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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
    i have a friendly request to ask, could you please explain to me what went wrong with my posts to prevent further complications in the future ?
    It's much better if you edit your posts when you have something to add, instead of posting multiple times.


    • Wait a tick. So the Raccoon infection was caused by remaining Zombies that came down from the mansion? That's better than an outbreak in the labs IMO. It's more plausible that some enemies remained after the mansion blew up. Even some infected dogs and crows should have been around. Wit but in RE1's manual there was mention of bodies being found with bite marks from dogs, so there have to have been more infected dogs out there.

      Just think, monsters popping up from the woods and gnawing on some little kid. The kid escapes and goes home only to turn and infect his/her family or they bring the kid to the hospital to treat him for his injuries and the infection moves from the hospital outward.

      Being killed by a degenerating family member is pretty scary...
      My Head-Fi Page


      • The Raccoon infection came from the mansion by it leaking into the sewers (which were connected to the mansion). At least in BH2.
        Last edited by News Bot; 09-19-2012, 06:40 PM.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • Ah I see. Was it also transmitted by the rats in 1.5?

          Originally posted by News Bot View Post
          The Raccoon infection came from the mansion by it leaking into the sewers (which were connected to the mansion). At least in BH2.
          My Head-Fi Page


          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
            Ah I see. Was it also transmitted by the rats in 1.5?
            We simply do not know what the case was in 1.5.


            • 1.5 as a whole seems a lot more... small-scale. So far there is only mention of the "cannibal disease", which is also highlighted in BH3. So it is probably safe to say the situation of the virus slowly infecting the city was still the case in 1.5. Who knows what happened with the laboratory.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • The somewhat lack of civilian zombies in most RE1.5 footage (unlike RE2) might suggest that the city was "mostly" evacuated and things never spread quickly - meaning the situation might've never become as large scale as it did in RE2 and only those somehow "left behind" were subjected to the horrors.

                Heck, the large amount of infected RPD officers might've even been a result of them (unfortunately) trying to "take in" the infected.
                Last edited by Carnivol; 09-19-2012, 07:01 PM. Reason: BOSS


                • Well this is certainly a weird image...

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	BH2_016cp.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	38.2 KB
ID:	401665
                  Either someone is a placeholder here, or Chief Irons is mentioning Leon to Elza (or maybe the other way around?).

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.umbfactory.plant.2corridor03.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	87.9 KB
ID:	401670


                  Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.sewer.1manhole05.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	75.2 KB
ID:	401669
                  「まだ 内に女の子がいるの 戻らなきゃ」
                  "There's still a girl inside, we gotta go back!"
                  This final-build cut-scene features slightly different Japanese subtitles from those of the curator's build, which I've translated elsewhere. The general idea is the same, but the wording is different.
                  Here is the curator-build version again:
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	enwDl.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	33.9 KB
ID:	401673
                  「まだ 内に女の子が一人取り残されているのよ」
                  "A girl is still left behind inside alone"

                  Here are some of the most difficult ones, I'm still working on them:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.rpd.2ndfloor.4central01.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	70.1 KB
ID:	401666Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.rpd.2ndfloor.1hallway05.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	20.8 KB
ID:	401667Click image for larger version

Name:	BH2_083cp.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	42.2 KB
ID:	401668Click image for larger version

Name:	BH2_048cp.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	50.6 KB
ID:	401671Click image for larger version

Name:	BH2_118cp.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	47.5 KB
ID:	401674Click image for larger version

Name:	56447610151494113720414.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	16.0 KB
ID:	401672
                  Last edited by Enigmatism415; 01-05-2013, 03:22 AM.


                  • Just played through End of the Road right now, and noticed something funny : the Umbrella scientist, named Linda, betrays Umbrella and try to smuggle the AT1521 (which stops the t-virus from spreading in your body, slowing its progress) out of the city.


                    • Originally posted by Sly View Post
                      Just played through End of the Road right now, and noticed something funny : the Umbrella scientist, named Linda, betrays Umbrella and try to smuggle the AT1521 (which stops the t-virus from spreading in your body, slowing its progress) out of the city.
                      Oh Capcom.

                      It wouldn't surprise me if Linda was a rogue Umbrella scientist in 1.5. I don't think she was meant to be an antagonist, or betray Leon. It's likely she betrays Umbrella instead.
                      Last edited by doriantoki; 09-19-2012, 08:19 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Deus Flux View Post
                        Hahaha well-worded, gave me a good laugh! But yeh, while I don't think that is necessarily a 'good' track on its own I do think it suits the game very well. I know you are joking about the circus thing. But that's actually kinda the vibe I get from it, which I feel makes the track in-game a bit unsettling. The basement area could be seen as a twisted 'funhouse' by the composer, maze-like etc. Only the clowns are face-eating monsters. Not something you'd expect to find at a circus.
                        I only know that everytime I play Director's Cut on my PS3 when I get to the basement this bgm basically screams "WTF, why are you playing this outdated shit?! Go play *insert latest shiny fps here* instead!". I HATE YOU DIRECTOR'S CUT, I HATE YOU! Always ruining my RE playthroughs on the PS3.
                        Hail the heros of the revolution!


                        • I don't mean to speculate but, this image gives me reason to believe Inflames has recieved images from two separate builds instead of just one. Two Bioflames images exist for this scene, one has foreground masks like in this image, the other one doesn't. They are exactly the same image, same text, same character placement, they're identical, except one image suggests an earlier build than the other. :/ unless of course someone has altered this image.
                          Last edited by Guest; 09-19-2012, 10:06 PM.


                          • I've just received a nice selection of screenshots to translate from my source. I am working on them now and want to post the final collection asap while also making sure it's organized. Hopefully this will give everyone a more nuanced understanding of the story.


                            • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                              I've just received a nice selection of screenshots to translate from my source. I am working on them now and want to post the final collection asap while also making sure it's organized. Hopefully this will give everyone a more nuanced understanding of the story.
                              Looking forward to it!

                              There's only three explanations for this. 1) Foreground layers were disabled in the debug menu, 2) there is two separate versions of this room, or 3) these are two different builds.


                              • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                                Looking forward to it!

                                There's only three explanations for this. 1) Foreground layers were disabled in the debug menu, 2) there is two separate versions of this room, or 3) these are two different builds.
                                4) someone poorly shopped the legs out of the lower screenshot

