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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • The average age in this topic means people were only six when 1.5 was originally due to be released as 2. I don't know what to make of this. Lol

    I like the fact people get excited over a scrapped game still after all this time but I never understand the full obsession some have that make them go so crazy.


    • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
      The average age in this topic means people were only six when 1.5 was originally due to be released as 2. I don't know what to make of this. Lol

      I like the fact people get excited over a scrapped game still after all this time but I never understand the full obsession some have that make them go so crazy.
      People are naturally drawn to what they don't/can't have. Can't really blame them, though at times it gets pretty... fanatical. Meanwhile CAPCOM are like "shit game."
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • I never got that either. I look at it like a new game but others seem to have a severe sense of entitlement with it. Almost like it's their child. I never understood that much lust for this game. I don't expect the game to be perfect or better than RE2, but it looks more appealing and much more like a direct sequel than RE2 ever did.

        Originally posted by Rombie View Post
        The average age in this topic means people were only six when 1.5 was originally due to be released as 2. I don't know what to make of this. Lol

        I like the fact people get excited over a scrapped game still after all this time but I never understand the full obsession some have that make them go so crazy.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
          The average age in this topic means people were only six when 1.5 was originally due to be released as 2. I don't know what to make of this. Lol

          I like the fact people get excited over a scrapped game still after all this time but I never understand the full obsession some have that make them go so crazy.
          From what I calculated, we were about 8 or 9 when RE2 was supposed to be released. My first experience with the Resident Evil universe was when I got RE3 hot off the presses at 10 years old, so that nostalgia for BH1.5-style game-play is authentic.
          Last edited by Enigmatism415; 09-16-2012, 08:55 PM.


          • well it's an unreleased game of a popular series, it's normal

            btw i wonder if the 80% version is still in the hands of a single collector


            • Sorry to be off-topic, but since this thread will continue to be a circus until the new development team throws us another bone, I'll pose my inquiry.

              Has anyone here ever been a member of the Capcom BBS / Unity? Their current admin/moderator (Grey Fox) started this thread in the "Ask Capcom" section six years ago:

              Rockman also started a BH1.5 thread there even earlier, which he discussed on Bioflames:

              Could it be that Grey Fox is a member of Bioflames or THIA?

              EDIT: And what happened to Rockman?
              Last edited by Enigmatism415; 09-16-2012, 09:53 PM.


              • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                EDIT: And what happened to Rockman?
                Right here. ;)
                My YouTube Channel -
                ROM Hacking Forum -


                • Originally posted by RetroRain View Post
                  Right here. ;)
                  Damn, it's been forever hasn't it? And I still have you to thank for that BBS thread! Otherwise I would be doing my homework right now and not thinking about BH1.5


                  • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                    From what I calculated, we were about 8 or 9 when RE2 was supposed to be released. My first experience with the Resident Evil universe was when I got RE3 hot off the presses at 10 years old, so that nostalgia for BH1.5-style game-play is authentic.
                    Well I can't speak for you specifically, but I averaged about 22 years from the replies... so about 6-7... given that 2's original release was slated first for May 1997, I rounded that down. But even 8 or 9 still surprises me somewhat.

                    Even with it's M label in the US (and the fact earlier games here were given 16 age ratings and 15 in the UK), I think most people seemingly first played them when they were much younger than what they should have as far as the label went. You all make me feel older than I am. :p

                    I just think after more than 15 years of waiting, people are going to be so hyped up about this it probably won't live up to it... and then people will understand that the developers claiming it was shit wasn't the worst thing in the world. :p


                    • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                      I just think after more than 15 years of waiting, people are going to be so hyped up about this it probably won't live up to it... and then people will understand that the developers claiming it was shit wasn't the worst thing in the world. :p
                      Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we got the RE2 that we did (otherwise we wouldn't have gotten RE3, the installment dearest to me). I'm also sure that it won't live up to the released version, and that Mikami was right to scrap it and start over.


                      I think we all want this beta with increasing fervor because the RE series is straying further and further from the traditional style that we love. Therefore, BH1.5 presents us with a chance to experience a completely new "old" game. As I had stated a while back, it's similar to the way fans were pleased by Mega Man 9. Why can't we have RE2 AND its beta? Maybe when Dominion and c2keo have more time, they could make Biohazard Dash to form an "alternate trilogy" (BH - BHdash - BH1.5).


                      • The age poll was an ironic offer due some childisshhh responses here and there. Didn't think that someone would even answer.

                        But back to 1.5 Discussion indeed.

                        I was wondering, if this build is same as Curators, or same ERA for sure as I have identified, then after looking again Curator vids, it got my attention that the lab area locations exists on that build. So if this is 40% build (don't even know why we call it that way) then my question is what really is broken in this build? Just rooms missing? Or Incomplete developments. The "30$ Bargin Video" shows door animation instead for a ladder (assuming they game trough manhole).
                        ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                        • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                          I was wondering, if this build is same as Curators, or same ERA for sure as I have identified, then after looking again Curator vids, it got my attention that the lab area locations exists on that build. So if this is 40% build (don't even know why we call it that way) then my question is what really is broken in this build? Just rooms missing? Or Incomplete developments.
                          My best guess is that the Sewer and RPD 2F & 3F are missing (or largely incomplete) in the Curator's build. In fact, the reason that the door-opening sequence was used instead of a ladder-climbing sequence might be that it was actually a door that led to the Factory area from the RPD basement, skipping the Sewer area entirely.

                          These areas (as evidenced by the screenshots) do exist in the "Inflames" build. Even in that build, however, the sewer is the least complete area.

                          Here is an estimated breakdown of area/background availability based on their respective screenshots and videos:
                          Curator Build:
                          RPD 1F, B1(&B2), garage, helipad, and outdoor perimeter: complete
                          RPD 2F, 3F: incomplete
                          Sewer: incomplete or missing entirely
                          Factory: almost complete
                          Lab: largely complete
                          Train: incomplete or missing entirely
                          Inflames build:
                          Sewer: largely complete
                          Everything else: complete or almost complete


                          • Its definitely a very early build, because you can see leon standing beside john in the curator version, while in the final version before it got scraped you can see him standing with marvin in the exact location, so i think its the 40% build !


                            • This from


                              • So if this is 40% build (don't even know why we call it that way) then my question is what really is broken in this build? Just rooms missing?
                                Most likely. Basically, gameplay in this build will probably consist of just "touring" the available [disjointed] rooms, with little of the exploration aspect we're expecting. Aside from that, a whole lot of placeholders as we've already seen, and some glitches as well.

                                Its definitely a very early build, because you can see leon standing beside john in the curator version, while in the final version before it got scraped you can see him standing with marvin in the exact location
                                Kendo is just acting as a placeholder for Marvin in that scene. In the original topic on facebook, it was also stated that Elza is the placeholder for Annette in this build.
                                Seibu teh geimu?

