Originally posted by Rick Hunter
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
Either concept name, rumors, or fake information. DJ comes from some smartass reading incorrectly the kana for ロイ. The goofy attempt could come from handwritten ロ looking like a D and イ looking like a weird J.
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
Originally posted by warren View Postincredible hacking work, never seen anything like this before
it's pity that they don't have access to the 80% beta, they would've do an even better work
But when it comes to animations and voices, it's not really possible to do anything.
Why would animation not be really possible? They can hack in rooms and events, and hack code - why wouldn't they be able to hack the animations?
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
Most likely they can manage that after coming such a long way with impressive achievements. ;) The fact that they are using brand new tools (RDT Editor / Walker sure looks like a nice piece of software) should give a nice idea of what they're capable of. I'm sure new animations (or even imported ones from RE2) will be implemented as some point.
Last edited by Gemini; 11-01-2012, 10:15 AM.
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
Did anyone else notice the significance of the Western Hallway being locked? I hadn't realized it at first, but this video may hold important clues for the RPD game-play of each character.
My guess:
Leon's Game:
- Starts on the helipad.
- Leon descends the outdoor stairwell, enters the 3F Hallway door, then enters the door to the Chief's office (the first save room).
- The door to the Conference Room is locked, so he can only enter the 3F Elevator Hall. The Elevator's power is down so he uses the Western Stairwell to reach the 1F Western Hallway (the door from the 2F Elevator Hall to the 2F Hallway is probably locked).
- Leon can then access the 1F Office, Reception, Interrogation Rooms, and Lobby (the door to the Eastern Hallway is probably locked). He eventually finds the 2F Key somewhere here.
- In the southern interrogation room, he encounters Roy, and a dialogue similar to that with Marvin in retail-RE2 ensues.
- Leon meets up with Marvin at some point on 2F, as he can be seen in an Inflames-exclusive image. Somewhere here they find the key to the 1F Eastern Hallway, allowing them to reach the basement for the boss fight, and ultimately the Sewer.
Elza's Game:
- Starts in the RPD 1F Lobby
- As shown in the new video, she can only enter the Reception Room and the Eastern Hallway at first.
- She descends to the basement (the rear door is blocked by a crate), and perhaps meets John somewhere on B1, or maybe later on the upper floors. She probably finds the key to the 1F Western Hallway somewhere down there.
- With this key, she can now access the upper floors of the RPD, and encounters Roy in the southern interrogation room (again, similar to retail Marvin).
- Somewhere along the way she creates a shortcut for herself by dropping behind the RPD and moving the crate out of the way to allow easier access to the Eastern Hallway. She probably uses the Fire Extinguisher object to douse the Van fire and collect an item.
- She eventually makes her way up to the 3F Conference Room for the boss fight, then uses the rear emergency exit door to reach the helipad (against John's advice, as seen in the Inflames-exclusive image). From this outdoor stairwell they can unlock the door leading to the 3F Hallway, which had been locked from the other side before the boss fight. Similarly, the Conference Room emergency exit was locked from the inside, preventing Leon from entering but allowing Elza and John to exit.
- They then use the Time Bomb object to blow up the crates blocking the ladder, and can now descend to the Sewer manhole.
One interesting piece of evidence that suggests that Elza investigates the second floor later than Leon does can be found in these Inflames-exclusive images:
In the first two images with Leon, the corpse's feet are positioned to the left, and he is recently deceased. Leon can be seen making a mental note: "Everyone has either been eaten by a zombie or turned into one themselves." In the third and fourth images with Elza, however, the zombie's feet are positioned to the right, and Elza can be seen shooting the zombie before he gets a chance to awaken.
I suppose it is possible, though, that the reverse is true. In other words, Leon encounters the zombie corpse after it has already been shot by Elza, hence the change of feet position.
What do you guys think?
Well, the idea would be to have the original RE2 stuff to dub the entire game. I would so love to have Alyson Court to dub Elza as well, her voice would fit the character like a charm.
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.