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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • The problem with the Typewriter it's only because it have less buttons? No because just look at this:

    How many buttons it have?


    Not that CAPCOM trash bags are or looks that low poly.


    • i know shit about modeling, but i am not blind. those are from capcom.

      use your eyeballs ffs.


      • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
        The problem with the Typewriter it's only because it have less buttons? No because just look at this:

        How many buttons it have?


        Not that CAPCOM trash bags are or looks that low poly.
        Ah right, both shots are from the trial version of RE2.. Have totally forgotten about those and yeah, I can see some similarity.. However the 16 bit dithering issue still remains. I also don`t think that someone would reproduce the room to actually fool us.. There is no one trying to sell that material.. It`all handed down to us right now and if it`s a fan-made rebuild used for a fixed 1.5 release then ok. I mean, if their output is like that qualitywise then i`m totally interested in what they might have to offer


        • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
          That's kinda how layering typically works, when you're not dealing with simple priority layers ala. photoshop and such ;D

          And, no, it's not more complicated than they needed to be. They're pretty much done about as simple as they could've been (only alternative would've been a simple mask that does not contain graphical data, but for technicaly reasons that doesn't blend too well with how the game engine itself uses video frames as background images... same reason why Fear Effect doesn't do layering on any of its animated backgrounds.)
          It's certainly the only way they could achieve the effect they wanted to achieve, but some masks are far more complicated than they need to be. In some cases simply have one layer would have sufficed as there is nothing more to the illusion than in front or behind, but in a lot of cases they used these multi layered jigsaw pieces regardless of whether they needed to or not.


          • Originally posted by geluda View Post
            It's certainly the only way they could achieve the effect they wanted to achieve, but some masks are far more complicated than they need to be. In some cases simply have one layer would have sufficed as there is nothing more to the illusion than in front or behind, but in a lot of cases they used these multi layered jigsaw pieces regardless of whether they needed to or not.
            Very true indeed. Some masks are really handled weird. I have seen parts of lamps or other objects that are actually no part of the BG that would be drawn above the player but are stored separately in that mask data sections.. Also portions of walls which could just be using the actual static background but still use masks although it`s unnecessary.. Who knows what reasons that has..


            • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
              amazing stuff.....

              As a modder myself, i always stumbled across the problem with walking BEHIND STUFF, that is some prerendered stuff should be before the character. I wonder do they implement this too? this is insanely hard... or perhaps impossible?

              anyway, very nice stuff

              EDIT, anyone else noticed "Door: 1.5"?
              Maybe 1 means the first floor and 5 the door number 5.

              Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
              Gemini pointed out that they're missing the usual 16-bit look (the JPEG artifact-ish compression) you get from the extracted backgrounds from the game. It's possible that these are indeed custom renders, meant to fill in some missing rooms. Aside from the lack of compression, there are actually a few more things that are "off". Although, you have to remember, this hacking group does indeed have a track record for releasing "funny stuff" for people to discuss. Anyway, official or not, what it does prove is that with only the blurry bioflames media to go by, it's very possible for someone with enough skill to make entirely convincing recreations that are indistinguishable from the real thing.
              Unless they have the original source for the backgrounds.


              • Just some curiosities;

                -The original is so blurry, it's hard to decipher what the background is actually supposed to represent. Tiles? Brick? Their interpretation is interesting. Cement panels with screws attaching them to the walls? I am not convinced that's what the original is supposed to represent, but it's pretty close!

                -How do we know that's what was originally behind the stairs? Are they guessing or do they access to information we do not? I always imaged it would be just a blank wall, or the single screen we have encompassed that entire area (and the player could not move beyond the bottom left.

                -In the original, the light has two bulbs. Theirs has one.

                -Some of the shadows are a little off. On that same note, the light reflects more on the stairs and banister in the original.

                -The door is shorter in the original. Theirs stretches almost all the way to the side of the wall.

                -There is some sort of architectural element in the original above the light (the dark band that seems to go horizontally across the room) that is missing from their render).

                -Weird place for both a desk and garbage. Imagine having to sit there and smell garbage all day. Would not be fun.

                Amazing job overall though. Really impressed.
                Last edited by doriantoki; 10-09-2012, 05:34 PM.


                • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                  Cement panels with screws attaching them to the walls?
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	PicO-36.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	62.8 KB
ID:	401741


                  • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                    Thanks everyone for the insight, I understand how it works now.

                    That being said, would my idea not work as a (perhaps temporary) shortcut? Simply make specific sections of the polygons invisible with a single filter-layer, carefully crafted to overlap precisely with the foreground objects (to allow the foreground elements flattened on the background image to rise to the surface).


                    As I was saying earlier, of course those images are not Capcom originals, but whoever made them has access to information that we don't (as of yet). If this source is legitimate, then we can make huge leaps and bounds in mapping the basement. This proves that Black~Crow's theory of a two-tiered basement is correct, and after looking at his B1 and B2 maps, they seem very convincing. There is one important correction that I've made though (of course it is only speculative, but an educated guess none the less):

                    Original, Modification
                    [ATTACH=CONFIG]7240[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]7242[/ATTACH]

                    My modification provides the correct number of Kennel cells and is also more faithful to the RPD's perimeter, and the size of the cells themselves.
                    Funny, I put the kennel in the same place as you did before I decided to change it. This is what I mean that it is difficult to make maps based on theories, I could make maybe 3 maps of the same floor with all the rooms in a different positions.

                    I do not understand why you are changing it? And why is it in this thread instead of the one I made? You could have mentioned this in the other thread? It seems as if you just want me to make maps so you can alter them and say, see this is how it is supposed to be. YOu are right and I am wrong.

                    I was going to put 2 versions of the same floor, then I thought people would complain. Would you be happy if I put 1 version of a map or more?

                    Also, I do not see 6 rooms for the dogs, only 4. In my original basement map, I thought there were 6. But looking at the 2 images of the kennel, they only show 4 rooms. NO evidence of 6 rooms. And I do not think 6 dogs attack you at once in one area, it looks as if it is about 3 or 4, and no more.
                    Last edited by Black~Crow; 10-09-2012, 05:41 PM.
                    I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                    • Thanks for the reference Rick Hunter. In that case, more kudos to them.
                      Last edited by doriantoki; 10-09-2012, 05:42 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                        Seems like we've got a new leak of pictures and it isn't from BZork this time, but from some dude called "Biohazard 1.5 will be leaked":


                        • the dithering only occurs when multiplied 2x then re-sized again. even with the roomcut.bin in the retail. even resizing description pics and resizing them for in-game inventory pics produce the same effect. why would the background on disc have such things when any other REAL example doesn't? look at your own disc compared to how they look in-game.
                          Last edited by J0shuaKane; 10-09-2012, 07:26 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                            Thanks everyone for the insight, I understand how it works now.

                            That being said, would my idea not work as a (perhaps temporary) shortcut? Simply make specific sections of the polygons invisible with a single filter-layer, carefully crafted to overlap precisely with the foreground objects (to allow the foreground elements flattened on the background image to rise to the surface).


                            As I was saying earlier, of course those images are not Capcom originals, but whoever made them has access to information that we don't (as of yet). If this source is legitimate, then we can make huge leaps and bounds in mapping the basement. This proves that Black~Crow's theory of a two-tiered basement is correct, and after looking at his B1 and B2 maps, they seem very convincing. There is one important correction that I've made though (of course it is only speculative, but an educated guess none the less):

                            Original, Modification
                            [ATTACH=CONFIG]7240[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]7242[/ATTACH]

                            My modification provides the correct number of Kennel cells and is also more faithful to the RPD's perimeter, and the size of the cells themselves.
                            I'm having some trouble identifying the following camera angles in your map.

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.rpd.basement.5kennel03.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	119.2 KB
ID:	401743 Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2.rpd.basement.5kennel04.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	129.1 KB
ID:	401742

                            How do you fit in the camera angle with Leon in your map? From the looks of it, I'm going to guess that's the L-section that leads to the 6 kennels, correct? But if so, where's that camera angle where Elza is fighting the dogs? The kennel placement seems logical considering that it's farther from the staircase and closer to the firing range, especially if the dogs attack from the vents (in the F.R.). I'm not sure if that last part was ever confirmed though..

                            By the way, I forgot to respond you earlier, but the translations from the scans that I was talking about were from the Famitsu Issues and Hyper PlayStation Re-Mix Vols. I uploaded them a few months (?) ago, but if you want to, I can send them to you. There's also a few "incomplete" magazine scans that Ridley organized in his magazine scan database. I'm uncertain how much additional information they might contain, but since we don't have any release dates of those magazines, we don't know if the information they contain comes from the Famitsu beta, PlaystationMuseum beta or final beta. If you want, I can send you a PM with them all.

                            EDIT: Why is there a table with a typewriter and a garbage can with plastic bags behind it? Was this present at all, or did the team take some liberties with it? It's hard to take it seriously, even if it was in the final beta.
                            Last edited by Kegluneq; 10-09-2012, 07:32 PM.

                            BioHazard YouTube Channel
                            BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                            • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                              EDIT: Why is there a table with a typewriter and a garbage can with plastic bags behind it? Was this present at all, or did the team take some liberties with it? It's hard to take it seriously, even if it was in the final beta.
                              What about the RE2 museum turned police station in which there are no restrooms? Don't take it too seriously.


                              • I know, it just seems awkward for the team to create this section so they can include the typewriter.

                                The team is working on the PlayStation Museum beta, correct? I don't recall this section being in that beta. If I remember correctly, the beta jumped rooms. The 1F to Basement was one of them, right? So why did the team add something that's not present in the beta, and have no confirmation that was included in the final beta (as far as we know)? In the staircase screenshot, there's no indication that there's an hallway beneath the stairs.

                                My point is perhaps the team came across some "incomplete" pre-rendered background of the staircase, so they completed and took some liberties with the assets used.
                                Last edited by Kegluneq; 10-09-2012, 07:48 PM.

                                BioHazard YouTube Channel
                                BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project

