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  • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
    TBH, this "team" doesn't seem particularly sensitive to people's complaints or negative criticism. There seems to be a whole new level of maturity and understanding that we've not yet experienced and which is rare in the RE community.
    Not true. Kendo shares with us a lot of info on betas and he's not immature. The biohazard 1 samples were released without drama (yes I'm sure that it was some THIA members who are (were?) actively searching for protos)... the only immature person was the "curator" of that shitty playstation museum. And he was very eccentric and attention-seeking, remember that "give me a psp and a picture of someone who looks like elza walker" shit?
    Hail the heros of the revolution!


    • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
      TBH, this "team" doesn't seem particularly sensitive to people's complaints or negative criticism. There seems to be a whole new level of maturity and understanding that we've not yet experienced and which is rare in the RE community. So I am not overly concerned about people saying stupid shit in the youtube comments, or even community members offering criticism on this forum.
      Exactly what I was thinking. Usually when it comes to the RE hacking community all you can say about a mod is "GREAT", "Fantastic work!" or "Just wow!", otherwise you automatically become an asshole and they start answering with pre-recorderd messages such as "you don't like my work? GET OUT!", which is basically "LAH LAH LAH! I CANT HEAR YOU" spam. I'd expect this kind of reaction from a 10 year old child, but when you see that coming from adults it's depressing at best. I'm glad "the team" doesn't give a shit.

      Originally posted by ParasiteAdam View Post
      I've just been noticing that just about every post of yours for the last few pages have been negative?
      I'm not negative, I'm being realistic. This hack is a quality one but some of the ideas coming from the fans, like official dubbing, are only a fantasy.
      Last edited by Gemini; 11-02-2012, 10:54 AM.

      Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
      , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


      • I agree, and honestly, it's a bit stupid talking about creating new FMVs and voice acting. People should be happy with what they "might" have and stop day dreaming.


        • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
          I would not stress from this moment on what is "real" 1.5 and what is "fan made". I love this team work. If something is custom made for a place that does not exist on "real" 1.5, I take it all in. Its a new realm for me to enjoy. I absolutely adore the work I have seen so far.
          Amen brother and thanks again to the team for making this possible so we the fans can enjoy this unreleased gem sometime...............soon hopefully. by the way Marvin de donde eres?


          • Originally posted by UmbrellaSpy View Post
            Marvin de donde eres?
            Surprisingly I am from Raccoon City, worked there as R.P.D. officer for few years. Escaped city during the breakout incident as, you see, they tried to kill me in retail though, but I managed to survive in other realm; place called one-point-fife
            Last edited by Marvin; 11-02-2012, 11:20 AM.
            ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


            • hey, it ain't illegal to dream, yet..


              • Isn't the whole world just a dream?

                And what is not dream? Something you can touch and sense? Is gaming real? or Dream? Playing a game is dreaming? Or reality? Why they call it virtual reality then? Playing is not real then? Or is it? It's virtually real. So If I manifest myself virtually to R.P.D. is it a dream or virtual reality. It's not a dream I think. Is virtual reality a reality in its own essence? Yes, I heard some people married in Second Life (for real? in virtual reality?).

                So, I conclude, thus, I am not dreaming; I am living this virtual reality.

                For hijacking the topic I give virtually real (dreamful though ) police warning.

                And back to topic:

                Tel me, in light of last day, what you think goes on in persons mind who has 80% build under pillow? I'd really like to know.

                EDIT: I think he or she is paying attention and is one of the viewers in logs for our beloved trailer.
                Last edited by Marvin; 11-02-2012, 12:01 PM.
                ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                • Maybe, they could obsess about it every day. I still think the team will create a more pleasing atmosphere for 1.5 80% build to possibly surface.


                  • I dont care what build I play lol, just to get a chance to play any build in my short life time would be amazing.


                    • I really hope the shotgun has the pump sound added, I know it didn't have it in 1.5 around this build era. the m870 is pump action.


                      • if this is the same beta as PSM build, doesnt have the pump sound. look at 2:43

                        Last edited by GrrMew; 11-02-2012, 01:48 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Marvin View Post

                          It is awfully rude to post translation corrections. If I would be doing this mod/fix and seeing that I would have feeling to toss whole stuff to corner. We should not criticize anything. This what has been done is a masterpiece even if its "tilted" away from 1.5 we know of. Of course if they implement always flying pony in the main lobby we should beg for it to be removed. But I see rather pony with real main lobby than no lobby at all to "touch" with my very own hands. Remember, those guys are investing their whole time and skill into this. Whining about details could end up disastrous for us.
                          Please keep in mind that analysis and criticism are two entirely different things. Merely pointing out a (very minuscule) error in one of the many pieces of text shown is not criticism, it's just bringing to light a detail that is openly available for any person to see. Please also keep in mind that after I posted that correction, it was followed up with a post where I complimented their translation and brought up the fact that not even Capcom does perfect translations.

                          If the team put this much effort into the project so far, then they obviously know the community is whiny and bitches about everything, and they know to expect death threats and other such bullshit. Do you think they would be giving us so many teasers if they didn't know the impact they would have and that the community will pick it all apart? If the team is as intelligent as they have proven to be, they'd likely be more offended that people seem to have no faith in them rather than that someone pointed out a simple translation error.


                          • And it's for those very reasons they are smart to keep as anonymous as they have been.

                            With regards to the custom rooms/content, it might be based off early-renders of those rooms implemented in-game or on the disc. We can't say for certain, probably until this is released. So the "new" hall, with access to the bathroom and secondary stairwell, could be based off the actual hall, but maybe they interpreted the objects/textures placed therein? It's always a possibility. They seem to want to stay true to the original source, as much as is possible anyway. Kudos to them. It's a very professional project with few precedents.


                            • I do wonder, having seen that halloween teaser multiple times, if the theme used in the east hallway (from retail) was originally a 1.5 theme, or if they're simply using retail music to fill in the gaps? Either way it works nearly seamlessly and is very impressive. If it was a theme originally written for 1.5, it makes me wonder how much of the rest of the retail soundtrack was actually recycled 1.5 material... quite curious.


                              • Originally posted by justinlrich1993 View Post
                                Please keep in mind that analysis and criticism are two entirely different things. Merely pointing out a (very minuscule) error in one of the many pieces of text shown is not criticism, it's just bringing to light a detail that is openly available for any person to see. Please also keep in mind that after I posted that correction, it was followed up with a post where I complimented their translation and brought up the fact that not even Capcom does perfect translations.
                                I'm sure they are considered of their work, so posting suggestion of whatever kind of feedback is always seen as a positive thing.

                                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.

