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  • Not really sure whether I'm going to believe if the info is legit or not. But assuming it is, while it may appear nice that this Gman dude is apparently releasing new info for us public sheeple, releasing info that should otherwise remain private could be shitting things up behind the scenes. Honestly, compared to the 15 year waiting game we've all been playing, we seem to be pretty near a release. Why screw up things now? The shitstorm on ASSEMBLER is amazing, btw.

    Maybe we can do a new 2D version for kicks while we wait, like old times.
    I'd rather you just make a complete 3D mock-up in Sketchup. I've actually made one, based on the map you drew up, but it's far from complete.
    Last edited by biohazard_star; 11-02-2012, 11:43 PM.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • that guy is why we can't have nice things.


      • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
        5 months ago: *New footage released*
        4 months ago: They are trolling us, there's no new footage!
        3 months ago: They are trolling us, there's no new footage!
        2 months ago: *New footage about scammer released*
        1 months ago: They are trolling us, there's no new footage!

        This month: *New footage released*

        Next month: They are trolling us, there's no new footage!

        Yeah, right, we suuuuuuureee can wait a couple of months.
        MMMMMM, i think that's logical... yes, i read the trolling post, just they are angry for waiting all this years... and yes, sometimes i get like them, but that's normal...

        The post of the differences, maybe this differences will be the most relevant, even if everyone know:
        -Idle Animations of Elza & Leon.
        -Voices differences between the builds.
        -Varations of Music.
        -Images from Pla-ceholders.
        -Buggys Mistakes corrected or not corrected.

        Just that`s my point of view, and you're right Darkness, my bad... i need to study more this beta... more than i know
        Last edited by STARSRedfield; 11-03-2012, 12:23 AM.


        • Hmmm that GMan guy has been posting images left and right on assembler. Does anyone have access to them? I'd like to have a look since theres something I need to check about them.


          • Originally posted by ParasiteAdam View Post
            Hmmm that GMan guy has been posting images left and right on assembler. Does anyone have access to them? I'd like to have a look since theres something I need to check about them.
            Yeah i tried too but even being a member from the fórum i dont have Access...


            • Originally posted by ParasiteAdam View Post
              Hmmm that GMan guy has been posting images left and right on assembler. Does anyone have access to them? I'd like to have a look since theres something I need to check about them.
              I had access to Assembler a few minutes to see the images, but i can not log in... i don't have an account there, if you can acces, post that images to analize them from here... i can't view it...
              Last edited by STARSRedfield; 11-03-2012, 12:44 AM.


              • I just need to check em out to test a theory. I have just as little access to them


                • I'm on assembler but theres no way in hell I'd post them. That guy screwed MrBZork and his privacy, thats why they are supposed to be called private messages


                  • Hell ya, every sign of trust... means a stab in the back... he must have waited for the release date or until MrBZork release Info again, according with the supposed info from the PM that he sent to GMan for confirming and new info for the other release of info. etc. etc... that's not logical!
                    Last edited by STARSRedfield; 11-03-2012, 01:05 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                      I'm on assembler but theres no way in hell I'd post them. That guy screwed MrBZork and his privacy, thats why they are supposed to be called private messages
                      Fair enough. I'm just a bit curious to what they exactly say. Since I haven't actually seen them I can't assume how bad the info is or if its even bad at all you know?


                      • Originally posted by ParasiteAdam View Post
                        Fair enough. I'm just a bit curious to what they exactly say. Since I haven't actually seen them I can't assume how bad the info is or if its even bad at all you know?
                        He is saying all the future info of Biohazard 2 Prototype a.k.a. Resident Evil 1.5, why the team did not release the game at November 1, and everything... i think that MrBZork was going to explain us why the game wasn't released that day... or the causes... i'm only guessing
                        Last edited by STARSRedfield; 11-03-2012, 02:39 AM.


                        • Yup, now i can see the images, well basically MrBZork is asking him why he didnt shut his f**king mouth ( literally). Because for some reason that guy know more information than all us (rest of users), so he asked him if he could keep all the information by himself, something that he didn' how this "issue" gonna affect this i right? or i misundertood everything? XD
                          Last edited by GrrMew; 11-03-2012, 11:53 AM.


                          • Question for B.Zork - does the unaltered RE15 40% build use typewriters, computers, or something else, or maybe nothing for game saves? Help us resolve this years-old piece of fan speccy once and for all. Thank you.


                            • I can't understand why that gman guy won't shut the fuck up. That kind of pathetic behavior deserves a ban and all of his messages deleted.


                              • Took a sleep, woke up, washed up, ate and had a deep smoke. Logged to computer, and whoa: SHIT HAS HIT THE FAN.
                                Now, stuff like this is what I was afraid of. It really hurts. Really really really.

                                I hope you all agree on me with following statements:

                                -- To the makers of this project --
                                Please forgive existence of persons who might make you mad, I really beg you. Me, and many others in this forum, and elsewhere are taking high interest on this project. Please, don't stop Your great work. We have suffered years back heavily during Curator incident. Majority of us here, wish no harm, but we, are run by wish to try out 1.5 before we die. Maybe I am over stressed/obsessed about 1.5. But it has been my childhood wish for ages now. I have no riches in my life, and my joy is resident evil; solely dreaming about 1.5.

                                -- To moderators of forums --
                                Please take a close look around everywhere and execute immediate actions against anyone harming this project, either by immediate deletion of post or permanent ban.
                                ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies

