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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
    All the elements you have mentioned are in the remake except for the re2 reference, but have you forgotten lisa trevor first encounter in the shack ? the creepy dark woods, the huge shark attack, the underground laboratory where that huge fan cast its shadows upon you and Kenneth new death scene ! best tyrant ever are you kidding me ? that huge heroine addict douche bag wasn't scary at all, its like he was having a hangover or something unlike the bad-ass tyrant in the remake, also there is the self defense mechanism which is absent in zero, unlike the train the mansion setting is the perfect location for a horror game to take a place !
    i believe in u dude, remake plot is pure gold, but in overall,RE0 is a lil bit enhanced. more zombies, a little bit detailed graphics, you can even tune up ur handgun, after all i always thought remake dont have a machine gun due to its limitations. the billy telling rebbecca his mission(RE5 style) and the meeting with enrico in RE2 place is ultraf******* mindblowing. but i rather re0 tyrant. compared to remake one, just like u said, he looks like a crazy drug addicted dude, but these are the most dangerous ehehehe.


    • do capcom keep there un-finished games in storage or do they just delete games like 1.5 and 3.5 ?


      • Given all the reusage of 1.5 assets in later titles, I would say they keep EVERY LITTLE PIECE.

        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


        • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
          Given all the reusage of 1.5 assets in later titles, I would say they keep EVERY LITTLE PIECE.
          the same for 3.5. main hall song, verdugo song, some textures, candles, those armors with a worm inside...


          • バイオハザード 1.5

            Does anyone know which build this is from? It's interesting to note that there's no BGM in the burning labs and the fire doesn't have any physical hit box.


            • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
              I used to have a satrun and dreamcast systems but i sold them two weeks ago for 200$ ! these two systems are nothing compared to the first playstation !
              Sorry, but I have to say this...

              I can't remember the last time I saw a forum post that was worst than that.

              The atrocious spelling and grammar didn't help either.


              • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
                i recommend not to sell ur ps1 , and if u want to do this, put a high price. they say this model of ps1(with 2 audio out) has an amazing DAC for CD playback, audiophile level.
                I have this PS1 and the DAC is OK. It's not even audiophile at all IMO. My Violectric V800 DAC ($1,299) sounds much better. Also the PS1 in question is cheap and easy to acquire.
                My Head-Fi Page


                • Originally posted by geluda View Post

                  Does anyone know which build this is from? It's interesting to note that there's no BGM in the burning labs and the fire doesn't have any physical hit box.
                  Honestly, its probably curator build.


                  • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                    I have this PS1 and the DAC is OK. It's not even audiophile at all IMO. My Violectric V800 DAC ($1,299) sounds much better. Also the PS1 in question is cheap and easy to acquire.
                    yay, you have a lot of hi-tech-price stuff on the sign. its hard t believe the ps1 is such a hi end player. and anyway, it means nothing if the dude has a low quality speakers(100~300US$ the 5.1 set, not receiver). Remake and zero are amazing in decent audio equipment, even if they have compressed audio.


                    • so much for flying under the radar
                      A Retro Gaming Collectors Community, offering Rarity Guides, Reviews and a place to share your games collection.


                      • I have a 1001 ps1.


                        • Originally posted by Deus Flux View Post
                          I'm one of the few who prefers the RE: Dir. cut soundtrack, I just think it's more appropriate. I saw one of those PS1's at a local flea market not long ago, didn't know it was worth anything so I didn't get it -- and it was only $10! Noooooo!

                          I agree about REmake.. I feel it is the pinnacle of the series.. darn near perfection. I like RE0, too but not as much as REmake. If only that game had 2 player split-screen co-op.. if only.
                          You prefer the Directors Cut OST? well it takes a very special person to admit this. Infact I would say you must have had some traumatic memories of a circus!

                          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
                          Last edited by shanemurphy; 09-18-2012, 08:07 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                            One user took the initiative to back up the uploaded screenshots and images, which were then posted on the on-going THIA thread. This soon spawned countless pages of discussion and debate regarding what could potentially be underway. One of the screenshots, an image showing one of the Resident Evil 1.5 rooms in a PC based editor, made it clear that this small group of individuals we're trying to finish what Capcom had started.
                            Finally my 1/4 minute of fame They even linked to my server, it's an honor to have my network transmission limit blown away!
                            Hail the heros of the revolution!


                            • Ughh...


                              • Why don't you guys buy a modded PS2?
                                It plays both downloaded PS2 games and PS1 ones.

