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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by MrSoft View Post
    Your making an awful lot of assumptions in your post for the little that we actually do know geluda. This entire thing could be a farce, and I would rather know now if it is, rather than waiting 6 months to a year down the line to find it out. If there was a piece of solid proof, for example the group confirming that this was actually happening rather than some story of a guy that knows a guy, that would be enough for me and I would happily wait.
    6 months? It's not even 1 month ever since something leaked.


    • I think you have misunderstood my post, alinhoalisson


      • I think MrSoft means he would rather know this is fake now then finding out in 6 months or more later.


        • Originally posted by MrSoft View Post
          I think you have misunderstood my post, alinhoalisson
          No, I did read your post carefully and did understand every word of it.

          I knew you were speaking in a figure of speech when you said the "I'd rather know now and not in 6 months to 1 year"
          By saying that, I thought you were saying "IT'S TAKING TOO FUCKING LONG!".

          Geluda just asked us to wait a little more time, not 6 months to 1 year. You went too far on this, because it's not even 1 month ever since something leaked.
          Last edited by Guest; 08-23-2012, 09:01 PM.


          • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
            This topic?
            I'm gonna search, and say the page soon.
            Once and for all: please refrain from spreading false information on this one specific fact. The original facebook discussion never mentioned a precise release nor it did say if it was going to be the hacked, original, both builds or neither. This is like the 10th time I've posted this very sentence and yet I see people going around making up crap about it, so please stop it already with this nonsense speculation.
            Last edited by Gemini; 08-23-2012, 09:03 PM.

            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


            • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
              Once and for all: please refrain from spreading false information on this one specific fact. The original facebook discussion never mentioned a precise release nor it did say if it was going to be the hacked, original, both builds or neither. This is like the 10th time I've posted this very sentence and yet I see people going around making up crap about it, so please stop it already with this nonsense speculation.
              Alright, alright!
              BTW, one of the facebook group members just contacted me and said it was going to be released on October 1st, night, when we will wake up with a sound of a falling rain.
              I believe we'll be still alive...

              OK, I'll stop now.
              Last edited by Guest; 08-23-2012, 09:16 PM.


              • Originally posted by MrSoft View Post
                Your making an awful lot of assumptions in your post for the little that we actually do know geluda. This entire thing could be a farce, and I would rather know now if it is, rather than waiting 6 months to a year down the line to find it out. If there was a piece of solid proof, for example the group confirming that this was actually happening rather than some story of a guy that knows a guy, that would be enough for me and I would happily wait.
                Stop thinking about it then. Put it this way, if this project is real we were probably never supposed to know about it. If you tear your self up about someting which you are not satisfied in then there's nothing any of us can do for you. And to be honest I don't see what else you can do but wait, it's not like you have a choice in the matter. My advice really is just forget about it if it bothers you this much, you're obviously not satisfied in what you've seen and have come to your own conclusions on the matter, so leave it at that and come back to it next time the game pops up. As for me I'm happy just patiently waiting knowing that someone has the game, which to be honest is a no different position that what I've been in for the last fifteen years. If this is going to happen it will, if it isn't going to happen it won't, there's nothing more to it.


                • I get what you are saying geluda, all I was asking is if someone who knows the guy could ask how it's going, and maybe share the answer. No harassing or demanding, just a quick question.


                  • Originally posted by MrSoft View Post
                    I get what you are saying geluda, all I was asking is if someone who knows the guy could ask how it's going, and maybe share the answer. No harassing or demanding, just a quick question.
                    Unfortunately no one can do that, but I appreciate the anticipation. We're all in the same boat, hanging around with so many questions and so little answers. If I was to give an estimate, my best guess, I'd say that if this is to happen expect to be hanging around for another year if not more. This is the sort of time frame we're looking at for a project of this scale, multiple years worth of work. This is enough time where you really shouldn't be too concerned right now if it's real, a hoax or if it's going to happen or not. We were lucky enough to get a leak of information, that's all we should be thinking about, because this was never anything more than that. Having gaps of silence in this sort of situation is completely normal, it might be weeks, months or even Christmas by the time we next hear something, as is the nature of anonymous leaks, we just have to keep doing our day job and get a nice surprise the next time something pops up.


                    • Originally posted by MrSoft View Post
                      Do you know the guy who spoke of the project? Can't you ask him how it's going?
                      Yes i know the guy but i'll not demand him anymore info. I've leaked those screenshots without his permission and he asked me to remove them. After what i did, i have no right to ask him something else about it...


                      • I am just thinking on all the speculation, and the fact that this was "leaked" when it shouldn't have been. That makes me wonder if this team intended it as a type of "gift" to the community when it was ready, by releasing it as a surprise. That would be very nice of them.
                        Last edited by doriantoki; 08-24-2012, 10:10 AM.


                        • ^ QFE


                          • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                            I am just thinking on all the speculation, and the fact that this was "leaked" when it shouldn't have been. That makes me wonder if this team intended it as a type of "gift" to the community when it was ready, by releasing it as a surprise. That would be very nice of them.
                            Ignorance would've been bliss.
                            Seibu teh geimu?


                            • Gotta keep the faith alive.
                     - Claire early art lol. Couple leon pics i havent seen on there too.
                              Elza is wearing a racing firesuit, so she was a racer. Its more something if it was a biker thing motogp, not choppers.


                              • Those are all on the PC ver art galleries.

