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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • If it comes out, people will shift the talking towards how awesome it would've been "had they finished it"


    • Or better yet, how awesome it would be if the chase had never ended.


      • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
        If it comes out, people will shift the talking towards how awesome it would've been "had they finished it"
        And thats why our quest is never truly over until we find the bioflames build.


        • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
          And thats why our quest is never truly over until we find the bioflames build.
          Exactly. While having the PSM build released would be the greatest chapter in the community's history, the ultimate goal is the final beta. Until that version surfaces, the PSM build will simply be the closest we can get to our goal.

          I'd image that once the "team" releases their work, there will be extensive discussion of the final beta following the honeymoon period.


          • Well the good thing is that once we get this build, we'll at least be able to use it as a solid ground for comparing to the bioflames build.


            • I'm equally interested in the early builds as much as I am the later builds like the one featured on Bioflames, perhaps more. Who knows what goodies are hidden away, for all we know Capcom might have intended many different things we don't know about. I personally think that 1.5 lost a lot of its character the more time went on, just to play some of the earlier builds and see it for what it used to be would be just as exciting as playing the final build.


              • That's true. There's something very fresh and raw about the earliest footage, where the lobby was slightly different and Leon was using a retextured Chris model. To be honest, I think the art direction was a lot stronger with the initial builds, and got a little muddier along the way. Raccoon City envisioned as a distopia seemed fresher than the Raccoon City in it's current incarnation.


                • I know this is going to sound hypocritical coming from a fan who prefers a scrapped version of RE2, but the reason that I think the final beta is superior is that it represents the developer's "final" intentions ("final" being an obviously relative state). Don't get me wrong, I would love to see the earlier betas for curiosity's sake, but if I could only choose one build to surface, it would be the final build, without hesitation.


                  • Heh, don't get me wrong either, I feel the same way. Unfortunately, it's not up to us, and when we get this build, who's to say how long we have to wait to get another one, if we ever do. I guess we should just be grateful to get anything at all.


                    • I actually predict that this release, irrespective of the build, might alleviate some of the final-build curator's apprehension. Who knows, best case scenario is that more builds start to come out of the woodwork following the initial release. All they need is a pioneer leak to pave the way. Maybe even Capcom would be moved to act by releasing the most legitimate build to nullify the saturation of leaked betas. Maybe the sky will fall. I can't wait to see!


                      • Amen, brother.


                        • That way, all these people looking to make $$$$$$ outta this will be S.O.L.


                          • Ok .. first batch of requests up - had to edit the original eye quite heavily still so it blended into the black background - but I still love it.
                            Also made a thicker version of the Japanese casing, so it matches the thicker PAL one

                            "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                            • Elizabeth and Leonard, best couple seen in videogames evah


                              • Great stuff, but I think that the older "eye" used in Zombie_X's version is more fitting for an unfinished prototype.

