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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I'm sure they have the means to add in voice files. Getting the right people to record dialogue though, that's a different matter all together.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
      Depends on how much they'd like to be involved with an illegal project.
      I'm just curious and I'm not trying to be rude or anything. I've just been noticing that just about every post of yours for the last few pages have been negative? I mean I can understand not getting your hopes up but I'm wondering do you not want 1.5 released?


      • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
        Also, someone should send them every snippet of 80% inflames info that exists
        I'm sure that they have all of those and more ;)...


        • I see this "RE1.5 had computers to save games, not typewriters" fantasy is going to die awfully hard. Oh, well .... That was the first thing that clued me in that this was the real thing. It was something I predicted way back when, even though I knew it was going against the grain. There's three or four other things I'm looking for, and one of those may have been - well, not confirmed, but supported by this latest video. Like Alzaire, though, I'm gonna play my cards close until I see more.

          I was wrong about the Save Room on 1F - but only partially so, it seems. The bathroom was actually across the hall, and the second stairwell was in that void. I never thought of that. Even so ... why isn't the bathroom on the known "good" RPD1F map? That's damn peculiar ... unless it's just a door image and is never meant to open. Like the ones in the BH2 Beta 1 test basement hallway.

          Enig, you ideas on how the games start are pretty much the same as mine. That discrepancy in their game times was rather vexing as I tried to come up with a way that their paths would never cross. My data was more limited when I first worked on them, though. Didn't know about that second stairwell.

          As to a PC port, it wouldn't be that hard to port the PSX version of RE15 to the PC version and not change anything, not even the backgrounds - given what the PMODers can do now. Hell, I ported half the rooms of RE2 Beta 2 myself one weekend just to see what would happen, using some of the PMODder's tricks, and I was able to play it quite well, sounds and all - given that it's beta code. You should visit the RE 1 2 3 modding forums sometime - those folks are actually pretty good at what they do. The big snag is the multiplane object layering - making it look "3D". Nobody in the PMOD community's been able to duplicate that yet, as Marvin pointed out earlier. Whoever these guys are, they're really good. Really, really good.

          One other thing to think about. The RE2/BH2 Trial was a hack of beta 1 code. It had the text intro we all know about. Here comes RE15 and it has that same intro. The Trial had all those RE15 backgrounds and other assets buried deep in it that we weren't ever supposed to see ... but eventually did. Might not that text intro be another leftover RE15 asset? That's what I thought way back when, which I why I used it in my video series.

          Two data points down, several more to go ....

          Oh, and I've updated the set of RPD 1F East Hallway images. I was missing one. Here's the new link:

          I didn't include that one image with the Parking Garage, Enig, because it appears to be a cutscene only image. Somebody else can add it if they want.
          Last edited by RMandel; 11-02-2012, 01:38 AM.


          • Originally posted by RMandel View Post
            I see this "RE1.5 had computers to save games, not typewriters" fantasy is going to die awfully hard. Oh, well .... That was the first thing that clued me in that this was the real thing. It was something I predicted way back when, even though I knew it was going against the grain. There's three or four other things I'm looking for, and one of those may have been - well, not confirmed, but supported by this latest video. Like Alzaire, though, I'm gonna play my cards close until I see more.

            I was wrong about the Save Room on 1F - but only partially so, it seems. The bathroom was actually across the hall, and the second stairwell was in that void. I never thought of that. Even so ... why isn't the bathroom on the known "good" RPD1F map? That's damn peculiar ... unless it's just a door image and is never meant to open. Like the ones in the BH2 Beta 1 test basement hallway.

            Enig, you ideas on how the games start are pretty much the same as mine. That discrepancy in their game times was rather vexing as I tried to come up with a way that their paths would never cross. My data was more limited when I first worked on them, though. Didn't know about that second stairwell.

            As to a PC port, it wouldn't be that hard to port the PSX version of RE15 to the PC version and not change anything, not even the backgrounds - given what the PMODers can do now. Hell, I ported half the rooms of RE2 Beta 2 myself one weekend just to see what would happen, using some of the PMODder's tricks, and I was able to play it quite well, sounds and all - given that it's beta code. You should visit the RE 1 2 3 modding forums sometime - those folks are actually pretty good at what they do. The big snag is the multiplane object layering - making it look "3D". Nobody in the PMOD community's been able to duplicate that yet, as Marvin pointed out earlier. Whoever these guys are, they're really good. Really, really good.

            One other thing to think about. The RE2/BH2 Trial was a hack of beta 1 code. It had the text intro we all know about. Here comes RE15 and it has that same intro. The Trial had all those RE15 backgrounds and other assets buried deep in it that we weren't ever supposed to see ... but eventually did. Might not that text intro be another leftover RE15 asset? That's what I thought way back when, which I why I used it in my video series.

            Two data points down, several more to go ....

            Oh, and I've updated the set of RPD 1F East Hallway images. I was missing one. Here's the new link:

            I didn't include that one image with the Parking Garage, Enig, because it appears to be a cutscene only image. Somebody else can add it if they want.
            It has yet to be determined whether the typewriter background is authentic or not, I think the general consensus is that it isn't, so I think it's too early to put the nail in that coffin just yet.


            • Not to mention there's never any mention of ink ribbons in the ripped 1.5 item list we have, nor is there any typewriters present in any of the Trial edition backgrounds. You have memory cards and computers in their place. Whoever is modding this seems to be having a lot of fun putting in easter eggs, or have the intention of replacing the computers with typewriters.

              The bathroom was actually across the hall, and the second stairwell was in that void. I never thought of that. Even so ... why isn't the bathroom on the known "good" RPD1F map?
              Ever thought that maybe the "bathroom" door is just supposed to be something the modders put in their to take a jab at the lack of rest rooms in Raccoon City? That room is custom-made after all, as they even have a Claire Redfield poster on the wall.

              As for the stairwell, like you I also thought the east one was just a save room. But now it's become apparent that there are two stairwells in the RPD: west stairwell for accessing the upper floors, east stairwell for accessing the basement levels. The location of the stairs pretty much mirror those in RE2 retail.
              Last edited by biohazard_star; 11-02-2012, 02:39 AM.
              Seibu teh geimu?


              • Originally posted by justinlrich1993 View Post

                Except for that little grammatical error. There shouldn't be an 's' at the end of appear.
                "Most (of it) appears to be missing people or random assault cases."

                In that case it would be correct.


                • I just hope some idiot on youtube doesn't ruin it for everyone by being rude and abusive to the team, there are already some stupid comments on the youtube video , I think MrBZork should Disable comments. You can see the team has put alot of effort and time into the project and I would hate for one stupid person to ruin it for everyone who is supporting him and his team.

                  anyone know if the sewers are included in the 40% build and if not is it possible for the team to add them if they wanted ? , do they have the ability to do that ? amazing if they do, Id love to see how they edited the game one day.


                  • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                    I just hope some idiot on youtube doesn't ruin it for everyone by being rude and abusive to the team, there are already some stupid comments on the youtube video , I think MrBZork should Disable comments. You can see the team has put alot of effort and time into the project and I would hate for one stupid person to ruin it for everyone who is supporting him and his team.

                    anyone know if the sewers are included in the 40% build and if not is it possible for the team to add them if they wanted ? , do they have the ability to do that ? amazing if they do, Id love to see how they edited the game one day.
                    There are images in magazines which show some parts of the sewers from the same era of development but it's never been confirmed just how much of the sewers was completed or even if they're on this particular disc.


                    • The design of the Eastern Stairwell is rather confusing... but no less important because it dictates the orientations of B1 and B2.

                      Here is a simple render I made, showing what I believe the layout to be, based on the new video and screenshots:

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	ESWmodel1.png
Views:	1
Size:	226.4 KB
ID:	401881Click image for larger version

Name:	ESWmodel2.png
Views:	1
Size:	501.9 KB
ID:	401882

                      Do you guys think that this is how the stairwell is arranged? If so, then that means that both B1 and B2 would have to be rotated 180 degrees on my map. Please provide feedback!
                      Last edited by Enigmatism415; 11-02-2012, 05:00 AM.


                      • I thought the first floor landing seemed too small for it to be a room on its own, which leads me to believe that there are two flights of stairs in the first floor area that you would have to descend. One would descend down to a small mezzanine walkway (the one we see in the new stairwell pic with Leon), while the other one is at the bottom, which will lead you to B1. You wouldn't need to change the orientation of the basement areas in your maps if it's like this. This is supported by the fact that the height of the ceilings in the parking garage and service bay (which are on B1) are at least twice that of the other rooms.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled.png
Views:	1
Size:	11.3 KB
ID:	401884
                        Last edited by biohazard_star; 11-02-2012, 05:59 AM.
                        Seibu teh geimu?


                        • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                          I agree, the areas that they chose to showcase were hardly random. I trust that the team's next video and screenshot package in December will contain several more juicy backgrounds.

                          My new background wishlist for Santa:
                          - the unseen and rarely-seen hallways and corridors of the RPD


                          The team isn't italian, stop spreading wrong info again
                          Hail the heros of the revolution!


                          • Here are some of my collected notes since the release of this epic Trailer:

                            It is awfully rude to post translation corrections. If I would be doing this mod/fix and seeing that I would have feeling to toss whole stuff to corner. We should not criticize anything. This what has been done is a masterpiece even if its "tilted" away from 1.5 we know of. Of course if they implement always flying pony in the main lobby we should beg for it to be removed. But I see rather pony with real main lobby than no lobby at all to "touch" with my very own hands. Remember, those guys are investing their whole time and skill into this. Whining about details could end up disastrous for us.

                            I would not stress from this moment on what is "real" 1.5 and what is "fan made". I love this team work. If something is custom made for a place that does not exist on "real" 1.5, I take it all in. Its a new realm for me to enjoy. I absolutely adore the work I have seen so far. Be it typewriter or a sheet of paper to write game save on like in Silent Hill, I don't care.
                            All I care is to be able to see this stuff coming to reality. I have lived in dreams over 12 years to see anything new about 1.5 and I have collected every piece available in internet. This is my life.

                            I am not a keeper of this thread nor a police officer (even though I am a officer in R.P.D. ) of our community and I can not do much to touch anyone's soul. But consider this - from now on is perfect time to **** up something by our community toward this team and their work. Lets all be thankful and hopeful on this whole stuff we are given chance to see. Think before you post, moreover, as we think they actually read this thread.
                            Last edited by Marvin; 11-02-2012, 08:00 AM.
                            ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                            • I hope they can fix the guerrilla truck sequence glitch as well as give us some more insight on that mysterious cell area and the sewers in their next footage !
                              Last edited by Guest; 11-02-2012, 09:14 AM.


                              • TBH, this "team" doesn't seem particularly sensitive to people's complaints or negative criticism. There seems to be a whole new level of maturity and understanding that we've not yet experienced and which is rare in the RE community. So I am not overly concerned about people saying stupid shit in the youtube comments, or even community members offering criticism on this forum.

