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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
    "I am glad I can help" (Rebecca's voice )
    There is also these 2 texts I have posted a while ago in Bioflames forums (you obviously know about them ;) but maybe you remember parts of these texts and mix them up with Capcom official press release - I know I did ):
    Thanks again, those are great. I honestly do remember the disucssion about the storyline, and mentioned in my first post on the last page I'm sure magazines knew enough of the backstory because it was mentioned sometimes in previews. But I was just sure that it had come from the press release from the first time it was issued in November 1996, which my memory was fuzzy on. But I'm guessing more now that either hands on gave more details or Capcom provided a brief for press with screenshots or builds which is where those details came from.

    Interestingly between all this look at the visuals and translating the on-image/screen txt work the parts of the backstory reported on have almost been lost, well if it wasn't for you and HUNK. So... yeah, thanks once more again!

    I remember on the 8-4 podcast that cvxfreak was on discussing the franchise a year or two back one of the other guys on it had been working for EGM in 1999 and when visiting Capcom in Japan to have some hands on with Last Escape managed to ask and play a build of 1.5... but sadly they didn't really take any details down about what they had played, which is a shame because it was likely one of the last finished builds and may have given us more insight. They were kicking themselves for not doing so now.


    • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
      I also settled on 屋上 (rooftop), but the first character was so fuzzy that I thought it might have been 階上 (upstairs). Either way, the meanings are very similar. I am working on getting a version of that image sans the watermark, and I can't wait to share it with you so I can get some help

      Here's a sample from my first round of translations, and I am 99% certain that the transliteration is a character-for-character match.
      Has everyone been eaten by zombies?
      Otherwise, are [they] turning into zombies?
      -or maybe-
      Everyone has either been eaten by a zombie or turned into one themselves.
      Sounds like it was from the game beginning i guess.

      Funny, this bald zombie head model reminds me of the zombie doctor head model in resident evil 2/survivor.

      Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
      Its not confusing at all, they were planning to release the game on both the saturn and the psx, but they canceled the port due to the discontinuation of the sega saturn console in 1998 !
      Ironically, The saturn port was cancelled just a week after code veronica was announced back in october 1998 in sega new challenge event.


      • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post

        Here's another sample translation that is almost complete:
        ジョン: 「はあ、はあ…間一ぱつってヤツだな! もう少しで[?]ツにくいつかれてた所だぜ」
        *Kanji substitution*
        ジョン: 「はあ、はあ…間一髪って奴だな! もう少しで[?]ツに食い付かれてた所だぜ」
        *Rough translation (not yet finalized/confirmed)*
        John: *panting* “Hah, hah... by a hairsbreadth, kid! We were just nearly getting bitten by (?)”

        As we know from the PSMuseum video, Elza and John fight off dogs while Sherry debars/unlocks the door, so 「?ツ」 most likely refers to the dogs. If anyone can make out which character precedes 「ツ」it would be much appreciated. It is most likely a カタカナ character, and it looks like (in descending likelihood) ウ/ワ/リ/ソ/ク/ケ/サ.
        ケツ seems to be the obvious choice here.


        • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
          You notice, there's a bit of shadow in the table that is gone in the second picture.
          Are there any pictures of the other side of this room ?
          Last edited by Guest; 09-22-2012, 08:46 AM.


          • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
            Are there any pictures of the other side of this room ?
            Never seen them.


            • not exist until yet


              • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                Are there any pictures of the other side of this room ?
                Far as i know, no, but there was a version with gorillas

                The second picture has a better quality than the first, its really photoshopped?


                • Originally posted by nemesis120 View Post
                  ケツ seems to be the obvious choice here.
                  You're probably right, thank you. I think I was focusing too much on the dogs.

                  ジョン:「はあ、はあ…間一ぱつってヤツだな! もう少しでケツにくいつかれてた所だぜ」
                  John: *panting* “Hah, hah... by a hairsbreadth, kid! We were just nearly getting our asses bitten”

                  Originally posted by pato View Post
                  The second picture has a better quality than the first, its really photoshopped?
                  The quality isn't better, someone just artificially sharpened it using Photoshop. I sharpened the unaltered image to work on the translation and got the same result.
                  Last edited by Enigmatism415; 09-22-2012, 11:58 AM.


                  • I just recalled that there is a better picture of Monkey-van, that clearly states it belongs to Umbrella. Check it out.
                    ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                    • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                      not exist until yet
                      Hi are you MrBZork? the person who added the antiscam edit video on youtube. If you are the one of the person who is working on the game are you guys planning releasing this to public btw thanks for the video and best of luck. Seen few videos and pics of your 1.5 project the updated skins and models are looking very nice. Great Job!
                      Last edited by GamerTak3r; 09-22-2012, 03:14 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                        I just recalled that there is a better picture of Monkey-van, that clearly states it belongs to Umbrella. Check it out.
                        Nice pics, are they from scans?


                        • Originally posted by GamerTak3r View Post
                          Hi are you MrBZork? the person who added the antiscam edit video on youtube. If you are the one of the person who is working on the game are you guys planning releasing this to public btw thanks for the video and best of luck. Seen few videos and pics of your 1.5 project the updated skins and models are looking very nice. Great Job!
                          i think hes just another guy, on the lost highway.


                          • anyone know how elza met sherry for the 1st time in this game ?
                            is it just like claire met her ?

                            " AHHHH HELP ME"


                            • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                              anyone know how elza met sherry for the 1st time in this game ?
                              is it just like claire met her ?

                              " AHHHH HELP ME"
                              That is currently unknown. My guess is in the sewers but it's about as good as anyone else's guess.

                              Edit: Doh! Noticed you wrote Sherry instead of Leon lol. Think I need to get some sleep.
                              Last edited by Guest; 09-22-2012, 05:26 PM.


                              • Based on John mentioning that there's a little girl down there, my guess is in the sewers as well. She probably runs into her as she climbs down. And the next cutscene is probably the one where she notices the large watch, is my guess. Seems to follow a proper timeline anyway, as when Elza emerges from the sewers, she is with John and Sherry, and the following bit has the player controlling Sherry in the factory, opening the door for John and Elza before they can proceed.

                                What I am curious about is how long the support characters are with the main player. Does John and Sherry following Elza all the way through the sewers? There's a video of Leon with Marvin and Linda following him the sewers. How long do they follow? Or do they stop once the player reaches a safe room? The support character sections in RE2 retail seemed to be quite short in comparison, and there it was only one support character at one time. And Sherry was completely useless anyway, so Claire was pretty much on her own.
                                Last edited by doriantoki; 09-22-2012, 08:27 PM.

