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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • The first example includes two different pre-rendered backgrounds. That image does not include the 3D model of those doors (even though that actually exists). The second example are yet another two different pre-rendered background, but the shutter is a 3D model. However, it's almost indistinguishable from it. This could mean two things:

    1. That the cages opened and unopened use two different sets of pre-rendered backgrounds. This might be a possibility if we were to assume that we need to re-visit the kennel at a different point (perhaps after getting the power back online, or after solving some puzzle in the firing range).

    2. That the 3D cage model blends perfectly with the background. It's not so unlikely if we consider that the screenshot of Leon has poor quality, making it difficult to distinguish the details, and that we have yet another high quality example that comes from Resident Evil 3.
    Wouldn't RE2 be a better game to use as a comparison though? From what I can tell pretty much every 3D object in that game remained consistently 3D all throughout. The planks used to board up the windows in the RPD's west hallway and which the zombies break through were real-time. Same with the puzzle painting and the moving wall in Chief Iron's office, as well as the door to Ben's prison cell. These are all things that only "move" once you go back to the rooms they're in later, and yet they're consistently rendered as 3D. It's the same with RE3, as the police car doors, the emergency ladder, even with the shutter in your picture. The only time they seem to switch between prerendered and real-time is during a cut scene (like the one with Dario).

    As for the cages in Leon's shot, they're pretty much right at your face, so even with all the bluriness, you can tell that they're prerendered, as they don't look "off". They don't have jaggies and low-res dithered textures. Also, the overhead lighting illuminates them perfectly, and like geluda said, they're way too detailed for all of them to be pre-rendered. Here's a shot of the cell door from RE2, at just about the same in-your-face distance:
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	401760

    Also, if the cages in Leon's shot are really real-time objects, and just not noticeable, then wouldn't they have already been implemented for the cages in the Elza picture as well?

    In regards to the theory that the dogs in the firing range come from vents intertwined with kennel; I also believe this is the case, and I'm sure I've read about it back when I was still somewhat active in BioFlames. However, consider the following: regardless of 6 or 8 cages, either can perfectly fit with that theory. What goes against it is the kennel having only 4 cages. We have seen screenshots from the final beta of Elza fighting, at least, 2 dogs in the kennel, and Leon fighting 3 dogs in the firing range. If we assume that there's only a maximum of 3 dogs per screen (and I agree with this, especially if we consider how hard they are to fight with Leon), that means that 6 dogs (or 6 cages) is all you need for the kennel and firing range. 8 is also a possibility, but there's always that question of what happened to the other 2 dogs.
    There are also a few in the armory, so I think 8 is the most plausible number of cages in the kennel.

    In my opinion the room is shaped like this, E stands for Elza's position and L stands for Leon's position.

    If you place it like that, then the interior of the upper left hand cage in Leon's shot will collide with the one in Elza's pic. You would have to add about a cage's length of walking space before the pic with Elza:

    Last edited by biohazard_star; 10-11-2012, 03:12 AM.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • The kennels unrendered cages can be explained in a few ways. There's knowledge that some rooms have unfinished angle shots in them, even if another angle shows a part of it to be finished. Also the fact that the kennel in either beta 2 or trial disc (forget which) encompasses two rooms both with different stages of completion. Just as an example, what you could be seeing with the 1.5 kennel is something like Room 130 Kennel (finished, with the Leon pic) and Room 131 Kennel (old unfinished one with Elza pic). The room numbers are just random for the sake of the argument.
      Last edited by Carnivol; 10-11-2012, 07:47 AM. Reason: BOSS


      • alzaire what do you think about those new renders ? are they reproductions or original backgrounds ?


        • Its already been answered, they are reproductions to fill the missing backgrounds in the beta !


          • well i just wanted to hear his opinion


            • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
              Its already been answered, they are reproductions to fill the missing backgrounds in the beta !
              Nothing has been answered, we still don't know what these backgrounds are.


              • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                Its already been answered, they are reproductions to fill the missing backgrounds in the beta !
                an educated guess is not an answer.


                • pardon me, if they are not recreated backgrounds, what are they then ?


                  • only bzork and biohazard 1.5 will leak know for sure. what anyone else says is a guess.


                    • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                      an educated guess is not an answer.
                      Agreed. Nothing has been proven as of yet. Sadly, not even this notion that RE 1.5 will leak has been proven, however likely it seems and however much we want it. Beyond discussions about whether new pictures are legit or not, I'd like more certainty as to whether a team really is working on leaking RE 1.5. A picture or two here and there, totalling about a dozen or less, doesn't indicate an impending release.


                      • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                        only bzork and biohazard 1.5 will leak know for sure.
                        are u sure about this?


                        • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                          pardon me, if they are not recreated backgrounds, what are they then ?
                          Since you want to be a smartass, I let you deduce the only remaining logical choice by yourself.


                          • Just as an example, what you could be seeing with the 1.5 kennel is something like Room 130 Kennel (finished, with the Leon pic) and Room 131 Kennel (old unfinished one with Elza pic).
                            Speaking of duplicate rooms that load in-game as two different ones....

                            I always thought that the duplicate Umbrella office lobby and parking renders were there only as revision/updates to the previous ones. But then I tried extracting the backgrounds from the .BSS files myself and I realized that ROOM30D.BSS, which have the renders with two missing glass panels to the right of the lobby doors (Ys1 pointed this out in his comparative analysis topic), is actually supposed to load the office parking and the lobby combined/as one big room. ROOM302.BSS and ROOM30C.BSS are supposed to be the individually loaded parking and office lobby (no missing glass panels in both), respectively. When the panels are intact, the separate version of the rooms will be loaded. But after the glass breaks, probably during a cutscene, the game will load the combined version of the rooms. Instead of using the door, you can just go through the broken window.

                            Sherry's playable segment and the dialogue between Marvin and Elza happen before the glass breaks (the angles used in the shots only appear in the file for the individually loaded lobby):

                            Elza later returns to this area, and the glass has already been broken:

                            Unfortunately, the angle in the picture of Marvin's playable segment is used in both versions of the room. But seeing as how he isn't wounded before the glass is broken, I guess it's likely that his run-in with a zombie is what caused both the wound and the broken glass:
                            Last edited by biohazard_star; 10-11-2012, 01:15 PM.
                            Seibu teh geimu?


                            • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                              Since you want to be a smartass, I let you deduce the only remaining logical choice by yourself.
                              I apologize for any misunderstanding, i'm not trying to be a smartass or anything, all i was saying that these are fan made backgrounds not authentic, i have no clue if the team or some other fans created these backgrounds and released them to the public, i really don't know anything about that either !
                              Do you guys have any idea who released these new backgrounds ?
                              Last edited by Guest; 10-11-2012, 02:02 PM.


                              • For all we know they could come from somebody totally unrelated with the project. After all, there are no Elza or Leon in any of them and it's not that hard to craft together a few renders and then send them around the net pretending OMG ITSA 1.5.

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