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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by geluda View Post
    @ Carnivol - I get you now, by pressing the button you have an impact on another persons life. Not exactly the best analogy but your point is deffinately true.
    Well, the only difference is that you in these types of scenarios sit with the uncertainty of whether or not someone's life gets a negative impact from it or not. Question is whether or not you're aware of the negative impact a leak can have on another person.

    In case you're wondering why I enjoy talking about this subject so much;
    I've been on pretty much all sides of the fence of these types of scenarios.
    -Sitting on content I can't talk about, 'cause it'd be generally harmful to do so (either to me, clients or source)
    -Contributed to releases of unreleased content by ensuring the release does not in any way stirr up a shitstorm and/or harm its source(s) of origin or falsely impact someone it shouldn't have.
    -Participated in chasing leaks and had people sued, fired and/or punished in the process. (No. That's not why I snoop in your personal history or browse your photos to match up random personalia with your ebay photos ... absolutely not ...)
    -Helped people pick apart the charges when they've been taken to court in cases where there's risk of technological ineptitude causing incorrect ruling and/or IP lawyers are being dicks who are making false claims.
    -Helped properly define the claims of infrigment/theft/etc. in cases related to leaks and/or copyright infrigment.
    -Been in touch with people before, during and after events like the above. Helped them maintain sanity during the process of being corporally silenced and/or raped.

    Despite having directly contributed to (rightfully) fuckin' up people's careers and current life (had a few who've had to "move back home" as a result), I've fortunately not royally screwed up any families or (in)directly caused any suicides (yet). But, well, gotten a good few people thrown out the door and bumped down from "the dream job" to packing groceries.

    But, yeah, these things tend to happen more often than people think. In general, it's always a question about how much a company cares, what they feel something is worth and who they feel like should take the blame/fall for something when they decide to act on something. In general, if it's a public thing and they can't find someone internally to blame, they'll rarely act on it, but if they can somehow trace it all the way back home, they'll not only act on it, but they'll tend to go full force on it and more or less yank the chain of events as hard as they can (and the more involved parties, the better.)
    Last edited by Carnivol; 08-29-2012, 02:47 PM. Reason: BOSS


    • This thread is retarded. This should be locked until someone actually has good information to post or a new update surfaces. This thread was good until about page 25, we're way off track.

      Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
      Typical elitist attitude. I've been on the boards since the original bioflames. I have an account there as well. Just because I don't post that often, doesn't mean I am not knowledgeable or intelligent. Oh wow you have 3700 post count, your e-dick is definitely bigger than mine! Well, whatever. I can't stop you from posting how you'd like. Nor should I. But it seems past a point, in this thread, you just started raining on people's parade for no particular reason. Like you were just being a dick on purpose. Could be wrong. I just don't think there's any reason to be that way. Most of the people in this thread, at the moment, are pretty level headed. We had some ZOMG GIMME GMAE I DESRVE IT freak out moments from a few members, but they were stomped out pretty quickly. My stance, and we have confirmation from a member, is to just wait it out. Maybe it won't come. But there's really no need to downright mean and condescending to members who quietly believe it will, eventually.
      Yup, people wonder why the chances we have to get the game disappear, 80 percent of the community act like savages when they hear it's a possibility the game is gonna get leaked.
      Last edited by Guest; 08-29-2012, 05:48 PM.


      • I can just imagine Kamiya's reaction to this topic.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • I now introduce to you 40/80/3 rule!

          40% of people are doing everything for 40% build not to be released
          80% of people have lost their hope to see 80% build....
          3% of people know about 1.5 alpha %3 build, and have lost interest to it....

          And another pathetic attempt to push this forums wagon back to its track.

          I look at those 'modified' or 'fixed' screenshots by our mystery team. I have had fun with psx modifications, and I must say it is insanely hard. So someone or some group is doing a really really hard work and the 'leakages' are messages to community to give us hope. I know that I want original build, no matter how broken it is. But the 'fixed' build is also great.... But think about it. we never had such clean screenshots. .... ohhh love them. It is so nice to see zombies and envs in their true color....

          one day I put a bullet to blueish zombie head.... and I will have this smile on my face like Hunk in helicopter after end of mini game in RE2....
          ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


          • Elza walker model without textures, someone managed to get into hunks scenario on the Nin64 version of all things.


            • That's clearly Claire...

              Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
              , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


              • "Clairly" *ba-dum-dyscj!*


                • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                  This thread is retarded. This should be locked until someone actually has good information to post or a new update surfaces. This thread was good until about page 25, we're way off track. Yup, people wonder why the chances we have to get the game disappear, 80 percent of the community act like savages when they hear it's a possibility the game is gonna get leaked.
                  Clairly, the community needs a clandestine "board of elders" to deal with these leaks... How could the rest of the community act like savages if they know nothing?

                  Oh wait... this board of elders probably exists and I just don't know about it...


                  • gah, not my fault they look alike. Oh well.


                    • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                      Clairly, the community needs a clandestine "board of elders" to deal with these leaks... How could the rest of the community act like savages if they know nothing?

                      Oh wait... this board of elders probably exists and I just don't know about it...
                      Someone call for the Elders of the Internet?


                      • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                        gah, not my fault they look alike. Oh well.
                        Just check the knife holster near her left shoulder, it's a pretty big hint to tell them apart. ;)

                        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                        • Like I said dozens of pages ago, I think this build of RE1.5 is from that Japanese magazine that included the RE1.5 disc for review. I noticed that The Playstation Museum video Elza and John look the same as the magazine screenshot(I had to make the screen shot smaller because it was stretched). So that means, an earlier model of Sherry is on that disc, where she is wearing a yellowish shirt and socks, and has darker hair! So here is a screen shot to show what I mean. And image, Sherry has a blue shirt,and John and Elza, put there hand on their hips instead of holding there weapons.
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	RE1.5_Build.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	572.1 KB
ID:	401573
                          Last edited by Black~Crow; 08-30-2012, 09:14 PM.
                          I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                          • nice tidbit, i wonder why they changed her. Maybe to look more like Annett. But -some- cutscenes are done this means. So amazing. giddygiddygiddy


                            • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                              John and Elza, put there hand on their hips instead of holding there weapons.
                              Perhaps they are wounded and unarmed in the Inflames image?

                              Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                              nice tidbit, i wonder why they changed her. Maybe to look more like Annett.
                              I'm sure some clever modders can palette-swap her back to normal


                              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                I can just imagine Kamiya's reaction to this topic.
                                That depends. I can think of his passive "whatever" reaction or his recent childish "FUCK OFF" tantrum.
                                Last edited by OKeijiDragon; 09-01-2012, 06:03 AM.
                                If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P

