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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Alright, folks, enough about Curator and whether he was an asshole or just vengeful. Unless someone gets a confession from him we'll never really know anyway.


    • I'm no expert but the the pic Enigmatism posted seems kinda shooped. It looks like someone just copied and pasted the lift from the lab boiler room in retail. The scale is off too, since Elza should be bigger. As for Curator, he basically swooped in and bought what would easily be a four-figure sum beta for $300. The goromacida thing kinda makes me wonder if the guy who he bought it from regrets selling it to him.
      Seibu teh geimu?


      • The beta fell into the hands of unappreciated owner who doesn't even care about resident evil for only 300$, ironic isn't it ? well i bet goromacida was pissed as hell when knew he could have been able to sell it for more than 300$ ! what is done is done, there is no point in bringing that up again anymore, if he wanted to release any new information, he would have done that during the last five years, since he's not planning in releasing anything about the game anymore, our only hope for the beta to be released is to be sold to another collector who might release even the game itself anonymously !


        • The beta fell into the hands of unappreciated owner who doesn't even care about resident evil for only 300$, ironic isn't it ? well i bet goromacida was pissed as hell when knew he could have been able to sell it for more than 300$ ! what is done is done, there is no point in bringing that up again anymore, if he wanted to release any new information, he would have done that during the last five years, since he's not planning in releasing anything about the game anymore, our only hope for the beta to be released is to be sold to another collector who might release even the game itself anonymously !
          I find it funny that despite you apparently having read up on the whole curator incident you don't realize that both Curator and Goromacida are one and the same person....


          • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
            I'm no expert but the the pic Enigmatism posted seems kinda shooped. It looks like someone just copied and pasted the lift from the lab boiler room in retail. The scale is off too, since Elza should be bigger.
            Maybe I should ask RacoonMarcus where he got the picture... If it is doctored, he (or whoever) did a damn good job. But why doctor that image?.

            EDIT: here is a higher-rez screen-cap

            Looks pretty legit to me...
            Last edited by Enigmatism415; 09-11-2012, 11:35 AM.


            • Originally posted by DXP View Post
              I find it funny that despite you apparently having read up on the whole curator incident you don't realize that both Curator and Goromacida are one and the same person....
              I only skimmed the article, and i haven't read it all in years so i forgot about most of the details of what happened 5 years ago, but there is a lot of confusion occurred back then, in whether they are same person or not !


              • But why doctor that image?
                Since the camera angle of the lift in the boiler room closely matches the one in the factory warehouse angle. You'd be surprised how a little blur and overexposure can easily blot out a lot of fine details, which can make a shitty Photoshop job look legit. Here's a quick edit I did. I didn't squish the lift's control panel with the Transform tool like he did.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	ROOM3XX050.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	48.8 KB
ID:	401581
                Now take a picture of this with a shitty low-res cellphone cam and bam, perfect "i has betaz" blurry screenshot.
                Last edited by biohazard_star; 09-11-2012, 12:28 PM.
                Seibu teh geimu?


                • I can't open the attachment


                  • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                    I found it!

                    At 8:25...

                    A SUIVRE...
                    Ha! I don't know why I didn't notice that I only watched that video a few weeks ago!


                    • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                      The guy been dealing with betas for years, would be totally amazed if 1.5 was the first time he ever dealt with such nonsense.
                      As someone who's been around the same type of communities and such as Curator and for probably just as long (at least) - not to mention also followed his site for years and, although not known him personally, indirectly known him from various places on the web, I honestly have no problems believing that this was the first time he's ever gotten that level of "threatening" treatment from rabid fans of something he's posted material from.

                      The Resident Evil fanbase really can be that bad. It's pretty much them and the most extreme corners of the Sonic fanbase, the two absolute worst scum of the earth when it comes to irrational behavior, insane obsession and absurd entitlement issues.


                      • A couple of sources (including Inflames) cite the background at 0:42 as being in the Sewer area, where an Alligator boss fight takes place. There is a screenshot from the final beta labeled "bh2.sewer.6bossfight02.jpg" by Leuchest and "bh2preview_bossalligator" by Inflames (or possibly Alzaire) featuring this background. Black~Crow's maps even pin this location to the Sewer, while the other backgrounds from the video are agreed to be immediately outside of the RPD. However, MartinBiohazard's layout here makes a strong case for that background being a part of the RPD. What do you guys think?

                        Last edited by Enigmatism415; 09-11-2012, 01:16 PM.


                        • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                          Since the camera angle of the lift in the boiler room closely matches the one in the factory warehouse angle.
                          So you mean the 3D lift object from BH1.5's boiler room was simply reused in RE2's boiler room?

                          At 4:50


                          • That is correct, Enigmatism415.

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.sewer.6bossfight02.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	27.1 KB
ID:	401582 Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.sewer.1manhole04.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	45.3 KB
ID:	401583

                            You can see that the four pipes are present in both shots. The wall textures is the same too. You can see the indentation on the wall to Leon's left and Elza's right as well. I believe that Inflames incorrectly labelled it from the sewer area because of the green "platform" in the background, thinking it was the alligator. I made the same mistake. It seems that you only fight the alligator in the sewerage disposal.

                            BioHazard YouTube Channel
                            BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                            • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                              Maybe I should ask RacoonMarcus where he got the picture... If it is doctored, he (or whoever) did a damn good job. But why doctor that image?.

                              EDIT: here is a higher-rez screen-cap

                              Looks pretty legit to me...
                              Not legit. Even blurred, you can clearly see that this is the Claire's pallete-swapped mod of Elza Walker.
                              Last edited by Guest; 09-11-2012, 02:26 PM.


                              • is a fake.

                                i know for real.

