Originally posted by Black~Crow
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by Black~Crow View PostBoy, you don't even give me a chance to put the other versions of my map up.THis is exactly how the other version looks(minus the extra cells for the dogs). And I kid not. because it is not hard to move the rooms in those areas. And I was going to put the map up today! But what is the point in me trying to put other versions when you are going to do it yourself. It just seems to me that you want to take credit for solving how this map looks.I feel that you are doing me a disservice by taking my ideas and making them your own with alterations. Anyone can make maps, but NO one made them like mine!
Remember this title of this thread is "Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)".
Originally posted by Darkness View PostWell theres
but i like
Then I'll try to make some fake mockup box art in the style of the second (full art - front, back and side)
I'd love to do a longbox one, too. I encourage anyone else skilled in Photoshop to do the same to kill some time while we wait for the next update, I'll post the finished PSD's so you can make alterations (if moderators permit.)Last edited by ChuckthePlant; 10-11-2012, 06:54 PM.If you read this, you wasted five seconds of your life.
Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Postonly bzork and biohazard 1.5 will leak know for sure. what anyone else says is a guess.
Originally posted by Black~Crow View PostBoy, you don't even give me a chance to put the other versions of my map up.THis is exactly how the other version looks(minus the extra cells for the dogs). And I kid not. because it is not hard to move the rooms in those areas. And I was going to put the map up today! But what is the point in me trying to put other versions when you are going to do it yourself. It just seems to me that you want to take credit for solving how this map looks.I feel that you are doing me a disservice by taking my ideas and making them your own with alterations. Anyone can make maps, but NO one made them like mine!
Remember this title of this thread is "Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)".
Cry us a river, we are all here to piece together any and all 1.5 information we can, maps, story line, puzzles. It seems to me like you're just doing this to get some kind of credit or props. The maps dude released and made are nice, deal with it.Last edited by Guest; 10-11-2012, 07:05 PM.
The typewriter is most likely a placeholder and was an early carry-over from RE1. Anyway, these are not 100% certain reproductions and even IF, and that's a huge IF, they were, it doesn't mean it wouldn't be part of this rumored team's reconstruction efforts to make their version of 1.5, which is apparently woefully incomplete and inadequate, into a playable form. And if these shots are part of such a hypothetical effort, then we should commend them for doing such a great job. Let's recall that the genuine picture comparison these keep getting compared to are from a far, far more complete version of 1.5 than that which is alleged to be in this hands of this spanish/italian or other european team.
Originally posted by B.Zork View Posti think i am understooding now. original is like a release game and resident evil 1.5 is the unreleased game. unreleased game can not be of original, just like this stairs making it all we see of 1.5 a copy?
Reproduction (copy 1.5)
Original (real 1.5)
These new pictures were posted a few days ago, we've never seen them before.
Originally posted by Kegluneq View PostWhat a dick.
So what is the point of making this thread 9 hundred pages long? Did anymore images come out? I think there should be another thread for the person with the game, to post their images but no one else can comment on the thread. Just look and don't write anything. Too many overzealous fans
And if I were the people who had the game, I would rub it in peoples faces here and not share anything.Stupid people here really stupid.Last edited by Black~Crow; 10-11-2012, 08:07 PM.I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!
Just what this thread needed, your self-righteousness! And I for one am relieved that you don't have the game. Thank all that is good that you don't have it. Threatening to be a selfish and stupid prick who thrives off belittling others that would keep it all to himself and yap on about "mine! mine! mine!". You really crack me up, and not in a good way.Last edited by Josh-san; 10-11-2012, 08:33 PM.
Originally posted by drunkdog View PostI'm telling you, 100 percent, these are reproductions. You can tell just by looking at them. Also the fact we have NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER seen a type writer in any video footage or still images EVER. The type writer is the big give away that they are reproductions, ALSO the fact it was stated a few times in interviews that computers were gonna be used for saving. It's just odd that only that spot has a typewriter but no where else in the game does? lol I'm as excited for new 1.5 stuff as ya'll are but let's not be silly. Those are 100 percent reproductions.
maybe it was there for nostalgia.
Originally posted by yurieu View Postare u sure about this?