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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • The sewers seems to be a very curious section, it's never been clear exactly how and when they enter/leave the sewers. The two translations we've had of Elza and John standing over the manhole beside the RPD say, "Elza: A girl is still left alone inside" in the PSM build and "Elza: There's sill a girl inside" "[we] gotta go back" in the Bioflames build. Both of these seem to be in past tense, assuming this is the context they were used in Japanese, indicating they (at least Elza) had already been in the sewers and had already came into contact with Sherry by this point.

    This is just my guess, but I'd say that when we see Elza in the sewers with the Spiders coming out of the vents is likely to be where she first encounters Sherry and has the conversation about the pocket watch. I imagine they have a scene and then Sherry nicks off through a vent or small passage somewhere. Perhaps Elza has to do some sort of recon in the sewers earlier on, something responsible for solving a puzzle in the RPD and have to come back later with an item in order to get to the Factory. John is probably apprehensive about entering the sewers and thinks it's safer to stay in the RPD, Elza on the other hand is sympathetic of Sherry and wants to return to the sewers so she can find her. They then enter the sewers and leave the RPD together, finding Sherry and making their way to the Factory.

    Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
    Here are two interesting comparisons between the dialogue of the final build and that of the curator build:

    エルザ:「まだ 内に女の子がいるの」「戻らなきゃ」
    Elza: "There's sill a girl inside" "[we] gotta go back"
    エルザ:「まだ 内に女の子が一人取り残されているのよ」
    Elza: "A girl is still left alone inside"

    Marvin: "Isn't everybody an officer of the Raccoon Police?!"
    *I think Marvin is speaking because of his hand gesture in the image, but I could be wrong*
    *Interesting use of カタカナ(警官/警かん/警カン), several other final-build images use カタカナ substitutions as well*

    レオン:「マーヴィン! これは・・・ラクーン警さつの警かんじゃないか!」
    Leon: "Marvin! Isn't this... an officer of the Raccoon Police?!"

    *The dialogue of the final beta and the Biohazard Complete disc are identical here*
    シェリー:「…エルザ」「私 ヒミツの入り口を知ってるの」
    Sherry: "Elza, I know a secret entrance"

    *Here is the full dialogue in Japanese*
    シェリー:「…エルザ」「私 ヒミツの入り口を知ってるの」
    シェリー:「ここよ この中から入れるの」
    エルザ:「シェリー! 待って!」
    *...and English*
    Sherry: "Elza, I know a secret entrance"
    Elza: "A secret entrance?"
    Sherry: "It's here, [I] can enter from inside this"
    Elza: "Sherry! Wait!"
    Sherry: "Wait by the door!"


    • I really hope that Bio Hazard 1.5 will be released on October 2, 2012... (Resident Evil 6 release date).
      I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info =


      • If it does actually gets released, resident evil 6 can wait on my shelf until i get enough with 1.5, which i doubt it will happen soon !
        Last edited by Guest; 09-23-2012, 04:16 AM.


        • This is just my guess, but I'd say that when we see Elza in the sewers with the Spiders coming out of the vents is likely to be where she first encounters Sherry and has the conversation about the pocket watch.
          The conversation about the pocket watch actually happens in the first room of the sewers.

          Coincidentally, the area above is also where Leon and company start off in the sewers:

          What I am curious about is how long the support characters are with the main player. Does John and Sherry following Elza all the way through the sewers? There's a video of Leon with Marvin and Linda following him the sewers. How long do they follow? Or do they stop once the player reaches a safe room? The support character sections in RE2 retail seemed to be quite short in comparison, and there it was only one support character at one time. And Sherry was completely useless anyway, so Claire was pretty much on her own.
          Probably not. The scene where Marvin and Ada is running away is a scripted event. Also, the only time we ever actually see them with the main character is when they're about to go to a new area, such as the sewer and lab entrances. They seem to pop-in during the last few rooms of a stage and follow you around until you reach the next stage, only to split-up with you again (or possibly go to a safe room, like you have said) a few rooms afterwards.
          Last edited by biohazard_star; 09-23-2012, 04:56 AM.
          Seibu teh geimu?


          • Originally posted by geluda View Post
            Nice pics, are they from scans?
            mainly scans and shots from official movies.

            There are a lot of stuff missing regarding the 1.5 plot. We will probably never get everything straight until we get the final build before scrapping occured. There are unfillable holes in plot.
            ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


            • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
              Marvin: "Isn't everybody an officer of the Raccoon Police?!"
              [I]*I think Marvin is speaking because of his hand gesture in the image, but I could be wrong*

              レオン:「マーヴィン! これは・・・ラクーン警さつの警かんじゃないか!」
              Leon: "Marvin! Isn't this... an officer of the Raccoon Police?!"
              Geluda's post made me think about these again and I think they might be two consecutive lines for one scene. It might be something like this:
              レオン:「マーヴィン! これは・・・ラクーン警さつの警かんじゃないか!」
              Leon: Marvin! This is an RPD officer, isn't it?
              Marvin: They're all RPD officers, aren't they?

              In my mind, the cutscene would go something like this:
              They climb the ladder and the scene starts. Leon sees a body and says his line. Marvin says his line. They then talk about what the cops were doing there, how they died and where to go/what to do next.


              • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                The conversation about the pocket watch actually happens in the first room of the sewers.

                Coincidentally, the area above is also where Leon and company start off in the sewers:

                Probably not. The scene where Marvin and Ada is running away is a scripted event. Also, the only time we ever actually see them with the main character is when they're about to go to a new area, such as the sewer and lab entrances. They seem to pop-in during the last few rooms of a stage and follow you around until you reach the next stage, only to split-up with you again (or possibly go to a safe room, like you have said) a few rooms afterwards.
                The toughest part to figure out is exactly what kind of access Elza and John have to that particular sewer entrance where they stand above the manhole. Watching the complete disc where Leon explores the balcony areas and drops down, it appears that the ladders are broken suggesting that that particular route is a one way route only and heading back towards the RPD from there is not possible. Can anyone confirm this?

                Another thing that confuses me is exactly how you get on the balcony area next to the burning van. If you look at the PSM footage there actually isn't anywhere to go after the curator jumps to that area. He walks around the corner and realises it's a dead end and turns back dropping down onto the crate. Unless you drop down from the third floor onto that balcony I really don't have any explanation on how you get there.

                Besides that however, this is how I invision Elza's scenario. She starts out in the RPD lobby exploring various rooms and corridors collecting key cards on the way. Some doors are open, some doors are locked, mostly the upper and basement floors. She finds her way to the stair well and heads up stairs to the second or third floor where she finds Chief Irons, she has a conversation with him and possibly gets a key card in the process. She then heads back through the RPD and down towards the basement where she finds access to the sewers near the parking lot.

                She explores a small sewer section, possibly solving a puzzle and finding another key card, and on her way back she finds Sherry and has the conversation about the pocket watch. Sherry runs off back into the sewers and Elza heads up back into the RPD where somewhere along the line she finds John. They explore the rest of the locked sections of the RPD, possibly the upper floors and have the encounter with the Gorrilas in the dining room. After exploring the rest of the RPD they head out on the balconies, drop down towards the second sewer entrance where they discuss Sherry's where abouts and where to go from there. They then head off down the sewers, find Sherry and make their way towards the Factory together.

                Of course I'm making a lot of assumptions here but judging on Bioflames images and what we know about the RPD maps and text translations, excluding details such as the ones I posted above, this is how I see it happening.


                • Originally posted by killer7ITA View Post
                  I really hope that Bio Hazard 1.5 will be released on October 2, 2012... (Resident Evil 6 release date).
                  I know right. It's my unfulfilled dream to run around various locations in a biker suit, as a woman with blonde hair. Being chased by incest fueled fathers with steel bars in their hands belligerently screaming "Shhherrryryyyyyy", very annoying crows that I can never hit, oh and of course the walking dead. Be a nice week filled with cross-dressing fantasies and whatnot!
                  Last edited by Guest; 09-23-2012, 02:41 PM.


                  • Originally posted by killer7ITA View Post
                    I really hope that Bio Hazard 1.5 will be released on October 2, 2012... (Resident Evil 6 release date).
                    Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                    If it does actually gets released, resident evil 6 can wait on my shelf until i get enough with 1.5, which i doubt it will happen soon !

                    1.5 or not to be released, i will not buy Resi6. im pretty sure the game will have ugly visuals, boring action and confused gameplay. RE4 introduced the cool shoulder camera, but they still think we are on ps2 generation with the character filling 50% of the screen due to hardware saving. but releasing 1.5 near RE6... think Capcom with a Poker Face...


                    • For what it's worth ... a while back I did a YouTube video series based on RE15. I pulled it due to the mods being updated and this current news. I wrote up all my ideas for the series in a series of FAQs for the modders. It's full of all kinds of "mistakes" if you compare it to what we know (and are still learning) about the real RE15, but maybe it'll help the discussion. Here's the link:

                      Like the rest of you, I'm waiting to see how this develops before I remake my video series. If you want, I'll put it back up. Then you can have something else to watch while we wait ... and wait ...


                      • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
                        1.5 or not to be released, i will not buy Resi6. im pretty sure the game will have ugly visuals, boring action and confused gameplay. RE4 introduced the cool shoulder camera, but they still think we are on ps2 generation with the character filling 50% of the screen due to hardware saving. but releasing 1.5 near RE6... think Capcom with a Poker Face...
                        I find this so ironic, because the PS1 RE's used pre rendered backgrounds and low polygon characters and objects because of limitations.

                        So I guess that means fans like you are still living in the late 90's because you still like tank controls :p

                        P.S the camera is not like that in RE6 or RE5 or RE4 because of limitations, those environments are being rendered so the character being so close has absolutely nothing to do with optimization.

                        Just look at Lost in Nightmares classic camera options, look at the RE4 static camera hack.
                        Last edited by shanemurphy; 09-23-2012, 04:12 PM.


                        • Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
                          I find this so ironic, because the PS1 RE's used pre rendered backgrounds and low polygon characters and objects because of limitations.

                          So I guess that means fans like you are still living in the late 90's because you still like tank controls :p

                          P.S the camera is not like that in RE6 or RE5 or RE4 because of limitations, those environments are being rendered so the character being so close has absolutely nothing to do with optimization.

                          Just look at Lost in Nightmares classic camera options, look at the RE4 static camera hack.
                          anyway, you must agree RE4 still Tank controls, and its is Worse than Remake/Zero. Leon doesnt have any animation of turning with gun ready. RE5 still tank controls too, the strafe system is ridiculous, you find your character walking forward, but going to the diagonal. the close camera allows the FOV to be too low, so, the draw distance can be lower and yes, im still on the 90s. 90s were the best.


                          • The 90's were the best, but calling RE4's tank controls worse then Remake's is kinda silly. the animation of turning with his gun is a design decision to make the controls feel smoother, as in REmake when you turned it looks cooler but also clunkier. But man those walking animations with the guns in REmake were delicious looking.

                            And no the draw distance is not much different compared to a FPS or any other type of TPS, infact TPS pushes more rendering then a standard FPS.

                            BUT TPS's allow for lower resolution textures


                            • Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
                              The 90's were the best, but calling RE4's tank controls worse then Remake's is kinda silly. the animation of turning with his gun is a design decision to make the controls feel smoother, as in REmake when you turned it looks cooler but also clunkier. But man those walking animations with the guns in REmake were delicious looking.

                              And no the draw distance is not much different compared to a FPS or any other type of TPS, infact TPS pushes more rendering then a standard FPS.

                              BUT TPS's allow for lower resolution textures
                              RE4 camera is a lil bit premature. it achieves its full glory in RE5. Remake aiming system wont fit it. but, for you looking, the visual experience you have with Leon isnt the best. its clearly robotized. what i just saw in RE6 was so much motion blur. i still believe leon hair needs some more detail, it has a good modeling, good light effects but less textures. wonder if RE6 is all about that. i was looking the 5000x5000 render of nemesis(the same as the game's box) and it uses the nowadays technologies. you almost can say it uses DX11's tesselation.


                              • Your comparing CGI to actual real time rendering.

