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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I made these edits in an effort to somehow make these as legible as I could. The point wasn't to enhance the images but to make out the Japanese text by reducing the extreme brightness, highlights and whiting. I hope the translators find these of use.

    Also just for fun, as I just purchased Adobe CS6 Design Standard, I sharpened the Police Station and Rooftop backgrounds that I have which I posted before.
    If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P


    • Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
      Hunk, from Biohazard France, made a video a while ago with the text from the press release and background screenshots extracted from the RE2 demo, here:

      And yes, the "RE Dash for Saturn and PSX" at the very end is confusing.
      Its not confusing at all, they were planning to release the game on both the saturn and the psx, but they canceled the port due to the discontinuation of the sega saturn console in 1998 !
      Last edited by Guest; 09-21-2012, 03:20 AM.


      • Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
        Hunk, from Biohazard France, made a video a while ago with the text from the press release and background screenshots extracted from the RE2 demo, here:

        And yes, the "RE Dash for Saturn and PSX" at the very end is confusing.
        Woah. Cheers, that is exactly the press release I remember. Can't believe someone still has a copy of that, glad to see... as I had it and lost it, along with numerous files, in a hard drive crash several years back. In any case, yeah it had the "rash" thing I remembered but not much else to go on, I thought more was said but clearly I was wrong. :/

        Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
        Its not confusing at all, they were planning to release the game on both the saturn and the psx, but they canceled the port due to the discontinuation of the sega saturn console in 1998 !
        He's referring to it being confusing that there is a mention of Dash for the Saturn and PSX, not that there was plans for RE2. Aside from this one reference in the PR material linked, there was never any indication that Dash was planned for anything other than the Saturn at the time.


        • Well that's the official story, from what i heard they canceled the port because capcom developers had found the saturn extremely difficult to program for due to the faulty dual CPU structure were not specifically designed to work together and way ahead of its time !


          • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post

            What I have so far:
            I'm not sure what to make of it, but it's interesting that the Chief is mentioned.
            I would simply assume it's saying he has to tell the chief something. It seems to be setting him up to go (back) to the chief's office.


            • That seems to make the most sense. Leon has to get to Chief Irons, while Elza has to get to Roy. If you assume that the scenarios are parallel, the helipad is probably just a couple of rooms away from the Chief's office.
              Seibu teh geimu?


              • Here are two interesting comparisons between the dialogue of the final build and that of the curator build:

                Click image for larger version

Name:	BH2_032.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	328.8 KB
ID:	401677
                エルザ:「まだ 内に女の子がいるの」「戻らなきゃ」
                Elza: "There's still a girl inside" "[we] gotta go back"
                Click image for larger version

Name:	enwDl.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	33.9 KB
ID:	401678
                エルザ:「まだ 内に女の子が一人取り残されているのよ」
                Elza: "A girl is still left alone inside"

                Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2_sewerexit_00.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	42.9 KB
ID:	401679
                Marvin: "Isn't everybody an officer of the Raccoon Police?!"
                *I think Marvin is speaking because of his hand gesture in the image, but I could be wrong*
                *Interesting use of カタカナ(警官/警かん/警カン), several other final-build images use カタカナ substitutions as well*

                Click image for larger version

Name:	manhole_leonjohn.png
Views:	1
Size:	173.3 KB
ID:	401680
                レオン:「マーヴィン! これは・・・ラクーン警さつの警かんじゃないか!」
                Leon: "Marvin! Isn't this... an officer of the Raccoon Police?!"

                Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.umbfactory.outside.3back03.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	95.8 KB
ID:	401681Click image for larger version

Name:	BHcompleteSherry.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	77.9 KB
ID:	401682
                *The dialogue of the final beta and the Biohazard Complete disc are identical here*
                シェリー:「…エルザ」「私 ヒミツの入り口を知ってるの」
                Sherry: "Elza, I know a secret entrance"

                *Here is the full dialogue in Japanese*
                シェリー:「…エルザ」「私 ヒミツの入り口を知ってるの」
                シェリー:「ここよ この中から入れるの」
                エルザ:「シェリー! 待って!」
                *...and English*
                Sherry: "Elza, I know a secret entrance"
                Elza: "A secret entrance?"
                Sherry: "It's here, [I] can enter from inside this"
                Elza: "Sherry! Wait!"
                Sherry: "Wait by the door!"
                Last edited by Enigmatism415; 09-23-2012, 09:08 AM.


                • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                  Well that's the official story, from what i heard they canceled the port because capcom developers had found the saturn extremely difficult to program for due to the faulty dual CPU structure were not specifically designed to work together and way ahead of its time !
                  Yes this is all very well and good and all and most likely all correct for why they dropped Saturn development alongside its decline and issues in development of RE2, but you're still missing the point here. Regardless of why RE2 and Dash were cancelled it seems at some point Capcom also considered bringing Dash not just to Saturn but to PlayStation. But your comments at first confused the two.


                  • Originally posted by OKeijiDragon View Post
                    I made these edits in an effort to somehow make these as legible as I could. The point wasn't to enhance the images but to make out the Japanese text by reducing the extreme brightness, highlights and whiting. I hope the translators find these of use.

                    Thank you, those three are especially useful since they have yet to be adequately deciphered.

                    Alzaire, Kim, if either of you are reading this, can you please PM me a version of the 2nd Floor image with a relocated watermark (away from the text)? At the very least, can you crop the photo to reveal only the text (if you're withholding the full image as an anti-fraud reference)?

                    - - -

                    Here's another sample translation that is almost complete:
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.umbfactory.plant.2corridor06.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	97.7 KB
ID:	401683
                    ジョン:「はあ、はあ…間一ぱつってヤツだな! もう少しでケツにくいつかれてた所だぜ」
                    *kanji version*
                    ジョン:「はあ、はあ…間一髪って奴だな! もう少しでケツに食い付かれてた所だぜ」
                    *rough translation*
                    John: *panting* “Hah, hah... by a hairsbreadth, kid! We were just nearly getting our asses bitten”

                    EDIT: FIXED
                    Last edited by Enigmatism415; 09-22-2012, 11:54 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                      Woah. Cheers, that is exactly the press release I remember. Can't believe someone still has a copy of that, glad to see... as I had it and lost it, along with numerous files, in a hard drive crash several years back. In any case, yeah it had the "rash" thing I remembered but not much else to go on, I thought more was said but clearly I was wrong. :/
                      "I am glad I can help" (Rebecca's voice )
                      There is also these 2 texts I have posted a while ago in Bioflames forums (you obviously know about them ;) but maybe you remember parts of these texts and mix them up with Capcom official press release - I know I did ):
                      Last edited by imacwesker; 09-21-2012, 03:57 PM.
                      Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


                      • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                        Yes this is all very well and good and all and most likely all correct for why they dropped Saturn development alongside its decline and issues in development of RE2, but you're still missing the point here. Regardless of why RE2 and Dash were cancelled it seems at some point Capcom also considered bringing Dash not just to Saturn but to PlayStation. But your comments at first confused the two.
                        I was ill and dizzy yesterday ! so i didn't pay attention to the dash thing and started babbling about the saturn port etc.. LOL !


                        • This article leads me to believe that Leon actually "started" inside the RPD and made his way to the roof, hoping to be rescued by a helicopter (this was probably shown in the FMV). That screenshot of his dialogue on the roof depicts what appears to be Leon communicating with the pilot. Things don't end up working out as he'd hoped (the fuselage was already full or the pilot was forbidden to rescue possibly-infected survivors), so he says "that's just freakin' great, now what am I gonna do?" and makes his way back down to the RPD to find an alternate escape route. I suppose the helicopter could have crashed, but based on the dialogue this seems unlikely.


                          • Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
                            "I am glad I can help" (Rebecca's voice )
                            There is also these 2 texts I have posted a while ago in Bioflames forums (you obviously know about them ;) but maybe you remember parts of these texts and mix them up with Capcom official press release - I know I did ):
                            What the hell, I remember reading that Leon and other officers "somehow managed to survive and locked themselfes in the RPD rooftop", and that they were "running out of ammo and food", thus desperately trying to figure out how to escape. Damn.
                            Hail the heros of the revolution!


                            • Leon was already inside the RPD planning to escape by a rescuing helicopter due to the fact that the main gate shutters in the first floor were already sealed to keep the infected away, until that genius elza crashes her motorcycle into the shutters accidentally or Deliberately so she can take a shelter inside away from those zombies.


                              • we still dont know jack squatt about DJ(Roy)

