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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • You'd be amazed by what kind of sorcery one can conduct if you just mix and match data from various sources.

    Just a matter of how you interpret things and what you look for, combining the trial versions, that publically available prototype and the PC version and you've got the shortcut to quite a lot of amazing things.
    Last edited by Carnivol; 08-05-2012, 06:39 PM.


    • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
      Don't know where you got that funny "60%", but the "beta 2" is nearly complete. It would be more something like 95% complete.
      60% is my own interpretation but I'd say 95% is equally as funny. For starters half the backgrounds aren't finished, cutscenes and boss battles are incomplete, music and VA aren't final, the build is completely void of any significant FMV, the game can only barely be finished. And let's not forget that beta 2 is only two out of five scenarios in Biohazard 2, as much as we would like to guess we have no way to know exactly how far in development Claire and Hunk's scenarios were at this point. The one thing I'm confident in is that beta 2 is no more complete than 1.5 ever was and we know that's an estimated 80% at best. Bottom line is it's still a mess, almost complete perhaps but a mess no doubt, no more than 80%.


      • Originally posted by geluda View Post
        60% is my own interpretation but I'd say 95% is equally as funny. For starters half the backgrounds aren't finished, cutscenes and boss battles are incomplete, music and VA aren't final, the build is completely void of any significant FMV, the game can only barely be finished. And let's not forget that beta 2 is only two out of five scenarios in Biohazard 2, as much as we would like to guess we have no way to know exactly how far in development Claire and Hunk's scenarios were at this point. The one thing I'm confident in is that beta 2 is no more complete than 1.5 ever was and we know that's an estimated 80% at best. Bottom line is it's still a mess, almost complete perhaps but a mess no doubt, no more than 80%.
        Let's not forget the "80% complete GBC Beta" that was glitchy, buggy and with a lot of stuff without implementation. Those percentages are ALWAYS gross exaggerations. I guess you played to the end with us in the release of the beta, didn't you? You know that it was more 40% complete more than I do.
        Hail the heros of the revolution!


        • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
          Let's not forget the "80% complete GBC Beta" that was glitchy, buggy and with a lot of stuff without implementation. Those percentages are ALWAYS gross exaggerations. I guess you played to the end with us in the release of the beta, didn't you? You know that it was more 40% complete more than I do.
          Unfortunately no, I wasn't around when the GBA game got released, I never had access to the Internet at the time.


          • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
            Someone mentioned that OKeijiDragon said he has new material , and you have to wait years to see them. Well, the reason you have to wait years is because he has to wait for someone to post new images, then he will have something new for his documentary. And, by the way, I watched those mother videos or re2 documentary, what the hell is that? I am confused to what I am supposed to be watching? It just looks like a joke and not anything useful.
            That first video was a friendly April Fools prank I made for my YouTube subscribers in April.

            Mister -- I'm gonna call REboot now -- Ryan Perez's fairly rude and self-entitled demeanor demanded to see something NOW in the bold and lined manner that he insisted on and I gave it to him. He's welcome.

            For the record, I felt that he attempted to dissuade me into releasing my footage by pretentiously questioning the worth of my documentary itself, without taking into account of other features I have planned for it (see answer eight here). I don't appreciate that.

            Originally posted by please_REboot View Post
            Was that really necessary ?
            I feel that my responses to you were justified.
            Last edited by OKeijiDragon; 08-05-2012, 08:29 PM. Reason: CAN'T. CONTROL. SELF-IMPROVEMENT WRITING. URGE.
            If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P


            • Originally posted by OKeijiDragon View Post
              That first video was a friendly April Fools prank I made for my YouTube subscribers in April.

              Mister -- I'm gonna call REboot now -- Ryan Perez's fairly rude and self-entitled demeanor demanded to see something NOW in the bold and lined manner that he insisted on and I gave it to him. He's welcome.

              For the record, I felt that he attempted to dissuade me into releasing my footage by pretentiously questioning the worth of my documentary itself, without taking into account of other features I have planned for it (see answer eight here). I don't appreciate that.

              I feel that my responses to you were justified.
              I for one is looking forward to your documentary on 1.5 eventually when it's released. The Mother one is also interesting me which hopefully is done soon!

              I just still think Cruator's build is far more in order than what people think. Obviously could be wrong though.
              Zombies...zombies everywhere...


              • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                Don't know where you got that funny "60%", but the "beta 2" is nearly complete. It would be more something like 95% complete.
                I'd give beta 2 a 75%-80% mark, there's no way it's 95% done.


                • Percentages are always stupid in terms of game design, especially when it comes to the general public.

                  Each studio tends to treat their percentages differently and the public rarely understand what these numbers represent.


                  • I really don't understand this team from Italy working on the game. Did they want the exclusive images posted on Facebook? Do they have their own RE site? How did you know to look on Facebook for Resident Evil 1.5 images, and in Italy too? Are you part of this team? I mean the guy that posted the exclusive images. And I am not being nasty, but it doesn't make sense to me. I am not looking to harass the team either, but it is funny that the team doesn't have their own site and post their own images. I mean if they are planning on releasing the game, where would they have it for us to download?
                    I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                    • Seriously dude, sit down and take a chill pill. Just relax. I honestly don't believe you at all when you say you have no intention to harass these people. You are the kind of person, if given the chance, that would chase them out of town. And then in that same instance, not understand why they'd run from you. Is it really that hard to figure out? These people are wanting to do this in (semi) secret to precisely avoid people like you. I know you don't mean any harm, and I don't mean any offence, but understand that your behavior isn't helping matter. The images shown are part of a leak. These people have no intention of displaying their work with a website. We don't even know the final intention. We just assumed it was being released once completed. It probably will be, but probably among internal members, from where it will probably leak. That's my guess.


                      • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                        Seriously dude, sit down and take a chill pill. Just relax. I honestly don't believe you at all when you say you have no intention to harass these people. You are the kind of person, if given the chance, that would chase them out of town. And then in that same instance, not understand why they'd run from you. Is it really that hard to figure out? These people are wanting to do this in (semi) secret to precisely avoid people like you. I know you don't mean any harm, and I don't mean any offence, but understand that your behavior isn't helping matter. The images shown are part of a leak. These people have no intention of displaying their work with a website. We don't even know the final intention. We just assumed it was being released once completed. It probably will be, but probably among internal members, from where it will probably leak. That's my guess.
                        I wasn't asking you, so you can take a chill pill. I am being serious. And when I am being serious, you attack me. There are 57 pages of what? I haven't read anything that would tell me what is happening. That is why I asked the question.
                        I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                        • The first set of pics were snapped up by someone who was in the same public user gaming group as someone Italian person who posted them on facebook after finding them somewhere where he found pictures of this so called project. He later answered some questions via PM on facebook before closing his account. This is the information people are basing everything on in terms of when it'll release and all that.

                          As for the second set of pics (also from someone's facebook) ... ask B.Zork, I suppose.


                          • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                            I really don't understand this team from Italy working on the game.
                            We don't know who are they (they aren't italians that's for sure)

                            Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                            Did they want the exclusive images posted on Facebook?
                            Nope. Someone else that know the project have posted those screeshots.

                            Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                            Do they have their own RE site?

                            Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                            How did you know to look on Facebook for Resident Evil 1.5 images, and in Italy too? Are you part of this team? I mean the guy that posted the exclusive images.
                            I'm in that group from few months and i'm not part of the project (which is not related with that facebook page).

                            Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                            And I am not being nasty, but it doesn't make sense to me. I am not looking to harass the team either, but it is funny that the team doesn't have their own site and post their own images. I mean if they are planning on releasing the game, where would they have it for us to download?
                            Assuming they have a site for this project, people will annoy them till death for a quick release. When the game it's ready it will be released somewhere.


                            • Where would be download it from? Wherever they want. The fact is, if there are anonymous people working on it, that is the way to go. Can't be shut down and closed if you can't be found.Anonymous releases happen often enough for that to be the least of my worries about this whole ordeal.


                              • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                                Did they want the exclusive images posted on Facebook?
                                No. One of the people involved showed a friend the shots, his friend put them up and got asked to take them down again, which they did. It was an accidentle leak due to the friend not knowing this was meant to be a secret.
                                Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                                Do they have their own RE site?
                                Nope. As mentioned, people will hassle them, demand they change things, demand they give out the game now this very second because 'I want 1.5 and I deserve it 'cos I want it and if you don't I'll kill you' and all the usual bullshit that sends people with a copy screaming into the night never to be seen from again.
                                Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                                Are you part of this team?
                                I can't speak Italian...
                                Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                                I mean if they are planning on releasing the game, where would they have it for us to download?
                                Torrent sites. Release it via assembler. Send an e-mail round to a file download link and let people share it from there. There are plenty of ways to do it without having your own site. Besides, the people involved are likely reading stuff like this anyway.

