You people are nitpicking and the discussion is getting more and more retarded. There is sufficient evidence that shows it's legit. The question is NOT whether it's legit or not, what we'd all want to know is what these people plan to do with this upgraded "40%" version. And the only thing we can do is wait.
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Well Carnivol, let's hear your input on why the backgrounds could be reproductions then. I've stated my facts on the matter (yes they're facts). How knowledgeable are you when it comes to 3D modeling? You're making assumptions that the backgrounds are fake without giving any solid reason as to why. Also don't think to play the "c2keo did it" card, as stated before his backgrounds are NOT 100% accurate, although very well done. The only reason c2keo should even be mentioned is because he seems to be the most knowledgeable when it comes to making reproductions. How many people on this community are even at the level of c2keo in the first place? Makes me laugh how some of you arrogant people claim how easy it is to do this and that when none of you have anything to show for it.
And to the guy posting unfunny and worn out memes, please try harder. There's also a difference between stating facts and trying to start an argument.
C2Keo's BG's ? Haha , anyone compared the lobby ? Lol.
Well guess i shall leak that anyway , or maybe not .. not worth it , while i know , those who believe those shots are fake , are blind , no need to force them to believe it ....Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
^ Lol ...
From what I've seen here are my assumptions of what the team are trying to achieve based on evidence we can observe from the leaked photos. The ones with stars are assumptions which have no reference from pictures they've posted, but would certainly go along with the type of work they're doing.
- Translate Japanese text
- Finish unfinished textures
- Replace placeholder artwork
- Replace placeholder models
- Link unlinked rooms*
- Add unfinished barriers
- Apply FG layer masks*
- Unlock "alpha/beta" content (weapons*, enemies, scenes*, puzzles*, etc)Last edited by Guest; 08-03-2012, 06:10 PM.
Originally posted by Carnivol View PostDepending on what you qualify as 100%; Quite often, actually. Easiest method is tracing, made even easier and more accurate than ever thanks to computers and the many software and hardware configurations you may utilize for such tasks.
Be it that you're working in animation, or just an arts student or a hobby designer. Personally, I used to provide a lot of animations and digital transfers of people's work (mostly for educational purposes) back in and around 2004. Accuracy was of utmost importance, especially whenever we did animations - as some of our clients would often want them to be entirely physics driven, rather than utilizing hand animation or keyframes.
Low poly character models are incredibly easy to reproduce. Especially when you not only have some pretty solid pictures of them from various angles and also video footage of them in motion. They have clear corners. They usually utilize very distinct and deliberate styles in terms of either quads or tris. They operate within a limited coordinate grids due to memory restrictions and target rendering resolution. All in all; Polygon data has the amazing advantage of being shockingly easy to accurately reproduce and scale if you're not a complete tool - easily comparable to vector data, just with depth added and less curves (nurbs on the other hand could be tricky as shit to accurately reproduce without insane amounts of moving light sources).
As for the backgrounds; they require a bit of work, but the hugest benefit of it all is that you don't even need to put too much effort into the actual rendering, 'cause you can basically just use the reference material to colormatch/texture match stuff in post-processing. It's fairly simple and pretty much what you do when you take an entire day worth of shooting for a movie and make it all seem like it takes place within a timeframe of 10 minutes. However, mid-90s CG isn't exactly heavy on the organic shapes. Almost everything is straight out basic geometrical shapes.
As for camera angels and perspective and such, anyone who's actually studied arts (perspective), basic geometry (maths) and/or 3D design can nail that shit down pretty quickly without as much as making that "Now I'm thinking hard" thing with their eyebrows. It's all parts of the very basics.
In theory all is possible, but when you try to this in a real situation you came out with big headaches. From the screenshots you can't really see all the objects, and also you can't know what that object is, if the picture is not clear or small, how can you manage to model something if you even know what you're actually doing? If you ever tried to model something, and I'm not talking about simple RE backgrounds, you know what I mean.
Originally posted by OKeijiDragon View PostThere is something you should know and this goes for everybody -- don't get too excited. It's certainly not coming out right away. I have MOTHER 3 to do first, and that has taken me years to do. It takes long because I want it done right and with care.
Also, I provided that screen specifically to reply to Biohazard 1995's post. There were no consistently good quality screens of the inventory menu. So I provided one.Originally posted by Carnivol View PostIt's from the material OKeiji managed to secure for his work-in-progress documentary feature on the game. Should be legit, but wont lead to anything playable.?
Also: why do you unveil to people that you did "secure" such material and then apparently just show one picture of it while writing that nobody should get too excited, yet, just because you are struggling to get some "documentary" (or whatever) done within a reasonable amount of time?
Don't take this as an offence: but, seriously, after all those years, to read how someone is acting like this somehow is quite annoying...
Can't you just show all the "material" you did "secure" (as "Carnivol" described it) in raw form NOW and then make your "documentary" (or whatever) afterwards?
Do you really have to insist on:
Originally posted by OKeijiDragon View PostIt takes long because I want it done right and with care.
How would you feel if someone would tell you: "Have managed to obtain something new to show, could theoretically show it to you now, but instead you will have to wait a long time to see it, because i am so fond of the idea to only show it within a "documentary" for the first time."?
Wouldn't you be annoyed as well ;)?Last edited by please_REboot; 08-03-2012, 07:52 PM.
Originally posted by please_REboot View Postseriously..., could you possibly elaborate from where or from what you did manage to "secure" this "material"?
Originally posted by please_REboot View PostAlso: why do you unveil to people that you did "secure" such material and then apparently just show one picture of it while writing that nobody should get too excited, yet, just because you are struggling to get some "documentary" (or whatever) done within a reasonable amount of time?
Point Two. I said not to get too excited about it because I'm focusing all my efforts to get another game documentary done, and its the one I started and want to finish first. This is a one-man project. It takes a long time to get the material and information I want to include. During my time spent on Episode 1 (Mother 3) and Episode 2 (RE2), I have separately conducted interviews with people who worked on their respective games and arranging that took time too. These are just a few reasons but I don't feel like getting into more right now. But I take my time with my projects as I can and want to, and I'm not going to rush this particular 1.5 project just because a few are getting their feathers ruffled. You are just going to have to wait like everyone else.
I like working on other stuff too you know, check out my YouTube backlog and Twitter account. I'm also in the middle of a magazine scanning project. These are just a few projects, I work on a lot of different things on & offline. I have a life outside of the PC too. =P
Originally posted by please_REboot View PostCan't you just show all the "material" you did "secure" (as "Carnivol" described it) in raw form NOW and then make your "documentary" (or whatever) afterwards?
I do have this though:
EDIT: OK, let's keep it real. This is old though:
Originally posted by please_REboot View PostHow would you feel if someone would tell you: "Have managed to obtain something new to show, could theoretically show it to you now, but instead you will have to wait a long time to see it, because i am so fond of the idea to only show it within a "documentary" for the first time."?
Wouldn't you be annoyed as well ;)?
No. I just move on with life like everyone else.
Originally posted by please_REboot View PostDon't take this as an offense: but, seriously, after all those years, to read how someone is acting like this somehow is quite annoying...
As for more info? I dunno... follow the pictures, maybe? Someone did recently post some more pics, so ...
Originally posted by VirusPunk View PostWell Carnivol, let's hear your input on why the backgrounds could be reproductions then. I've stated my facts on the matter (yes they're facts). How knowledgeable are you when it comes to 3D modeling? You're making assumptions that the backgrounds are fake without giving any solid reason as to why. Also don't think to play the "c2keo did it" card, as stated before his backgrounds are NOT 100% accurate, although very well done. The only reason c2keo should even be mentioned is because he seems to be the most knowledgeable when it comes to making reproductions. How many people on this community are even at the level of c2keo in the first place? Makes me laugh how some of you arrogant people claim how easy it is to do this and that when none of you have anything to show for it.
It may sound harsh, but it's pretty much the truth. Tell me what you firmly believe to be the most major technical achievement within the RE community, how it was achieved and a rough estimated timeframe for start to finish.
Originally posted by geluda View PostFrom what I've seen here are my assumptions of what the team are trying to achieve based on evidence we can observe from the leaked photos. The ones with stars are assumptions which have no reference from pictures they've posted, but would certainly go along with the type of work they're doing.
- Translate Japanese text
- Finish unfinished textures
- Replace placeholder artwork
- Replace placeholder models
- Link unlinked rooms*
- Add unfinished barriers
- Apply FG layer masks*
- Unlock "alpha/beta" content (weapons*, enemies, scenes*, puzzles*, etc)
Originally posted by SonicBlue View PostIn here came the problems, you are saying that the backgrounds are fake because you can easily reproduce them, I'm telling you that they are not that simple, so, they are legit.
In theory all is possible, but when you try to this in a real situation you came out with big headaches. From the screenshots you can't really see all the objects, and also you can't know what that object is, if the picture is not clear or small, how can you manage to model something if you even know what you're actually doing? If you ever tried to model something, and I'm not talking about simple RE backgrounds, you know what I mean.
Either way, I think you guys are all gullible. I don't think I've once said that these ARE fake. All I've said is that people are pretty darned quick on the trigger when it comes to saying these things are legit (as always has been the case with fakes in the past the past too. "Fool me once, shame on you / Fool me twice, shame on me"). And fact remains; it isn't as hard to reproduce authentic material as people seem to think it is. People shouldn't mistake their own inability to do something with the actual limitations of a medium or format.