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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Did the developers ever give an official explanation as to why they dumbed down the zombies' AI between the transition from 1.5 to retail? It took them another game to re-implement the running zombies and a few more to make them (Ganados) be able to climb up ledges.
    Last edited by biohazard_star; 08-12-2012, 12:58 AM.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
      Did the developers ever give an official explanation as to why they dumbed down the zombies' AI between the transition from 1.5 to retail? It took them another game to re-implement the running zombies and a few more to make them (Ganados) be able to climb up ledges.
      They didn't "dumbed" the zombies AI. They started it from scratch.
      If I remember correctly, there's only 1 area in RE2 where you can climb ledges and zombies can't get you. The feature was useless in the retail.

      Besides, the zombies of 1.5 came from RE1.
      -You can't shoot them while they're falling/getting up/recovering from last shot
      -Their moving animation is bad and limited, and they can't do a quick turn to grab the player

      In fact, zombies from RE2 were a lot smarter than 1.5's ones.
      Last edited by Guest; 08-12-2012, 01:46 AM.


      • If I remember correctly, there's only 1 area in RE2 where you can climb ledges and zombies can't get you. The feature was useless in the retail.
        Game areas are designed with the enemy AI in mind. They designed the areas in retail around the mechanic that the zombies can only walk and can't climb up obstacles. In contrast, some areas in 1.5 were designed with those AI features in mind, hence the plentiful ledges in the sewer section and morgue gurneys/tables which zombies can climb down from.

        -You can't shoot them while they're falling/getting up/recovering from last shot
        This is not a problem with the enemy AI. This has more to do with damage detection/hit boxes.

        -Their moving animation is bad and limited, and they can't do a quick turn to grab the player

        In fact, zombies from RE2 were a lot smarter than 1.5's ones.
        By all means, they aren't any smarter than 1.5's zombies. They can do a quick turn when you get behind them, but they can neither run nor perform a quick turn when you shoot at them from behind. Also, they can't climb up and down obstacles, as already mentioned. If anything, they just had better animations, which are again not a problem with the AI.
        Last edited by biohazard_star; 08-12-2012, 03:27 AM.
        Seibu teh geimu?


        • I like the way the zombies behave in Re 1.5. I never seen the zombies from RE 2 climb and jump down from ledges. Or crawl through holes in gates or doors. I never seen them run away when shot with a flamethrower. I think the zombies in RE 1.5 are a bit more intelligent than in RE 2. They seem to do more things in certain situations.
          Last edited by Black~Crow; 08-12-2012, 04:25 PM.
          I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


          • I don't know, I think it's just scripting in the shutter areas, etc. but only the "zombie climbing general obstacle" can really be an AI component (the sewers prove it).
            Hail the heros of the revolution!


            • I liked the zombies in 1.5 better. They seemed more scary, and more menacing. And they definitely seemed more like the "undead." I didn't like how they got rid of the grey scaly skin that RE1/1.5 had. RE2 just gave them the peach skin, and yet Marvin was the only one to transform and magically get the grey skin, if you noticed. I guess they wanted to show him having a "transformation", which is fine, but why not simply have all the zombies be grey skinned, to have consistency? But then again, RE2 wasn't very consistent, when you talk about the ramp in the main hall, and yet the two rooms are right next to each other (which could've been fixed if they simply put a couple of steps going down in the Marvin room.

              But yes, the zombies in 1.5 were more sophisticated, and smarter. I didn't like how the zombies heads would turn while they are playing possum on the floor (that one zombie on the floor in the reception room), which kind of just gives it away right there.
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              • For 1.5 not making any significant improvements they sure found their reasons to remove so many features.


                • Remove from 1.5, recycle for later games. Dino Crisis 2 loves 1.5 features.

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                  • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                    Remove from 1.5, recycle for later games. Dino Crisis 2 loves 1.5 features.
                    It's funny you mention that because 1.5 always reminded me of Dino Crisis, the two games are obviously different but they have a very similar art style, a lot of 1.5 locations look very similar, the textures all look like they could have came from the same game.


                    • I was actually referring to other aspects, mostly gameplay. For example, in DC2 you use computers for saving operations, there are gears that change the character appearances and improve their resistance, enemies can interact with obstacles and get around them. As for DC1 some people mentioned the game having signs and other textures coming from 1.5, but I'm not sure of that as I can barely remember any of those; still, they definitively recycled one of the weapons: the SPAS-12 (which is also in RE: Gun Survivor, btw).

                      Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                      , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                      • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                        I was actually referring to other aspects, mostly gameplay. For example, in DC2 you use computers for saving operations, there are gears that change the character appearances and improve their resistance, enemies can interact with obstacles and get around them. As for DC1 some people mentioned the game having signs and other textures coming from 1.5, but I'm not sure of that as I can barely remember any of those; still, they definitively recycled one of the weapons: the SPAS-12 (which is also in RE: Gun Survivor, btw).
                        Yeah I can deffinately see the similarities. I can't say these textures are exact, but this enclosure reminds me of the roof over the factory parking area in 1.5. There's just some very subtle things about the Dino Crisis 2 environments, especially those indoors with walls and corridors that remind me of 1.5, they have a very similar feel to them I can't describe.


                        • Well the original DC, from what I've noticed (just watched a walkthrough), at the very least uses some recycled sound effects, as well as door textures (very low resolution, however, but you can tell they're the same) here and there, from RE1.5/2.


                          • But yes, the zombies in 1.5 were more sophisticated, and smarter.
                            They really weren't. They were virtually the exact same as BH1, right down to their annoying invulnerability animations.
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                            • I really do not see any zombies in RE1 doing some of the things as the Zombies in RE1.5. But, I or you have never played RE 1.5, so you really can't tell if they are exactly like the zombies in 1.5.

                              And I see why people don't want anyone posting too much on this topic. It does make it longer than it needs to be. I think we should wait for more news of this team working on RE1.5 game. I really don't see the need to talk about the same things on another site either like some people on here have done. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah...... SHUT YOUR BIG MOUTHS AND HAVE PATIENCE!!!
                              Last edited by Black~Crow; 08-14-2012, 03:00 PM.
                              I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                              • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                                And I see why people don't want anyone posting too much on this topic. It does make it longer than it needs to be. I think we should wait for more news of this team working on RE1.5 game. I really don't see the need to talk about the same things on another site either like some people on here have done. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah...... SHUT YOUR BIG MOUTHS AND HAVE PATIENCE!!!
                                Don't you think that one or more people in this thread is at least involved in this to be actively supporting this thread ;)
                                Hail the heros of the revolution!

