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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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    • Originally posted by Jesus Romero View Post
      by reading this post the drainage scenario, the company and the lab is already full or almost alone Farta the RPD police station and if your computer already has the sound effect and the map of the three circle area that already has 70% of the game when you finish the last area and put the person Leo and estonce Elza and all the game will be finished in 100% that's my unofficial percentage as the team gives no information on their progress, so the forum as friend is 70% of the game.


      • Aw come on, it's not that bad. What I got from that is I assume the dude is saying that once the sounds and other assets are added to the build, it will be pretty close to finished/completed. Obviously, yes.


        • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
          Hard to say. We've seen Capcom strike down pretty hard on stuff when things were still fresh, but we've also seen them go "no comment" and distance themselves from recent stuff.

          They probably don't want to lose more of their respect points (even if there are left any), and avoid all bad press, and I think right now, they can close their eyes for a leaking of an old game. Capcom did nothing about Gameboy RE leaking.
          Last edited by fishboil; 10-10-2012, 05:20 PM.


          • I would like to present another interpretation of RPD B2:

            If anyone can find any inconsistencies, impossibilities, unlikelihoods, please let me know.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	RPD_B2_modmap.png
Views:	2
Size:	8.9 KB
ID:	401755


            • Originally posted by fishboil View Post
              They probably don't want to lose more of their respect points (even if there are left any), and avoid all bad press, and I think right now, they can close their eyes for a leaking of an old game. Capcom did nothing about Gameboy RE leaking.
              i think they would see a RE1.5 rom just like any other RE game being pirated out there. actually, they are not losing anything with this release, their beloved money, in fact, it makes RE even more popular.


              • We've been through this on the same thread...
                It ain't gonna harm capcom in any way if it is finally released 15 years later. If anything it rebuzzes the RE fandom


                • locked up and posted my message two times. Sorry bout that.
                  Last edited by Darkness; 10-10-2012, 06:12 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                    It ain't gonna harm capcom in any way if it is finally released 15 years later.
                    Yes it does. It always harm companies. But it doesn't mean they're gonna waste hundreds of thousands of dollars in usless lawsuits about an old product they never wanted to release in the first place.

                    The only people who wouldn't be really happy about it have already left the company a long time ago.


                    • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                      It ain't gonna harm capcom in any way if it is finally released 15 years later. If anything it rebuzzes the RE fandom
                      Think you might want to take that with Capcom and not just "decide" on their behalf what they could see as a potential security issue on their own end, IP lawyer fuel, something they somehow have to answer to (in regards to investors or between regional offices) and/or otherwise have to publically comment on if/when someone starts pesturing them about questions. ("Why Elza's hair is blonde?" -Because she is Elza...)

                      You really can't ever know for sure. Again, prime sample of recent "what the dicks!?" situation; Square-Enix and their everlasting hatred towards anything Chrono related that they hold the rights to. (Chrono Resurrection and Crimson Echoes)
                      Last edited by Carnivol; 10-10-2012, 06:53 PM. Reason: BOSS


                      • The leak/release of Biohazard 1.5 will not harm Capcom. Further, any hypothetical release or leak of 1.5 would be anonymous and appear in the wild. All measures would be taken to ensure that any party involved with its release would be untraceable and have complete immunity. There would be no one except anonymous and Capcom would be unable to pursue legal action. The people involved are not and would not be disclosed and there is no website for this hypothetical project and the methods used for leaking it, whether by torrent, emule or a multitude of other methods, would be the methods that would ensure total anonymity. No one is risking their neck in leaking this. In other words, talk or discussions of Capcom taking legal action or having recourse are moot. And none of it really matters anyway because it would not, will not and cannot harm Capcom.
                        Last edited by Josh-san; 10-10-2012, 07:18 PM.


                        • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                          I think the problem is that we're assuming there's only a single part of the hallway with cells. If anything there are at least two: one part with the cell bars/gate part pre-rendered (the second shot), and another one with the cell interiors modeled in and is supposed to have 3d cell doors/bars. It doesn't make sense why they would be pre-rendered in Leon's scenario, while 3d in Elza's, if they're supposed to be from the exact same row of cells. If they didn't intend for Leon to have the gate crashing mutts in his scenario, then the cells in his pic should be the same as in Elza's, no 3d gates yet, but also with no dogs inside.
                          Are we sure that the cages are pre-rendered? Let me give you two distinct examples:

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	SLUS_009.23_10102012_212337_0903.png
Views:	1
Size:	91.0 KB
ID:	401756 Click image for larger version

Name:	SLUS_009.23_10102012_225855_0948.png
Views:	1
Size:	87.5 KB
ID:	401757

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	SLUS_009.23_10102012_212945_0260.png
Views:	1
Size:	110.5 KB
ID:	401758 Click image for larger version

Name:	SLUS_009.23_10102012_230113_0444.png
Views:	1
Size:	96.2 KB
ID:	401759

                          The first example includes two different pre-rendered backgrounds. That image does not include the 3D model of those doors (even though that actually exists). The second example are yet another two different pre-rendered background, but the shutter is a 3D model. However, it's almost indistinguishable from it. This could mean two things:

                          1. That the cages opened and unopened use two different sets of pre-rendered backgrounds. This might be a possibility if we were to assume that we need to re-visit the kennel at a different point (perhaps after getting the power back online, or after solving some puzzle in the firing range).

                          2. That the 3D cage model blends perfectly with the background. It's not so unlikely if we consider that the screenshot of Leon has poor quality, making it difficult to distinguish the details, and that we have yet another high quality example that comes from Resident Evil 3.

                          In regards to the theory that the dogs in the firing range come from vents intertwined with kennel; I also believe this is the case, and I'm sure I've read about it back when I was still somewhat active in BioFlames. However, consider the following: regardless of 6 or 8 cages, either can perfectly fit with that theory. What goes against it is the kennel having only 4 cages. We have seen screenshots from the final beta of Elza fighting, at least, 2 dogs in the kennel, and Leon fighting 3 dogs in the firing range. If we assume that there's only a maximum of 3 dogs per screen (and I agree with this, especially if we consider how hard they are to fight with Leon), that means that 6 dogs (or 6 cages) is all you need for the kennel and firing range. 8 is also a possibility, but there's always that question of what happened to the other 2 dogs.

                          As for the light in the ceiling, I'm having some trouble trying to figure out if in the Elza screenshot it's located after the 3rd and 4th cages, or before it. The camera angle makes it hard to determine. If it's before, and still covers partially the 1st and 2nd cages, then there's definitely 8 cages. If it's after, then I believe its location in the Leon screenshot fits.

                          Finally, the bricks definitely suggest that the cages are proportional. From Enigmatism415's work, there's 3 to 4 bricks upwards the yellow mark and there's 7 to 8 bricks bellow it. I believe this is the case for both pre-rendered backgrounds, so I'm going to assume that everything is located in the same hallway (regardless of the number of cages).
                          Last edited by Kegluneq; 10-10-2012, 08:15 PM.

                          BioHazard YouTube Channel
                          BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                          • I don't get the confusion. In the back of the Leon shot there is a left hand turn which you can see from the dark shadow on the floor and the light protruding round the corner, you can also see a small piece of the fluorescent light tube on the ceiling, which is likely the same light tube which can be seen in the Elza shot. My guess, Leon is walking in the room towards the direction of a dead end, and Elza is stood at that dead end round that left hand corner. Why are there no cages? Probably because there aren't any, it just looks like some dark and a dingy corner to me that's no longer in use.

                            In my opinion the room is shaped like this, E stands for Elza's position and L stands for Leon's position.

                            Last edited by Guest; 10-10-2012, 08:07 PM.


                            • That stuff to Leon's left and right are the cages. They are down (or closed) in Leon's screenshots, but they are up (or opened) in Elza's screenshots. What you're saying is that there's 2 kennels to Leon's right, 2 kennels to Leon's left and 2 kennels in front of Elza, one being offscreen (since the other 2 kennels behind her position are already seen in Leon's screenshot). And that's assuming there's no other kennels behind Leon or to Elza's left. That would be a pretty bizarre layout.

                              BioHazard YouTube Channel
                              BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                              • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                                That stuff to Leon's left and right are the cages. They are down (or closed) in Leon's screenshots, but they are up (or opened) in Elza's screenshots. What you're saying is that there's 2 kennels to Leon's right, 2 kennels to Leon's left and 2 kennels in front of Elza, one being offscreen (since the other 2 kennels behind her position are already seen in Leon's screenshot). And that's assuming there's no other kennels behind Leon or to Elza's left. That would be a pretty bizarre layout.
                                What I'm suggesting is that the kennels in Leon's shot and the kennels in Elza's shot are not the same kennels. They are in two different places within the same area, the reason why they are open in one shot and closed in the other is simply because they are not the same. People are just assuming that the kennels go in a straight line down a corridor and are having to come up with explanations why they look so different.

                                People assume Leon is walking away from the place where Elza is seen, if you want these two shots to be in the same room I would suggest the opposite, Leon is waking towards the place where Elza is seen and has to take a left turn at the end of the corridor to get there.

                                There's so much detail to the outside of the kennel, there's bars, gates, shutters, would they really go to the effort to model the entire structure of those kennel faces just so they could open up and two Cerberus could jump out? What is the mechanism for this hypothetical puzzle? Do the shutters rise and then do the gates open before the two dogs jump out? It just doesn't make sense and the content of the background doesn't support the idea either, as there's nothing for the supposed 3D model to blend in to, and I doubt they'd go to the trouble to make such an elaborate 3D model to fill the spaces in the Elza shot such as the face of those kennels just for such a small event.
                                Last edited by Guest; 10-11-2012, 12:52 AM.

