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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Just because the typewriter is there doesn't necessarily mean the save function will be implemented. It asks for ink ribbons, sure. This could just be a tease, with no ink ribbons to be found in the game due to the save feature potentially not working properly - or it could just be that the typewriter model sits there and pressing the action button next to it triggers the text with a green "INK RIBBON" font?

    Either way, I don't see why anyone would assume this is on the RE2 engine. You clearly haven't been following this thoroughly if you still think that.
    If you read this, you wasted five seconds of your life.


    • The game used ingame polygonal models of something that looked like a copy station. Hence the underlying saving structure would be completely different and of course no typewriters would be rendered into the backgrounds. I find it a bit lame being called a troll for not being enthusiastic.


      • I have a feeling that whoever these guys are, they are keeping a close eye on what's going on at THIA.

        Two concrete examples: I believe Enigmatism415 asked a few weeks (or perhaps months) ago what was behind the L-Section of B2 Hallway that we had no footage of. The team inserted a small piece of footage at the end of this video, finally revealing this mystery. Another thing was the confirmation of the B2 Hallway that we had been discussing just a few weeks ago. Not only did Black Crow hypothesize that there were 2 basement floors, but Alzaire also clarified that the hallway with the Morgue and Power Room belonged in the B2 floor. Coincidence? I think not.

        Another thing. I intended to update my project in the near future, and I've been poking at the idea of including different betas in the screenshots section. And one of the things I noticed was that the Famitsu Beta had some different camera angles (and enemy placement) from the PlaystationMuseum Build. I don't know if it was intentional, but the footage of Reception section had pretty much all the camera angles that exist in the Famitsu Beta giving us a chance to compare them. Notice that the Lobby wasn't so thorough? That's because the camera angles are the same.

        I strongly recommend that we ignite whatever subjects are still worthy of discussion. I've been doing it for the purpose of updating and completing my small project, but there's now an additional incentive. If this group is kind enough to waste some time following our discussions and confirm our suspicions whenever they get the chance to release a little bit of footage, we should take this chance to discuss whatever matters could still be clarified by them.


        Originally posted by Deus Flux View Post
        However, and I know it has been mentioned before on this forum -- but the more 1.5 footage I see, the more and more RE3 looks suspiciously like an alternate version of 1.5. There's several rooms that can be compared but take that "A beautiful painting of a woman" image for example.

        There's a room in RE3 where Carlos has to push a big bell out of the way. That room layout looks the same to me but at a slightly different angle.
        It's the first time I've read this on THIA, but this expresses my feelings perfectly after replaying RE3 recently. I know Mikami wasn't talking about RE 1.5 when he claimed that RE3 felt like RE 1.9, but I get the sense that a lot of ideas they got for RE3 were conceptual left-overs from RE 1.5 that were eventually expanded upon when they started working on RE3. The gameplay, in particular, seems to be a spiritual successor to RE 1.5's, with the emphasis on action.

        Finally, a big thank you to Zombie_X for his awesome BioHazard 2 game cover.

        BioHazard YouTube Channel
        BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


        • Originally posted by MattJon View Post
          Something minor, but it caught my eye, the Zork video is missing the ceiling fan shown in the PSM one
          Mysterious indeed... Well, the ceiling fan is a 3D object, so they may have either moved it or deleted it to more accurately reflect the "80%" Inflames build.


          • The fan wouldnt be on if power is off in the lobby, so they couldnt make it stop twirling and cut it out? My best guess.
            Also, I hope they are reading this and know how awesome I think they are for doing this.


            • This one about the fan should be simple to answer: RE1-2-3 place 3D objects in a room by using the event code stored in one of the RDT segments, usually the initializer. Some of these 3D objects can be even animated by using a set of commands to make them move, spin, zoom, etc. My best guess here would be that they were rewriting most of the event code in that room to include new triggers and whatnot, so maybe they didn't include the spinning fan in the rewrite in order to crunch as much important stuff as possible for the trailer.
              Last edited by Gemini; 11-01-2012, 04:27 PM.

              Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
              , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


              • the fan's hole still there in the roof, so probably they have to add the 3d model by theirself, is hard to put a 3d object in the game?


                • it seems obvious to me that we will be able to save in the game. They want to create something that resemble a complete version as much as possible


                  • Checking all the other lobby videos, sometimes it's there, others it isn't. Maybe it can be shot down, unlikely as that is. The second PSM video shows the zombies breaking through, and it stays intact, so that rules out it being a scripted event that it falls when that happens.

                    In the Zork video Ada suddenly disappears at 2:07. So would she magically reappear after Leon defeats the gorillas, and another cutscene plays out? Or maybe she runs off quite often, like in retail 2.

                    Also, the door codes no longer appear in this new video, something that was still present in the Inflames screenshots. Perhaps because half the rooms are new anyway. Regardless, this is still excellent news!


                    • I'va got a weird thought xD Could the name of the group be "Team Sandwich" ? xD If you listen carefully you can hear a zombified "Saaaaandwiich" at the beginning of the video after the Capcom Intro FMV. I could be completlely wrong though....

                      EDIT: Has anyone seen that animation of elza at the lobby at the very beginning of the video whan she put out that knife ? She didn't had that knife before and then she put the knife out and began to fight with it completely without going into the Inventory. May this be the secondary weapon feature discussed previously on bioflames ?
                      Last edited by Alfred; 11-01-2012, 05:15 PM.
                      Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                      • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
                        I'va got a weird thought xD Could the name of the group be "Team Sandwich" ? xD If you listen carefully you can hear a zombified "Saaaaandwiich" at the beginning of the video after the Capcom Intro FMV. I could be completlely wrong though....

                        EDIT: Has anyone seen that animation of elza at the lobby at the very beginning of the video whan she put out that knife ? She didn't had that knife before and then she put the knife out and began to fight with it completely without going into the Inventory. May this be the secondary weapon feature discussed previously on bioflames ?
                        I believe so. It seems to be like the secondary weapon from Dino Crisis 2. Also I think that is an awesome idea, especially for an old RE game. Shows you haw far a head of time 1.5 was.

                        Also guys, I know this wouldn't be the 80% build, but what if they mod it to 100% and then also make FMV's? That'd be so rad IMO. I'm pretty sure they have the ability to make FMV video's.
                        My Head-Fi Page


                        • sure, making an FMV isnt impossible and doesn't take a company now like it did in 1997. I could see it.


                          • These guys are cool and everything else, but no one is going to tell me that I have to buy RE6.


                            • BTW, I would die to see the character selection screen on this game when (or maybe if) it gets released...
                              Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                              • Originally posted by fishboil View Post
                                These guys are cool and everything else, but no one is going to tell me that I have to buy RE6.

                                AHAHAH so funny!

                                as i said sometime back, RE1.5 is so much cool than RE6.

