession of the disc will have nothing left to do in his miserable life and finally release the damn thing.

                        We just need to hope we don't die till it happen. Maybe another 15 years or so.
                        We don't even know if we will survive till that day comes. A human bieng doesnt live forever and we can die any second. I like to thank all you people for supporting and keeping 1.5 alive with these threads or similiar stuff. I guess now Im done and giving up for searching and expecting playing it soon. Its time for me to forget about this and get on with my life. Hope all of you who are 1.5 fans will play the game one day. Bye guys.
                        Last edited by GamerTak3r; 07-20-2012, 09:51 PM.


                        • It's only been a month since we found out about this, if you ever expected it to become a reality in any sort of immediate time frame you're severely underestimating the task at hand. As talented as this group might be, whoever they are, it takes time to do this sort of thing. If they really are doing what is believed they are doing, it's among some of the most complicated hacking known to the RE community, or hell the Playstation community for that matter, to translate, remodel, reprogram, bug fix, etc, lots of trial and error. Judging by the development of other hacking projects (RE related or not) I wouldn't be surprised if it was multiple years worth of work that was going into it. I know how eager you all are to play this game, we all are, but you really need to sit tight on this one and give it time, this is not going to happen over night.


                          • I doubt we will ever play this game! I remember Resident evil 1.5 was put on ebay for $100,000, I saw the screen shots, an then it was taken down. I do not remember what happened with that story. But, I know one thing, this guy that curator knows or curator himself is just seeking attention. He is just playing with us, so I feel as though Resident Evil 1.5 has gotten so much publicity that anyone who has the game isn't wiling to part with it. Year after Year, when all the interest dies down, then maybe the person who has the game, will feel sorry that they didn't share or sell the game, because no one will care. And people will say what the hell is Resident Evil 1.5? And why do I want it?
                            Last edited by Black~Crow; 07-21-2012, 03:48 PM. Reason: corrected a misspelled word
                            I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                            • 15 more years isn't going to hurt.
                              Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                              • Originally posted by Darkside05 View Post
                                15 more years isn't going to hurt.
                                By then, we probably have both this build and the final beta nabbed. Maybe the early TGS alpha build too.
                                Seibu teh geimu?

