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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostI think most of us here agree, but evidently Capcom no longer does...
I wonder how many RE fans would come to care about BH1.5 if they were made aware of it...
Here's a crazy idea, take all the best footage of BH1.5 you can find and make a trailer with an original name. Advertise it as a new Resident Evil game by Capcom which goes back to its roots (like Mega Man 9). With a really polished trailer, who knows, maybe it will go viral with RE fans and they'll start asking questions to Capcom... of course there will be those who say "nice try this is 1.5 blah blah" but such points would be lost with the newer RE fan-base.
Something similar happened regarding the origins of the Capcom VS SNK series:
(from Wikipedia)
"The supposed origin behind this series was an issue of Arcadia magazine in which there were articles covering both The King of Fighters '98 and Street Fighter Alpha 3, both of which were released at around the same time. Readers had misread the cover, which said KOF vs. SF, to mean that there was a fighting game that would pit characters from Street Fighter and The King of Fighters. Because of this uproar, Capcom and SNK supposedly signed a deal that would allow them to produce only two fighting games concerning both franchises in 1999..."
This is why I love Dead Space so much, because the series has a lot of atmosphere. But I think that's easier to achieve in science fiction than it is in something like Resident Evil which nowadays could probably be classed as nothing but "horror." Resident Evil, at least what we've been seeing in recent years, is pretty much just guns and muscle which to be perfectly honest I don't like. In Dead Space you're stranded almost completely alone in the silence of space with nothing but homicidal creatures that want to kill you. That silence combined with the dark and gloomy visuals makes an excelent horror experience no modern Resident Evil has ever achieved imo. I swear, in some sections of Dead Space 2 you just walk through empty corridors and I was literally crapping my pants, that's how much of a psychological effect good atmosphere can have in a horror experience.
Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostI wonder how many RE fans would come to care about BH1.5 if they were made aware of it...
Here's a crazy idea, take all the best footage of BH1.5 you can find and make a trailer with an original name. Advertise it as a new Resident Evil game by Capcom which goes back to its roots (like Mega Man 9). With a really polished trailer, who knows, maybe it will go viral with RE fans and they'll start asking questions to Capcom... of course there will be those who say "nice try this is 1.5 blah blah" but such points would be lost with the newer RE fan-base.
There is many reasons why capcom abandoned the old style, first of all the gameplay mainly concentrate on puzzles and survival rather fighting enemies because elements of survival in the game are scarce and rare unlike the new games where you can even kill a mere crow and collect shotgun shells from its body WTF, secondly when you play the old series you have to figure out yourself where to go and what items you have to collect to reach new areas unlike re4 and re5 where you can find a real time map tells you where exactly you have to go to reach your destination, in the bottom of the line most people who hate the old style its because they can't handle these elements in the old style and they even throw the game away after 10min of playing(I've seen it myself), so capcom decided to make things simpler, making the game linear and one dimensional 3d person shooter to satisfy those idiots who cant even use one bit of their intelligence to finish the game !Last edited by Guest; 09-09-2012, 12:35 AM.
Originally posted by Morellus View PostIm still wating for a remake of RE2 and RE3... instead of remaking those awesome games they do shitty ones like Re5...
Originally posted by Aleff View PostThe RE with the Giraffe logo is good just like RE4, of course we'll never see elements of the previous installments again, mainly because the industry thinks that the prerendered/fixed camera shit is outdated, and rightfully so.I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info = http://www.bioflames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3328
Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostI thought they could have milked the REmake / RE0 style for a few more games... especially considering how great they'd look in 1920x1080.
Originally posted by alinhoalisson View PostI admit I get scared in some parts of re4 and re5.
But what is a tiny bit of horror when the rest of the game is just about ninja stunts and world domination?
The tiny bit of horror in re4/re5 does not compare to the huge amount of cliché action that surrounds both games.Hail the heros of the revolution!
Well, I think we should consider that fear is an "umbrella" term (some pun intended).
RE0-CV tries to capitalize on a different subset of fear than does RE4-6:
- The former games employ slow-paced game-play with a creepy/sad/haunting atmosphere. There are feelings of loneliness/helplessness/weakness/hopelessness/vulnerability as the environments are completely overwhelming to your under-prepared and under-equipped character.
- The latter games provide your character with ample supplies and equipment, giving you a sense of empowerment and dominance over your obstacles. The fear in these games amount to adrenalin rushes and nervous hypersensitivity, as there are more enemies than ever and the game-play is mostly fast-paced.
If these newer games are considered "Survival Horror", then the "horror" defined by the genre has certainly changed its form.