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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
    Did you even read a single word of what I said? O_O
    well, you said they would translate it correctly, so, as it is all wrong, this not makes any sense.

    i know its impossible they are from here, but this is portuguese, or should i investigate a little more and try the spanish route.

    *the reverse translation of the spanish to english of this wrong spelling give me bullets for 9mm pistol. so, we have 2 languages now hehe.
    Last edited by yurieu; 08-10-2012, 02:24 PM.


    • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
      well, you said they would translate it correctly, so, as it is all wrong, this not makes any sense.

      i know its impossible they are from here, but this is portuguese, or should i investigate a little more and try the spanish route.
      No, I said that who translated it doesn't speak portuguese.
      As in: This is not real portuguese.

      Because the phrase was poorly translated.


      • I'm not even sure why you guys are so obsessed with trying to explain whatever the hell is going on with that screenshot. For all we know it could be just a simple test never meant to be revealed to the public. What's even the point?
        Last edited by Gemini; 08-10-2012, 02:26 PM.

        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


        • Fala Yurieu?

          A sentença quando rearranjada vira "Balas para pistola de 9mm" que é válido em espanhol e português, só que espanhol é pouco provável pois a tradução mais comum para Ammo seria "Munición".

          O problema é que a tradução foi feita por máquina, então é pouco provável que seja um brasileiro em posse do jogo, já que se ele fosse dono do jogo teria que ter pelo menos habilidades básicas de tradução do Inglês para o Português para a negociação do mesmo. Portanto foi feito por alguém que não fala português. Agora não se sabe porque alguém traduziria o jogo para uma língua tão pouco falada como o português, fica aí o mistério.
          Hail the heros of the revolution!


          • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
            I'm not even sure why you guys are so obsessed with trying to explain whatever the hell is going on with that screenshot. For all we know it could be just a simple test never meant to be revealed to the public. What's even the point?
            The point is that they're suggesting to investigate the brazillian/portuguese community of RE searching for someone who owns/have access to 1.5.


            • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
              Fala Yurieu?

              A sentença quando rearranjada vira "Balas para pistola de 9mm" que é válido em espanhol e português, só que espanhol é pouco provável pois a tradução mais comum para Ammo seria "Munición".

              O problema é que a tradução foi feita por máquina, então é pouco provável que seja um brasileiro em posse do jogo, já que se ele fosse dono do jogo teria que ter pelo menos habilidades básicas de tradução do Inglês para o Português para a negociação do mesmo. Portanto foi feito por alguém que não fala português. Agora não se sabe porque alguém traduziria o jogo para uma língua tão pouco falada como o português, fica aí o mistério.
              this could be a master flood heheheheh, but, i surely know there are no portuguese or brazilian dude owning the 1.5 due to geographical restritions, that would be crazy, but this is spanish or portuguese language, but just being a bad translation wont exclude any possibilities.


              • I guess I cracked "the code"!

                They're going to translate the game to a large amount of languages and do a f***in' awesome release! I think that they're communicating with the staatmeisters of other regional communities to deliver a good translation, and that picture leaked? Maybe the full text from the game is being passed around in very responsible hands for translation... and that leak? I guess they were testing foreign character display and discussing how to implement the latin characters required for the translations?

                I guess my brain is melting and I'm delusional?
                Last edited by Aleff; 08-10-2012, 02:48 PM.
                Hail the heros of the revolution!


                • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
                  i surely know there are no portuguese or brazilian dude owning the 1.5 due to geographical restritions, that would be crazy
                  It's well known, they live on another planet and don't have access to our civilization.


                  • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                    It's well known, they live on another planet and don't have access to our civilization.
                    So how am I here posting nonsense all over the boards?
                    Hail the heros of the revolution!


                    • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                      I guess I cracked "the code"!

                      They're going to translate the game to a large amount of languages and do a f***in' awesome release! I think that they're communicating with the staatmeisters of other regional communities to deliver a good translation, and that picture leaked? Maybe the full text from the game is being passed around in very responsible hands for translation... and that leak? I guess they were testing foreign character display and discussing how to implement the latin characters required for the translations?

                      I guess my brain is melting and I'm delusional?
                      well my glorious dude, after being the author of the thread, and 60 more pages, its possible you are having hallucinations just as beta leon eheh.
                      anyway, this is weird, not as the debugger of RE4, or the moron macida video, but weird!


                      • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
                        The point is that they're suggesting to investigate the brazillian/portuguese community of RE searching for someone who owns/have access to 1.5.
                        Yeah, sure. They would totally work under the light of the sun given people's reaction to everything related to 1.5.

                        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                        • Well the first error of logic is assuming this team all come from the same country, or even the same continent for that matter. For all we know the translator could have simply done a quick translation into Portuguese/Spanish so his friend could better work with the prototype and make his job a little easier and quicker, whatever that job might be, testing for bugs for all we know. Whatever the case this screen shot didn't come from an official release so it isn't even required to be an accurate translation, just readable. Honestly if I were to guess, this is a world wide project on a scale much bigger than we're giving it credit for, with people from various countries instead of just one definitive location. It just so happens the leak came from someone with ties to Italy and the surrounding European countries. Of course that's just a guess, it just makes more sense to me for that to be the case.
                          Last edited by Guest; 08-10-2012, 03:07 PM.


                          • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                            Well the first error of logic is assuming this team all come from the same country, or even the same continent for that matter. For all we know the translator could have simply done a quick translation into Portuguese/Spanish so his friend could better work with the prototype and make his job a little easier and quicker, whatever that job might be, testing for bugs for all we know. Whatever the case this screen shot didn't come from an official release so it isn't even required to be an accurate translation, just readable. Honestly if I were to guess, this is a world wide project on a scale much bigger than we're giving it credit for, with people from various countries instead of just one definitive location. It just so happens the leak came from someone with ties to Italy and the surrounding European countries. Of course that's just a guess, it just makes more sense to me for that to be the case.
                            "Maybe the full text from the game is being passed around in very responsible hands for translation... " yeah I second you.
                            Hail the heros of the revolution!


                            • Now you know where I've been all this time! ~~~


                              • The legend has arrived.
                                Hail the heros of the revolution!

