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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
    Well theres

    but i like

    Work in progress. My photoshop skills suck and this is a lot harder than I thought.

    Anyone have the skills to throw some blood splatter in there? Please save as .PNG and upload to a host that doesn't compress ( dropbox or )

    .PSD's, if anyone wants to take a crack at it. Wanted to make two versions - one with the original red "Impact" PAL/JP RE2 logo and then one with the grey embossed NTSC logo. I'm unsure what font Sony is using on the sides of the box "Resident Evil 2" and "2 DISCS", it's close to Impact but not quite. Must be a custom job.
    Last edited by ChuckthePlant; 10-12-2012, 12:42 AM. Reason: thanks to Doriantoki for the revised Leon picture.
    If you read this, you wasted five seconds of your life.


    • Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
      According to bzork response, these new backgrounds have nothing to do with the team that is working on the 1.5 build.

      It's just a good re-creation made by another 1.5 fan.
      Interesting. Wonder what the original team have then? I am not sure whether to be disappointed or happy.

      RE the typewriter (although this point is now moot), if there WERE one in 1.5, my guess would be as a reference to RE1. Sort of like a tongue in cheek joke, and my bet would be if you searched it, the main character's response would be "do people even still use these things anymore?".


      • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
        TO B.Zork:

        Will your modification be released to the public? Yes or no?


        Let's put an end to this suspense once and for all
        as you are the thread's owner, i think its a good and necessary question.


        • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
          as you are the thread's owner, i think its a good and necessary question.
          Also I think that if B.Zork respond this question, all peoples will to calm and will to be happy!


          • Originally posted by ChuckthePlant View Post

            Work in progress. My photoshop skills suck and this is a lot harder than I thought - hard finding a good source image of Leon, his edges also need refining and the logo could use work (hard to find a good source image.)

            .PSD's, if anyone wants to take a crack at it. Wanted to make two versions - one with the original red "Impact" PAL/JP RE2 logo and then one with the grey embossed NTSC logo.
            Apologize in advance if this double posts ...

            try this one:

            It's much larger. The cut out maybe isn't perfect.

            Original image:

            Store your photos and videos online with secure storage from Photobucket. Available on iOS, Android and desktop. Securely backup your memories and sign up today!
            Last edited by doriantoki; 10-11-2012, 10:30 PM.


            • @Black~Crow

              You're right. In my excitement, I lost touch with the topic at hand. I'll move my map posts to your thread and limit my discussion here to the new screenshots.



              Whether or not you intend to release your modification, I'm happy that it's in the hands of someone who cares enough to modify it in the first place. I understand if you can't release anymore screenshots or videos right now, but it would be very much appreciated if you could clear up some of the mysteries surrounding the layout of the RPD and Sewers. This could potentially prevent many intra-board arguments ...



              The worst-case scenario is that these new images came from some talented graphic artist who happened to come across that Inflames-exclusive screenshot of the stairwell. He then took great creative liberties and mapped out the rest of the stairwell in accordance with his guesswork (under the assumption that there exists a second basement level).

              However, a more likely scenario is that the artist has access to legitimate screenshots or layout information to which the rest of us have no access as of yet.

              The best-case scenario is that these images are using untextured, partially textured, or even fully textured backgrounds from the actual disc as a foundation (or, at the very least, as an inspirational model). Within this scenario, it is most likely that the team stumbled upon an unused set of untextured stairwell images on the disc, and opted to apply original textures themselves, using the Inflames-exclusive stairwell image as a model. This assumes, of course, that the "team" we're thinking of is involved at all, and they may very well not be.


              • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                Whether or not you intend to release your modification, I'm happy that it's in the hands of someone who cares enough to modify it in the first place. I understand if you can't release anymore screenshots or videos right now, but it would be very much appreciated if you could clear up some of the mysteries surrounding the layout of the RPD and Sewers. This could potentially prevent many intra-board arguments ...
                This is not the question we should be asking. I know you are obsessed with those details but that's not important right now.

                This is the question that should be asked....

                TO B.Zork:

                Will your modification be released to the public? Yes or no?



                • Dear B.Zork,

                  We are all naturally curious as to your intentions; is a public release one of them?
                  Thank you kindly for your consideration and tolerance.


                  The Biohazard 1.5 Community


                  • ^ here come the beggars and haunts.

                    Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                    try this one:

                    It's much larger. The cut out maybe isn't perfect.
                    Very nice, thanks, updated my original post with a revised .PSD and another sample image (play with the layers to get what you want.) I'm not very good at blood spatter or effects, so I just put in the RE2 (PAL) zombie and lowered the opacity on him a bit. If someone else can spice it up, I'd appreciate it.

                    To anyone who might know, were there any beta assets or otherwise leaked screens of this?

                    both from PSMuseum, I believe. This would obviously be a more appropriate box art, but the eye would have to be in higher resolution to do anything with it.

                    Oh, man, it would be so fun to do some lightscribe discs, too. I loved the way the original RE2 NTSC discs looked, with that red tint.
                    Last edited by ChuckthePlant; 10-12-2012, 01:03 AM.
                    If you read this, you wasted five seconds of your life.


                    • Guys, on topic and don't be assholes.


                      • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                        The best-case scenario is that these images are using untextured, partially textured, or even fully textured backgrounds from the actual disc as a foundation (or, at the very least, as an inspirational model). Within this scenario, it is most likely that the team stumbled upon an unused set of untextured stairwell images on the disc, and opted to apply original textures themselves, using the Inflames-exclusive stairwell image as a model. This assumes, of course, that the "team" we're thinking of is involved at all, and they may very well not be.
                        There are two main problems about this


                        Most of the unfinished backgrounds are unusable, they present basic shapes, unfinished geometry or test camera angles, this will end in the impossibility to manually texture them in 2D space, you don't even know what the majority of those shapes are, but even if you manage to get a fully modelled but untextured background and successfully texture it:

                        2) How did you get the textures to align in another camera angle? You manually stretch them to match the new view/s?

                        This is worst way to work, you better re model the whole backgrounds than trying to texture them in Photoshop.

                        Anyway, think about this, did the backgrounds came from B.Zork? No?



                        • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
                          Anyway, think about this, did the backgrounds came from B.Zork? No?
                          We still have zero information about who they come from, and if they are custom or not.

                          But some members posted pictures of retextured backgrounds in this same topic, and even if it was a bit half assed, it was still convincing in a way. Details don't need to match perfectly, that's not what people focus their attention on when they play.


                          • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                            We still have zero information about who they come from, and if they are custom or not.

                            But some members posted pictures of retextured backgrounds in this same topic, and even if it was a bit half assed, it was still convincing in a way. Details don't need to match perfectly, that's not what people focus their attention on when they play.
                            Well, imho, if they are going to reproduce the missing parts they are surely making them from scratch or/and with the help of screenshots, and material left on the disc (if there is any), the manual texturing can work (in a very amateurish work) if there is some geometry to attach them, if there isn't anything to work with, what are you going to do?

                            Also, you get 320x240 material, already processed and with small "usable" texture portions, is not really funny to work with, I mean, seriously, this is not the correct way to do it.


                            • just because he responded to his name being mentioned does not mean go ahead and ask questions.

                              he already said the real deal will come for free with patience. he also made a post saying he sometimes thinks some people do not deserve 1.5. leave hm alone he has done more than enough already.

                              Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                              if meaning is copy i not think these are what you say is reproductions.


                              • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
                                I mean, seriously, this is not the correct way to do it.
                                Of course it's not, but it's not like there's any choice. Note that it could have been made from scratch, the geometry doesn't match the original, especially the door and the stairs. But is it a replica, an earlier version of the original, or something else?

                                We'll know that only if we get our hands on the original ISO. But honestly I couldn't care less, as long as I get to play the game I'm fine. But I can understand the fuss about those pictures, we don't really have anything else to talk about concerning that particular game these days.
                                Last edited by Rick Hunter; 10-12-2012, 06:49 AM.

